- Tis a lesson you should heed:
- Try, try, try again.
- If at first you don’t succeed,
- Try, try, try again
- –William Edward Hickson
I cleaned out the top drawer of the boys’ bathroom vanity exactly 364 days ago. I was pleased with my $0 project, and to this day, the vanity remains organized with the exception of the vanity top and top drawer.
The vanity remains dirty most of the week. Toothbrushes tossed negligently to the side, toothpaste all over the sinks, hair products left where they were last used. Inside the top drawer, the little basket flies around the smooth contact paper and the boys (cough*Nicholas*cough) started using it to hide random curiosities like AV wires, rulers, and scissors.
The cabinet looks great, but the drawer and vanity top were a bust. I decided to try a new method to keep everything tidy.
I suspect you’re thinking the vanity and drawer don’t look that messy. A little cluttered, maybe, but nothing terrible. You’ll have to trust me when I say it looks much worse in person. I almost didn’t publish this project because I was convinced the pictures would be the most embarrassing to date. When I uploaded them, I was disappointed they didn’t convey the slovenly condition that can become all rooms Nicholas frequents. I wanted them to look messier, like they do in real life.
[When my husband reads that last paragraph he will lean over and say, “Remember when you said you never do that and wanted proof? I rest my case.”]
So there I was, editing pictures and wondering how I would prove that the bathroom really is messy when Nicholas skips towards me with his neck and right shoulder covered in toothpaste and chirps, “Goodnight, mama!” I said goodnight followed with, “But Nicholas, you’re covered in toothpaste.”
And he said, “I am?”
“Yes. Everywhere. All over your shoulder.”
“Your other shoulder.”
“Ooooh. I wonder how that got there!”
He had no clue! He did not know he was covered in toothpaste. He did not feel, smell, or see the toothpaste that went from the corner of his mouth, across his jaw to his ear, and down his neck to his rest on his adorable, priceless, filthy shoulder.
I rest my case.
I decided to keep the counter top clear of everything but the bare minimum. I laid down some gripper contact paper from Target and placed the toothbrushes and floss sticks in a $1 cutlery tray from The 99� Store. It’s an idea I first saw on Pinterest in an unsourced image. (Please share the source so I can properly credit the blogger! I searched for 30 minutes and came up dry.)
All the hair products usually left on the counter are now in a basket I found while cleaning out my strange bedroom cupboard. I placed it in the cabinet where it is easily accessible.
On the counter I kept the soap, lotion, and candle. I added a much needed clock and a $20 preserved plant from Home Goods. I’ve been wanting to try one of these plants for a while, and this dark bathroom where nothing grows is perfect. The instructions say to spray it lightly with water once a month–we’ll see how it goes. I don’t love the pot, but preserved plants seem to be a faux Tuscan/French accessory. If it bothers me enough in the future–I can almost assure you it won’t–I’ll switch out the pot with something else.
The final step for this project was to gather the men of the house into the bathroom and explain the procedure with a firm “No excuses!” I can keep it organized, I can clean it weekly, and I can even put away an errant brush every now and then. But other than, come on guys. It’s not that hard.
New here? For the next 31 days I�m living according to the famous William Morris quote, �Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.� You can learn more about the project here, and catch sneak peeks of my projects by following me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (I�m @pancakesfries).
Miracle of miracles, I remembered to include the Thursday link up! If you have a project you would like to share, please do.
Hi Jules. Just discovered your blog and am enjoying the uncluttering posts! I’ve been inspired to clear a few cupboards. My husband is mystified by this new behaviour. One thing that mystifies me is your ‘style’ category at the top banner. When I click on it I find posts about books. I love books, mind, but am a little perplexed. Perhaps you have a different definition for style? Looking forward to reading more archives and to your new posts as well. Love the tickbox instead of squiggly letters and fuzzy numbers; I’m obviously part robot, as I struggle with them.
