Hi, it’s nice to meet you!
My name is Jules. I am a Catholic wife and a mom to two teenage boys. I work as a librarian at a TK-8 Catholic school and have been blogging off and on since 2007. I tried for years to blog on one focused topic, but I am most comfortable writing about what interests me. Generally speaking, that means I write about books, family, easygoing simplicity, and my faith.
Every New Year I like to tackle a personal project. I plan to do the same for 2021.
Thank you for visiting!
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. ― William Morris
I am not a minimalist. I love a home that looks lived in and reflects the people withint its four walls. My home should be a sactuary and it should work for my family. This means I reduce clutter where I can, shop wisely, and always have a pile of books that I need to put back on the shelves.

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