You didn’t think I would give up on my Christmas card vision, did you? I let Mikey and Nico have their fun, but then I told them to look at each other and smile or by God there would be trouble. You can see by their laughter how seriously they take my threats. Moments after this picture (one of two that looked respectable enough to send to The Mister’s boss of two weeks) they played “let’s pretend you just shot me” back and forth. They are lucky my dear friend Tristan can edit a photo within an inch of its life. Trust me, this picture is unrecognizable from the original. Christmas cards. Bah, humbug.
Tristan did the image editing, but Carey Bunker from Lasso’d Moon Designs had the pleasure of dealing with my indecision. Actually, this time I didn’t flip-flop much. I already had an idea of what I wanted, and she just finessed it into looking pretty. I never could find a quote I loved, but the anonymous one I adapted works well enough. I could do without the passive voice, but I doubt anyone will return our cards with “USE ACTIVE VOICE” scrawled across the top in red wax pencil. (Don’t even think about it, mom.)
I’ve known Carey for years from hanging out in the same online circles, though we’ve never met in person. This time around, she answered one of my last minute pleas on Twitter. I was looking for an independent company to do my Christmas cards and she gave me an option that fit within my meager budget. She designed the files and sent them to me to handle printing. I used Mpix, and I should be getting my delivery any day! I’m a little nervous because I chose a shimmer finished paper (I thought it would look nice with the snowy white background that comprises most of the Christmas card) and I am hoping my “wild and crazy”� deviation from traditional linen pays off.
Don’t worry if you aren’t up for the hassle of printing them yourself, either at home or with an outside facility. The print-it-yourself option among designers reflects the economy, of course, but Carey can give you a quote that encompasses all the bells and whistles, as she usually handles printing in-house. The quote I received (no perks) tempted me. Really tempted me. But, a budget is a budget and until we receive The Mister’s first paycheck from his new job, I’m loathe to spend more than what I know we can afford right now. Next year, I’ll have Carey handle all the printing–I’m sure of it. That’s not just because I couldn’t figure out that infernal Mpix website and had to email Carey three times for help, either.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I went to etsy last week and when I searched for custom photo cards, I about drowned under a sea of possible vendors. My brain said, almost immediately, FORGET IT. Then I whined on Twitter. I figured I would save any of you scrambling for cards the trouble of wading through all those options and give you a recommendation. Right now, Carey is accepting custom orders through the 14th, non-personalized by the 18th, and is refunding the cost of Priority shipping on stationery bought in sets of two. (This is not a sponsored post, and I receive no compensation or commission from any sales.)
On a slightly related note, am I the only one who has received no more than a couple of cards so far? Either everyone is running late or people aren’t sending cards this year. Yes, it’s only the first week of December, but by now I have at least five, maybe ten.
I really love that photo! Your boys are too cute. Great job – on the adorable children and the fabulous image. :)
Love how your cards turned out. I have received one card so far and that was from the Clinton Foundation. Not sure that counts. Can’t really talk though because I don’t have mine done yet either.
Just yesterday I thought to myself it was odd that I have not received a single card yet! Either people are late or they don’t like us anymore. Hoping it’s the former.
Wonderful! Great job Carey, Tristan and two silly boys!
Please report back on mpix. I have had good results with printing online (overnight prints and uprint have been exceptional) but I always like to keep my options open.
Oh my gosh. Love that picture and your Christmas cards! I’m getting ready to mail ours, but I’m with you: Am I the only one sending this year? I haven’t gotten a single card so far. I love Christmas cards, but I certainly don’t want to be the only one hanging on people’s refrigerators! :) Maybe we should send cards to our blog friends, since everyone in blogland seems to be sending them…
I think that is the coolest card I have ever seen! Beautiful job!!
They look great!! I don’t think anybody will mind the passive voice when they see those sweet smiles. :)
I’m usually that obnoxious person who has her cards stamped and sent the day after Thanksgiving but this year, I haven’t gotten around to even making my list yet. We’ve only gotten 5 cards so far and 2 of those were from the mailman and the newspaper delivery lady.
Gorgeous card! I think we are ditching the idea of having pictures of the kids. Or at least anything beyond my eldest’s school picture. That’s always the most painful part of the process for us. You did a great job, though!
