50 weeks! I’ve walked every day of 50 weeks and that means the year is almost to a close. I can’t believe it.
Lots of late walks this week for reasons I can’t now recall. Knowing me, procrastination and poor time management played a part. As the year draws to a close, I’m wondering what I will do next year, or if I will just take a break from schedules and projects. It’s not likely. The truth is, I’m a project/task person. I do well with assignments and to-do lists and flounder when I don’t have direction or goals.
I won’t give up my daily walks, that much I know. I’m afraid, though, that if I don’t photograph them or have some sort of accountability then I’ll start skipping days.
One of the ideas I’m considering is an updated William Morris Project. My Little Things month in October went well. I finally did all those little things that make such a big difference, rather than focusing on the big tasks like I was in the past. This idea is, in part, inspired by a link Rebecca sent to me over the weekend called Eight Things You Can Live Without.
Well. We’ll see. I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m going to do, but I haven’t ironed out the logistics. I definitely won’t post daily or even 5 days per week on decluttering/simple living. I know myself, and I could never, ever in a million years write about the same thing day after day after day. I mean, look at today’s post. It was supposed to be about my walks!
Today is my first day in the library after decorating it for Christmas. I can’t wait to hear what the kids think.
I’ve loved seeing photos of your library decorations–I wish I could be there to see their reactions. :)
Also, I was onboard with the Eight Things You Can Live Without . . . until I got to the books. Yikes!
Congratulations on 50 weeks! What a healthful undertaking, and you probably have a happier body and mind for all the steps you’ve taken in the past 350 days.
I am also a project person – is it a law-school byproduct? Regarding books, I have a bunch, too, even after donating or tossing the least attractive/appealing/still-bound options 18 months ago. Sometimes I need pages, and a Kindle just won’t do. (To Amy) I generally don’t find books clutter, so I guess I’m not really a minimalist, though I find min blogs and homes really inspiring to help me focus on getting rid of *excess*. I really just want to figure out where my happy place is. I found a blog that was all about tiny homes recently, and the author pointed out that she loves the perfectly-organized-but-full Manhattan studios over the spartan eastern-Asian rooms (the ones with the mattress on the floor and a single water-feature in the corner). I want the coziness without the mess. I think that’s where those tiny cabins become appealing – you still see the stuff. I like stuff. I just want it to be beautiful and/or useful (and that there’s room for the OR in “beautiful/useful” is where the flexibility and sustainability of William Morris projects really come in).
I am thrilled there are more Wm Morris projects on tap, as they are my favorite posts. I think there’s something intimate and inspiring about seeing the nooks and crannies of people’s homes and organizational systems. I just started rolling my tea towels and it kind of changed everything. I can close the drawer and see all of the colors available. Amazing. Had never thought of that until you got those bar towels.
For my next year, I’m finishing a year of 2-month project 333s (wardrobe), and may try to read the books I own that I’ve never read (disclaimer: I have a 50-page rule. If I don’t like you by 50 pages, I don’t finish you, books). I guess if I can’t make it beyond page 50, I should go ahead and donate those, eh?
I just love the colors in the photos today. Autumn in Southern California is vivid; while the roses bloom, the trees change color, one tree at a time.
Still struggle with how much stuff we have, but I’m learning to deal with it in small doses. This weekend we assembled two new bookcases, and then moved furniture and books all around. Hundreds of books. We did get rid of a couple dozen, which is progress. Brought four home from my mother’s house, but at least there was a net gain (loss).
AMAZING that you have done these 50 weeks – so proud of you! I like this week’s pictures but I’m kind of worried about Cinderella and her owner.
Whatever you decide for 2014 is good with me as long as I get to keep reading :)
Congratulations on week 50! Wow. I’m on week 26. If you read my post, these last few days have been a snowy icy challenge. But I’m doing it along with my husband. My clothes are fitting better. I bet yours are too. And I feel stronger. I’m on some chemo drugs and they affect muscle, so walking is so good for me. Thanks for the inspiration. I love anything William Morris so please inspire us….
I could not be more impressed!!! You’ve almost made it and I know you will make the next two with out batting an eye. You should be enormously proud of yourself..it’s a ig accomplishment. BTW. I will read anything you post! Just don’t stop entirely….enjoy the holiday season…..