I thought I would share my goals for 2013 on the off chance anyone would care to join me as I work on developing my body, mind, and spirit over the next 365 days. You know me and my projects. Consider 2013 my year to William Morris myself.
This is my first 365 day project, and I’ve decided to go big and work on the whole package.
365: BODY
Jennifer suggested to me 365 walks on Facebook, and I thought it was a great idea and a great opportunity for me to take advantage of our temperate weather here in California. I’m horrifically out of shape. I’m in full-on sloth mode, and have been for years. My goal is to take a daily walk, not break distance records, not run a marathon, not lose 50 pounds. There will be days where I am sick, and on those days it’s okay for me to walk down the driveway and back, or to the medicine cabinet and back.
365: MIND
This is my year to tackle my tendency to believe the sky is falling. I’m a naturally anxious person. Always have been, and probably always will be, but there is no need for me to wallow in it, either. This one is simple in theory, if not in execution. I’m doing a daily 5-item gratitude list.
I’ve talked about reading the Bible for years, and I recently found online a daily plan that allows me read the Bible in conjunction with The Catechism of the Catholic Church. There are a million daily Bible reading plans online that don’t include the Catechism, so there is no need to feel left out if you aren’t a blood-drinking Mary worshiper. I’ll provide you with the link to what I’m using, but note that it is a link to a pdf. I tried to find a link to a website without luck. I hate it when documents automatically download to my computer without a warning, so here is your warning. Daily Bible and Catechism reading plan.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who reads this blog that I am in a frequent state of evaluation. I’m not satisfied remaining static, at least not mentally, so I’m usually contemplating who I am and how I can be better. There is always room for improvement. Of course, when you are an over-thinking perfectionist like me, it’s equally important to be happy with just okay.
The hardest lesson I’ve learned this year is that okay can be an end goal. Not great, not amazing, and not revolutionary. Just okay.
Even though I am tackling quite a bit, my goal for this 365 project is modest. I don’t expect to be a power-walking, scripture-quoting Pollyanna at the end of 2013. I’m looking for the satisfaction one gets when they know they are making steps in the right direction. I’m shooting for being okay with where I am and where I am going.
I won’t blog about the project every day because I can’t imagine anything more dull that reporting how far I’ve walked or what I’ve read for the day. I’ll update on Mondays, though, because I do need the accountability. I’ll also be instagramming what I can as I go. I’ll tag them #365:BODY or #365:MIND or #365:SPIRIT (depending on what I’m doing) if you want to follow along or join me. (? !) You can do just one–I know a few of you already said you would do the walking–or two or all three.
Tomorrow is the day! I’m excited. Here’s to a great 2013.
2013, here we come! I’ll join you on your daily walks, since I dished it out, guess I can eat it too. I’ve kind of got a little plan in mind, it should make the process a little easier. Here’s to health, happiness and peace of mind. Good luck.
I can’t wait to hear all about your plan! Thanks for the great idea. :)
This is awesome. I’m in. I’ve been thinking along these same lines but it hadn’t coalesced into such a nice, neat package in my brain yet, so thank you for that! For mind, my husband and I had already agreed to do the “memory jar” that is all over Pinterest – basically just a place to jot down memories or blessings throughout the year, then read them next New Year’s Eve. For spirit, our church is starting a great 12-month series on Family – The family of God, your immediate family, your church family and your “oikos” – the people you interact with regularly and have an opportunity to reflect God’s love and grace. Body is the more difficult one. So many starts and stops for so many years. But yours sounds simple and doable. Thanks, Jules!
Good luck, Kathie! The Body one will be the hardest for me, too. I’m nervous.
I love this so much. I can totally relate to everything your saying, and it’s nice to know I’m not alone! I just went out and bought a pretty journal and nice pen devoted to 2013. I’ll keep up with you on instagram, and hopefully do my own 365 hash tag-ing!
Awesome, Tara! I bought a daily calendar thing so that I can track my Mind component.
So glad you found a Bible reading plan that includes the Catechism! I’ve followed other Bible reading plans but am excited to finally find a Catholic one.
Thanks for information. Look forward to hearing how you are doing with your 365 project
I know! I was excited. I already started a little last week (I couldn’t wait) and the passages are short. It won’t take much time to do it daily.
I was thinking the other day of doing something similar. For the body, I’d like to get back into the habit of doing yoga every day, even if all I manage is a sun salutation or two. For the mind, I’m finishing my dissertation this year and will defend it either at the end of the summer or during the fall semester. I am going to do something useful towards either writing or researching during five days of every week. My spirit component is nurturing my creative spirit – I want to do something creative each week. Most often I will be doing something with photography, but I’ll likely delve into other crafts as well.
