The Ministry of Time
In 1845, a Victorian Arctic explorer by the name of Graham Gore, along with 128 men under the command of Sir John Franklin, set out on what history would call the Franklin Expedition: two ships, the Erebus and the Terror, in search of the Northwest Passage. Their ships reached the Canadian Arctic and stayed afloat…
College Planning for Parents
Nico is locked inside an unfamiliar high school, taking the ACT cold for five to six hours, so this is as good a time as any for me to share the college planning spreadsheet he teased me about on Instagram a while back. I occasionally get questions about applying to colleges and doing it in…
Happy, Happy
This is Morris. I don’t know who he belongs to. I was walking last night when I saw him resting with his back to a planter, looking like he ruled the world, as cats often do. Normally the cats in my neighborhood skedaddle when they see a stranger coming, but not Morris. He just stared…
I over-think everything, including home security.
On Netflix
What to watch on Netflix. Read the comments!
365: Body, Mind, Spirit | Week 12
I married a “still waters” guy.
Nico, A Love Story
His is the Dominator of Joy.