I knew what I wanted to read next after the response to my post about holes in t-shirts. I mentioned Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion in that same post, and many of you expressed interest in the book. A few of you already read it and said it was eye-opening. Sounds good to me!
The publishers categorize this book as economics/consumer behavior. Economics! Our book club is doing an awesome job touching upon every single genre on the market.
I’m not sure which genre we have yet to cover, and I’m not sure what we’ll read in January and February. Recommendations/suggestions are always welcome. It was a suggestion by Shaina that brought us both Thriller (Gone Girl) and Romance (Anna Karenina)! In the meantime, I’ll be sifting through the many, many incredible books on our pinterest board. I highly recommend visiting the link if you haven’t already checked it out.
[This post contains an affiliate link to Amazon.com]
This book shocked me. I will be changing the way I look at clothes and how and where they are manufactured. Good choice.
I couldn’t imagine myself ever wanting to read an “Economic” book… but that sounds pretty interesting.
Sounds like something I should read since I stare at a closet full of Kohl’s purchases that don’t excite me at all. I used to sew clothes for myself when I was in my late teens/early twenties, it would be fun to get back to that.
I found this book fascinating and I can’t wait to discuss it with y’all in December!
I am up for it!
It’s on my hold list at the library. It looks very eye-opening. I have never been a shopper, buying only a few things to go with things I have and sticking more with classics. I just went shopping for the first time in MONTHS and the girl helping me in the store was shocked when I said that it had been closer to a year (as she was trying to push their store card and rewards on me) She was staring at me like I was some sort of weird alien creature. Clearly I’m not the norm.
I just put it on hold at my library. There’s a waiting list, but I should get it in time to join the discussion. I’ve wanted to read it since I read your original mention of it. I discovered your blog during October (via Nester), loved your writing, worked my way through your archives, and just caught up last week.
I heard the author interviewed by a local NPR host. It was very interesting and I felt very guilty! Thus, my avoidance of the book ;)
Now THIS is a fashion post I can get behind! This book sounds super interesting and I think I just heard a “dink” as I tossed it in my Amazon cart.
Hi Jules, I just read the post regarding t-shirt holes. So glad to know it’s not just me. For the longest time, I racked my brain over how precise those “moths” were at chewing up the same area of all my cotton t-shirts. And considering I fold my shirts to store, this area is at the innermost fold. My friend Diane, has the same problem and did some online reseach, she concluded, like many of your readers, that it is friction which causes the holes. But.. how does this explain hole whch appeared in a brand new shirt after just one washing (!)? The book sounds compelling, I will be checking it out.