YES. I was hoping people would take the project and tweak it to fit their lives and beliefs.
Thank you so much for the link to the Bible/Catechism! I’ve been searching for something like this!
I will be walking with you. When I saw that on FB I thought it was a brilliant idea. I’m also thinking 1 sketch a day like a journal I saw at the store. I have lots of journals and sketchbooks I compulsively buy, I used to be creative all of the time now I’m blah….. A walk and a sketch 365 days
When you mentioned your interest in a 365 Day Project, you planted a tiny seed in my head. With a few serendipitous moments from that time, I decided to do a 365 Day Project of my own involving photography. A photo a day of not one thing in particular. I see that there are some ambitious folks out there on the inter webs and I will not compare myself to them. I also started my project a few days ago to knock my perfectionism on it’s keister. In my crazy head, it would be “perfect” to start on Jan 1, so I started on Dec. 28! {raspberries} Here’s to 365 days! I’m anxious to follow your progress! Peace, love and happiness to you in 2013!
Really love this idea, Jules. One thing I realized (for the millionth time) recently is that every part of my well-being needs constant maintenance–by body, my mind, my soul, my relationships, my creativity. I hate this, but when I don’t do it things go to hell.
I will spend some time pondering how this could look for me. Appreciate the lens you’ve provided. Wishing you all the best on your journey into this year.
I will be walking too in our So Cal climate, and writing writing writing.
Part of my own anxiety is having a really, really deep-seated fear of committing to a schedule (any kind, no matter how basic), so just reading your post makes me nervous. So silly. 2012 was a terribly slothful year for me on many levels, and I need to get all Nike and just do it.
But I can’t talk about it. Deal? ;-)
I was inspired by your post the other week about trying a 365-day project and decided that I would try that too!! One of my projects will be writing down something positive about each member of my family (husband and 4 kids) daily. l also found a website that has a diary called Organize-in-5. It is 365 things, that take about 5 minutes, to help organize your home, life and finances. I had already decided a month ago that 2013 was going to be the year to declutter so your quest for a daily project led me down the path of daily decluttering. But I also needed to change my outlook on life and so decided on the positive project too. Thanks for the inspiration, its just what I needed!!! :)
By the way the website was
I love this and I am in – especially the Instagram aspect – not a blogger – not a writer – but I can take a picture w my phone! Woo Ray! Here’s to getting to know you even better this year Jules!
I absolutely adore the idea of the walking! That is fantastic and totally acceptable.
Love this! And you know why? Because it is do-able. It’s not insanely huge or overreaching. It is just right, and I will look forward to reading about it. I’ve kept a gratitude list for a year now myself, and I will tell you – life changing. Even when I let it go for a while (as I have over the busy holidays), it is something I can pick back up, no problem. And once you’ve been doing it for a while, it becomes part of your psyche, even when you aren’t writing things down. You just become more aware of the good things all around you, and it is pretty cool. As for the Bible reading, I’m totally down with that, and the walking – super idea. I have a feeling that the walking will take care of mind and spirit on some days, too. Keep up the good work here, and Happy 2013!!
Great resolutions! Wm-ingredient yourself. Cool idea.
Great goals! I’m not sure if anyone else has posted this, but the youversion app/website is awesome for Bible reading plans. It will even email you the scripture for each day. It’s what I’m using for 2013.
This sounds great. I will definitely share the Bible link with my Religious Ed (CCD) teachers!
Walking has me puzzled. I have easily walked eight long blocks and up six flights of stairs to visit someone at Cedars-Sinai Hospital, but the concept “to take a walk” turns me into a couch potato.
I’m going to need a goal if I’m going to walk. I’ll have to think this through.
Nice plan!! I’ve got my goals sorted for this year, too. I’ve lost 50 pounds over the last year +, and this year need to continue in that direction. But ditto on the plan to read more of the bible. Do you know about the App from “YouVersion”? I have a daily plan that i finally have sucess with keeping up with, mainly because I can listen to the audio(!!!) on days that are stuffed full. Have it on my iphone. I’ve folded stacks of laundry while being inspired by Psalms, the gospels, etc. There are a whole lot (like hundreds) of different reading plans on the app, and I think most of them have the audio option, too. and it’s FREE!
