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Spurred on by the success of my bill drawer re-do, I decided to revisit ” target=”_blank”>battery box and candle drawer, which took me two attempts to organize. More because it was boring more than anything else. Check out that original ‘before’ picture! What you don’t see in the last ‘after’ was the pile of candles (tapers, tea lights, etc.) that I squeezed into that small space on the right.
Having a battery box is an idea I took from my mom. She has always stored all her batteries in an old shoe box with BATTERIES spelled out in gold vinyl letters. It was so convenient to know exactly where to go for batteries because this was the age of Walkmans, “Ghetto” Blasters, and Nintendo Game & Watch. We used batteries. Hard. She still has the same box with the same letters, by the way.
Best thing I ever did was to implement the battery box. Everyone knows where to look if they need a battery. Even Nico! He knows where to go and he puts things back…most of the time. The only problem I had was with the loose batteries. Apparently, it completely and totally not safe? The jury is still out on this. Some people claim YOU CAN BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, YOU FOOL! And other people are all, eh, just don’t store them loose next to other metal objects if you want to avoid a short.
I decided to take the cautious route (shocking) and store them in a plastic container from Michael’s. Everything I read on the internet aka “where everything is true,” said to top loose 9v batteries with electrical tape or duct tape. All other loose batteries should be taped loosely together to keep opposite ends from coming into contact. All batteries have the Cheese Touch.
If you think I’m opening up packages of new batteries and organizing them into slots and then wrapping them in tape, you are seriously high. This is for already opened battery packs only.
I transferred all our AV cords and chargers into a smaller plastic box. I did the same with our telephone equipment, though I should revisit that box and see if it’s necessary to keep the contents.
So much more room! Much better.
Ugh, I’m such a pain and I know that being all pinterest-y is the exact opposite of these posts but: “CHEVRON BOXES. Where did you get such beauties?”
We keep our batteries and cords in boxes as well. We mostly leave loose batteries inside of the opened packaging where they don’t really roll around a whole lot. Now I have fears about starting fires from within our downstairs coat closet, though!
Michael’s, of course. I’m far too practical to go anywhere special. :)
“If you think I�m opening up packages of new batteries and organizing them into slots and then wrapping them in tape, you are seriously high.”
Ha. That made me laugh out loud first thing this morning. :)
ME TOO!!!! Best line I read this morning.
Jules, I’m seriously jonesing for a dresser in our living space. Between the bill drawer and this (and no great closets downstairs) I am coveting thy dresser.
Seriously, do the dresser. LIFE CHANGING.
So much to love about this post.
1) Dresser as storage. So beautiful.
2) Keeping things hidden and contained. My biggest goal!
3) �If you think I�m opening up packages of new batteries and organizing them into slots and then wrapping them in tape, you are seriously high.�
Everyone should have a dresser as storage, especially if you live in an older home and space is at a premium. I might be biased. :)
We have a long, thin drawer in our kitchen were we keep batteries and candles. I leave the batteries in their original packaging and just cut off the “hanging” tops. They’re nice little rectangular shapes, don’t go rolling everywhere and I figure if it’s safe enough to sell them in – it’s safe enough in my house. That’s the hope anyway. And I haven’t found a battery box I like better.
Also – just cleared out our AV cord-50 garage door openers that came with the house-random nonsense drawer a few weeks ago. I can’t believe how many things piled up just because we had the space. I have a free drawer now! I’m thinking “homework drawer” :)
I used the container for the batteries inside the box, because that’s what my mom always did and it works. It doesn’t work when you have little boys who like to grab what they need and then toss things back into the box willy-nilly. I suppose I could tell them to put them back properly or they’ll burn the house down (kidding, kidding) but I like that this solution takes up less space. Battery packs that aren’t opened? Those suckers will get tossed in the empty space you see in the drawer until, ideally, I de-clutter one of those new boxes.
Hi Jules, This is completely off topic, but I would love to read your reading curriculum report if you would be willing to share it. :)
Oh, geez . . . I did not know that about batteries. I’ve always just kept them ‘free’ in a drawer. I guess I better revisit my approach as well . . . :)
What?!!! Dumping opened battery packs into a ziplock bag isn’t good?! :) I had no idea. (And I’m not being sarcastic, I really didn’t know you weren’t supposed to do that.)
Personally I’ve never heard of any disasters happening from loose batteries either, but what you have done Jules is truly genius! I absolutely love the idea of a battery box, in fact a number of boxes to organize things in the home. I’m rallying up for my Spring clean and this is inspiration 101.