The comments on yesterday’s post (as well as the messages I received on Facebook and by email) were so inspiring that I went on a walk tonight. I got home just as the sun was setting, which I could use as a metaphor if I had any assurances the spirits of Strunk & White wouldn’t haunt me. I’m {this} close to abandoning dieting for good.
Six more weeks until school gets out! I’m so excited. I have so many books that I want to read! In fact, every day I find a new book that I want to read! Take yesterday, for example. I was looking for my book club’s next pick, which I knew I safely placed in 1 of 3 to-be-read stacks. Going through the stack I found another book I vaguely remember buying after a quasi-inspiring talk on approaching students like unique individuals instead of teaching to the average. I bought it because the talksounded suspiciously like How to Activate Your Student’sSpecial Snowflake Powers, to which I’m usually opposed, but I’m nothing if not open to a new perspective. Now that I remember owning the book, I’ll have to see if all the hype it received at the conference was valid!
Just now I wrote a long comment in your last post that I hope you’ll see. It’s about the program offered at (your insurance may cover the costs, mine did, so I paid $0). They teach you it’s not about WHAT you eat, but WHEN and HOW you eat. I was super skeptical because it seemed too good to be true, but now I’m totally a believer. They’ll help you abandon dieting for good and learn to not battle your body or food anymore. I seriously can’t recommend it enough. It’s changed my life.