I love your goals Jules! Especially the gratitude one! I need to write about that and get back to it. It’s a life changer – it was for me. Even on a bad day, you feel so blessed. One thing I loved to do (sparingly, so it doesn’t lose it’s affect) is if my kids got in a spat – I have three, all less than two years apart, is to send them to their rooms to write what they are grateful about for each other. When they were both done, they had to give them to each other. It made them feel so good to know their brother or sister really loved specific things about each other.
Congrats on the 50 lbs Sarah! How did you lose it? I lost 67 pounds last year and am going to lose the next 45 pounds. I’ve been juicing and am going start doing Dr. Fuhrman’s 6 week Eat to Live plan today and blogging about it!
Thanks for the encouragement. I had already decided to read through the Bible, I am reading it chronologically (chron bible reading.pdf) I had decided too, to start again my list of five thankfuls a day. Adding a walk, even just to the mailbox, will be the icing on the cake. Happy New Year.
Jules-mine is also not a specific goal (run a marathon, etc) but to live intentionally. I’ve become very slothful in my living. I exercise, etc but I don’t take very good care of my house anymore, there are relationships I don’t nurture as well as I should (with my children *gasp*-among others) and I’m certainly not nurturing my relationship with God like I should….soooo, very similar in a way. I was trying to figure out (like you) how to blog about it without being booooo-ring. ;) I mentioned you in my post by the way (although it has not posted yet-later today it will auto-post)….thanks for sharing!
Happy 2013, Jules! This sounds great . . . and probably just what I need. I usually write down a few resolutions or goals, but last year was so difficult, so disappointing, that I’m gun shy.
But, you know, sometimes you’ve just got to get up, dust yourself off, and get back in the saddle again. So, without further ado . . .
I love it! What a fabulous commitment! I’m joining in! Thanks for the inspiration and the reminder to take time for myself.
I decided to do the “pick a word for the year” thing – and like Cara, above, I settled on intention. I work hard at the office, I do a lot for my family, and I am busy at home, but I’ve lost any sort of sense that I am choosing to do those things and that somehow they have some reason and place in my life. Essentially, my life needs some sort of “strategic plan” – that way anything requiring investments of energy and time can be measured against the plan to see if it actually serves some important value or goal. I’m hoping this will keep me from getting sucked into activities that serve no purpose for me.
I have given thought as to how I will apply this to my body, mind, and spirit but am still working on that.
Best of luck with your intentions for the year!
Ugh – I googled “personal strategic plan” and it turns out it’s a “thing” – and pretty jargon-y and commercial. So forget that part of what I said – I’m just focusing on intentional. :)
First time commenter. Long time reader. I’d love to follow you on Instagram. What’s your username? I’m teacherlady_cg.
I’ve spent zero time thinking of any resolutions for myself *gasp* and I’m inspired by your list. This is such a great way to choose things that seem small in the doing, but have big impact when done over time regularly. Love it!
As it has always been, I look forward to reading about what you will learn!
I like this quite a bit. I will try to join you on IG in 1 or 2 of these :)
I’m in. I’ll be using the Instagram hash tagging as accountability. I’ve really enjoyed seeing the few who have already begun contributing via Instagram.
One of my favorite things to do is to take evening walks, so relaxing. I think that is a great goal, you’ll love it!
I love your goals…I’m trying to do a 3-item gratitude list a day and I think I’ll join you in the walking…although I’m a few days late to the party. :)
Yay for 5 items of gratitude!! :) {Happy Dance}
Personally, I’m working on my first WM post of the year. Last year it was the pasta maker – this year it’s the french fry cutter. :)
Happy New Year, Jules!
You are an inspiration! Thank you for giving me the kick in the pants I so desperately needed. I’m a little late in the game but better late than never. I follow you on IG and was intrigued by your #365body. So yesterday, in an effort to make a commitment to our newly adopted dog, I have decided to walk him (Dobi, the goldendoodle) everyday for at least 20 minutes and document something interesting/inspiring I find on our walks on Instagram. For me, an artist and high school art teacher, it is essential to have a creative outlet hence the daily IG photo. Thus far, I have posted two photos. I’ll have to tag them #365body and join you in your efforts which I applaud!
I love your 365 Body, Mind & Spirit project – a very inspiring way to take care of yourself :)
I have recently found your blog and I must tell you, I laugh so much because half the time it’s like I’m reading something I would say. I emailed my mom a link to the post you write about organizing a drawer bc you needed batteries, but you had to pee. She agreed that how you wrote it and everything is how I am much of the time.
Anyway, I am starting a blog soon and hope I can be as real and entertaining as you are. I just need to get on the writing part… Lol
Hope your goals are going well!