Oh, I know. That category name is ridiculous! I’ll be changing it soon. Deep, deep, deep into that category you will actually find posts about fashion, pop culture, etc. but it’s few and far between and my book fetish has taken over! Thanks for the feedback. You’ve spurred me on to brainstorm some names. :)
that cutlery tray is genius!!!
love your W/M posts. you inspire me to de-clutter my life!
I know! I wish I knew who came up with it. It’s all over the internet, but without a source!
Jules, I’m not sure whether either of these are the original, but Babble has a post on it (http://blogs.babble.com/the-new-home-ec/2012/08/11/10-toothbrush-holders-for-kids/) that links back to this blog post: http://familiesthatstick.blogspot.com/2012/03/do-my-top-5-easy-home-organization.html
Hope that helps!
I love the toothpaste on the shoulder bit! My boy always cracks up when he sees himself in the mirror with a messy face after eating or whatever, because he is NEVER expecting it, no matter how many times it has happened.
That’s Nicholas! I showed him that picture last night and he laughed and laughed. I just don’t understand how he didn’t feel at least a little sticky.
It’s good to know that I am not the only one annoyed by the neverending bathroom clutter. We have two bathrooms that the kids use, and despite daily reminders (begging, actually), they seem incapable of putting anything away. They brush their teeth before school in the downstairs powder room, so there’s a drawer with toothbrushes and toothpaste. But nothing goes back in the drawer unless I do it. And upstairs, I left it all out on a tray, but nobody can manage to put their dripping toothbrush back in the holder or the cap back on the toothpaste. Add ten million hair accessories (that invariably get stuck in a glop of toothpaste), and it’s a disaster. There are lots of drawers in the vanity, but out of sight, out of mind. At this point I think I’m resigned to cleaning out the drawers just so it’s easier for me to put things away, since I’m the only one who cares. I just hope that when they’re adults, they will prefer to live somewhat tidily and start putting things away themselves.
I just checked the bathroom. Everything is in place! Sure, Nicholas’s side is covered in poorly washed off toothpaste smears and the drawer wasn’t closed all the way, but progress!
Any progress is good!
I found you via Nester this morning and I have spent the last half hour reading through your WMP posts – I never thought about making it a project, (only a poster for my home!). I am so inspired and I’m looking forward to following you here and on IG. I feel like I’ve found a new BFF! Have a great day!
Love this, and am now completely envious that I don’t have a drawer in the boys’ bathroom. Curses! The silverware tray is genius.
Nicholas CLEARLY has more important things going on in his brain than realizing there is toothpaste on his shoulder! Duh! I wonder what amazing thoughts he is having. :) I envy people sometimes who can be that immersed in things other than the ordinary details of life and toothpaste.
Did you write this just for me? The cutlery tray idea is so smart. And I’ve been wondering what I can put on our new bathroom countertop. Wanted a plant but didn’t think I could have one in my windowless room. Didn’t know such a thing as preserved plants existed. Put some sunflowers on it for post pics, but that’s for-sure not a sustainable idea! Really like how you corralled all those items on a tray. Small things make such a big difference. Thanks for the great ideas.
Kudos to your men for following directions! I have been told that since the organizing is my preference, it’s not anyone’s responsibility to keep it that way but mine. I only live with one other person so really, as long as I keep on top of moving errant things to where they belong as I see them, it isn’t much of an issue. My hope is that after years of seeing it in the same place over and over, eventually she will just naturally put it there, LOL
I love that your bathroom counter is so minimal and open. And thanks for the heads-up on the preserved plant! I also had no idea they existed. I need to check out more info and make sure it won’t make the cat sick or something. I wonder if steam from the showers would be enough and the weekly misting wouldn’t even be necessary?
Okay, I’m redoing the kids’ bathroom. I just need to move towels to the linen closet (DUH) to free up another drawer, and then I’ll have room to keep the toothbrushes off of the countertop, AND hide the eight million hair bands that we have. Brilliant!
Love your blog (thanks Nester!). I am working on my own “31 Days To An Organized Home” series. It’s definitely harder than I thought it would be but has been very rewarding so far. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and hopefully one day you can stop by my (so very new) blog and check it out too. I also added my linky above. Thanks! :)