The Six Month Mark
On Monday I walked my 182nd walk, which is as close to the 6 month mark one can get when the year has an odd number of days. Technically, the six month mark fell on day 181.5, but, come on. I walked 2 miles and change, if I remember correctly, and it felt great. Great and hard to believe that I have consistently walked every single day of the last 188 days. Not bad for a chubby mom from suburbia, if I do say so myself.
I’m still wearing the same Old Navy compression pants I bought in January as well as the same Nike Frees. I think it’s time to replace both. The compression pants are fine, but they are way too hot for summer. The shoes are reaching end of life. They aren’t as comfortable as they were in the beginning, my feet are starting to hurt after walks, and they are getting tears in the fabric. My friend told me that walking shoes should be replaced after 6 months/500 miles. I haven’t reached 500 miles, but I have used them everyday for hours at a time.
In other news, the rest of the week heartily blew in an entitled, 1st World way. First, the heat. We didn’t shake that heat wave until Tuesday, but even so, the rest of the week was in the high 80s/low 90s. I suspect this would have been far more bearable if I wasn’t wearing black, skin tight pants so I won’t complain too much. My real misery centered around the gnats and flies.
Dear God, the gnats and flies.
They land on my shoulders, get in my eyes, buzz in my ears…it’s enough to make me want to scream. On Sunday I came home from a walk all sweaty and gross and told my husband that I couldn’t decide which was worse, walking during the high heat of the day or walking amongst the gnats and flies of the cooler evenings. If you were to ask me right now, gnats and flies hands down. The worst. The only reason I don’t walk earlier is because the sun so high above makes the pictures harsh and ugly. Yes, I’m superficial. I want these pictures to go in a book at the end of the year (one of those Shutterfly things or similar) and I want the pictures to be as pretty as possible.
Speaking of pictures, I really like the pictures this week. The collection might be one of my favorites. I’m not sure what it says about me that my favorite pictures are neutral, rough, and somewhat grubby. Perhaps that my favorite color is emo? I heart jumbles? My eyes have built in homing devices targeted at detritus? Your guess is as good as mine.
Song of the Week
Once again, Pandora decided to see if I was paying attention. There I was, listening to 80s alternative music when I Ain’t Missing You At All by John Waite came on. Say what?! I felt like I was at a roller skating party about to do couples only. You better believe I pumped up the volume on that craziness. Then I quickly switched over to Pandora’s “Soft Rock” station and I have been laughing ever since. I’m 99.9% positive Nicholas Sparks uses this station as his muse.
Please do watch the video if you have the time. Some things of note:
- The dangling earring in the left ear. No 1980s Right Earring Rule for John Waite!
- The Nestea landing onto the bed.
- The break up scene and John’s possible broken nose. Oh, the LOLz!
- The muppet-like appearances on camera whenever there is a microphone. John Waite is not there…then he’s there! Quickly!
- The dancing. What we are looking at, my friends, is a jerky precursor to the Rick Roll.
Way to go, you!
I just bought a pair of shorts and I can’t stay out of them. They are tennis shorts, I think, so a nice back pocket- Adidas, Stella McCartney. Black, sort of sweatpants material. I love them! They’re actually kind of high cut on the side but try them on and see if they don’t make you look pretty darn good. :)
You, my friend, are awesome. Congrats!
I do believe this set of photos is my favorite, as well–perhaps it’s the texture? I’ve enjoyed them all, so I can’t exactly put my finger on why I like these most of all.
And that video! Music videos from the 70’s and 80’s are always some good times, but this one may be one of the best, simply for the nose bit. :) Good times . . .
Congratulations on the 6 month mark! As for the gnats, I recommend dousing yourself with vanilla body spray from Bath & Body Works or Buggins bug spray. We have buffalo gnats from late spring to any day now, and these are the best defenses. The gnats get so bad around here that they kill the livestock by swarming their nostrils and suffocating them, so I know you are not exaggerating!
Wow, Kris, I would have never thought that vanilla body spray would work! I’m definitely picking up a bottle of that soon. My suggestion to Jules was to carry a torch. . . body spray would definitely be more practical. ;)
Kris, I could kiss you. I’m going to buy the spray RIGHT NOW. Larissa (who obviously lives blocks from me) just last week told me she had no clue how I was even out there walking. Seriously–so gross.
Though her torch recommendation was pretty funny. :)
I was just googling around and I see the Walmart brand works really well, too. Also, Skin So Soft by Avon. I forgot all about that! I used to use that stuff right out of college. I wonder if I know any Avon reps.
Wait, never mind. They no longer have the spray (only in oil) and now they have reformulated it into a bug spray, which I don’t want. I’d much prefer something natural like vanilla.
It’s even funnier with the sound off. That bit at the bar with the buxom lady? Awesome.
Go you, Jules! As an inveterate couch potato, I am totally impressed.
I love your photos in this project & when I’ve been out on my own walks am starting to look around at all the textures & colors that I usually hustle right by. The 1980s flashback? bahahahaha… the no right earring rule… ha. forgot all about that! awesome breakdown of that video
Oh that song made my DAY. Even better was my four year old son bopping along to it.
If you aren’t nuts about sprays (I hate them), Target carries “bug bands” made with geranium oil that work like a charm.
Congrats on the 1/2 way mark.
I couldn’t make it through the video, too painfully funny! Congrats on 6 months :)
Oh my gosh – I missed this. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Congrats on the 6 month mark! And thanks, as always, for the great pics and bonus, awesome video! I was a John Waite fan back in the day and especially loved the bit in the Missing You video when they reference his earlier hit/video for the song “Change”. It’s the scene when the extras on the street point up at a building (at the 1:18 mark). Oh 80s videos – how I’ve missed you!
Congratulations on 6 months of walking! That is awesome. I want to be this dedicated.
Earlier this week, I downloaded “Every Time I think of You” by the Babys. Ooo, same wave length. Be sure to check out THAT video. bwhahahahaha!