I like this picture because you can’t really see their faces that much. I know that sounds terrible, but with the blog and facebook, does anyone really need more pictures of my kids? ;) I think next year I might try a card without a picture, or a more artistic picture. Who knows!
SOOO cute! But of course anything you do is great. I totally thought the same thing about Christmas cards. I don’t usually send mine out this early, (I’m lucky if they’re in the mail Christmas Eve) but normally I have several by now (for sure from a college friend who always sends them out the day after Thanksgiving!). Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Happy Thursday!
Such a cute photo and card! Fantastic idea.
I just used mpix for the first time this week for prints – I was really pleased with the results (much better quality over what I had been using). I am sure they will arrive looking beautiful.
Thanks for showing it off Jules- your awesome photo made it easy!
I haven’t sent out cards for several years – it always felt like one more society-imposed-mama-obligation at Christmas – but I haven’t received any yet, either, and that is odd. I think it might have something to do with Facebook – we all see pictures and get updates every day, so maybe some people feel that cards aren’t necessary anymore.
The boys are gorgeous. I envy that you had something to work with for a card.
Yesterday I did think it was odd that we only had one ‘real’ (not from an organization) card but I have no room to talk. Since my four year old refuses to cooperate my cards are getting out late. I seriously need to figure out how to morph witch poses with gnarled hands into a pretty princess smiling serenely or justify sending out cards with photos of only one toddler.
Those cards are beyond adorable! It’s funny you mentioned that shimmer paper. We got a card here in the office that was printed on it and I bored my poor co-worker to death about how much I loved it and how it took the quality of the card to a whole other level. I’m surprised she didn’t gag me and shove me in the closet. Your cards are going to be beautiful!
And I have gotten one card this year. I love Christmas cards. They are one of my favorite things about the season. This year I’m disappointed.
Very cute. The boys look so happy and at ease which is nice to see on a Christmas card instead of stiff poses and fake smiles.
What a beautiful card! Your boys are adorable!
I may be out of the loop here, but did you really put “The Mister” on the card? Is that how he is known to everyone, not just your blog readers? Or is that his real name :)?
Hah! No, not his real name. :) I had Carey do a version with that so I could put it on my blog and I forgot to explain it to everyone! He’s just super paranoid and private. He won’t even get on facebook! ;)
“Let’s Pretend You Just Shot Me” is like my favorite game. :)
Smashingly gorgeous cards. Get this. I haven’t received one g.d. card. I sent out over 50 last year. Email me and perhaps I could mail you one of mine.
So, SO cute, Jules! I’ve received two so far. From my mom and my grandparents. I’m presently working on ours. People will understand if they get them on the 12th day of Christmas instead of before Christmas, right??? There’s a special grace period granted to families with a newborn, right??? Ha ha ha.
The card looks great! Glad to hear the mister got a new job. And like all the other slackers out there, I don’t even know if I will get any cards out. Still haven’t got the tree up, start a new job on the 20th, and move to a new house. Something has got to give and it will probably be cards.
ordering them this weekend!!! and still no cards in the mail…sigh, sigh…sign of the times i guess…love the pic so much!! xo
That is a GORGEOUS picture. But I don’t really understand why people put ONLY pics of their kids in Xmas cards nowadays. It’s a family card! I want to see the whole family! And if I’m getting the card from my friend, I probably miss her and like pics of her. I’d love to see her kids, yes, but I’d love to see a picture of her and her husband, too, in a card!
Because family pictures are usually professional pictures, which I can’t afford right now. I could ask friends or family, but I’m particular and bossy and will feel bad telling people what to do. I actually lucked out last weekend when my sil took a family picture of us that I LOVE, but by that point I had already ordered the Christmas cards.
Oh I love it! And I’ve received two Christmas cards … two. It’s so sad … especially considering that every day I go out to the mailbox with rapt anticipation …sigh.
Of course, I haven’t sent mine out yet. Hmm…perhaps I should get on that.
Jules, the shimmer finish is gorgeous! I use Mpix for all of my printing. It adds a little flair, without being totally over the top. Rest assured Mikey and Nico won’t end up looking like Edward sparkling in the sun on top of a mountain.
+200 points.