Bam! Good week.
For the first time in years I had a normal mammogram.�Call backs, spot compressions, lumpectomies, I’ve had it all over the years but this year it was a simple, “Everything looks good, Mrs. Kendall.” I was so shocked that I almost requested a second opinion.
I posted every day this week for the first time in at least a year. That felt really good, like maybe I’m getting back into the swing of things.�For a long time I didn’t have much to say, and I didn’t like the reasons why.�I was spread too thin and working too hard on everyone except myself. Be concerned for the navel gazer too busy to look at their own navel.
Last week I turned in my preferred library hours–only 2.5 days per week! I wasn’t there when the teachers tried to figure out how to organize�9 classes into that small window, and I’m glad. I heard it wasn’t easy and had I been there, I know I would have caved and offered M-F plus�every other Sunday. They made it work and now I have the remaining 2.5 days during the week of my own time to organize the library, write here, and do all those super dull but necessary life tasks I put off so fabulously last year.
Oh! Here’s something random but good. Yesterday on the way to the boys’ annual checkup I heard Paul Simon’s Obvious Child for the first time in years. I’ve since listened to it on repeat and I like it as much now as I did twenty five years ago. That song is 25 years old! I’m not sure how that’s even possible, but my Googlefu says it’s true. I had a good time reading all the posts on what the lyrics mean (Paul Simon being known for his “word soup” lyrics), that is until one guy presented, in all seriousness, a 750 word dissertation arguing that the song is about male-patterned baldness. Good heavens, man! Paul Simon did not compose an ode to alopecia!
p.s. Remember when you could watch YouTube videos without having to wait until you could click the “skip ad” button?
so glad to hear your mammogram was clear!! and part-time work???!!! so fantastic!! i have worked part-time as a reading specialist for 9 years now and although it’s sometimes more work than part-time, it’s such a good schedule for a family… and for sanity!! i definitely remember no ads on youtube. also, it seems like everything is 20-25 years old, for some reason!
Oh, I wish it was paid! These are my volunteer hours. :)
So funny, I’ve been listening to the Graceland album on Spotify. There is so much good music in my past, but I feel like the keys to that lock are lost in the junk drawer of my mind.
I love Paul Simon in general, and The Obvious Child particularly. I have a strong memory of that song coming on the radio while I was driving – back in high school – and just feeling completely uplifted by the music. – from the woman currently listening to the Lion and the Cobra
I was so glad to read of your clear report from the mammogram. Like you, I know the fear and pain from waiting for results from scans and lumpectomies. That was wonderful news! Also, well done on sticking to your guns about your hours at the library – you are right, people will find a way to make it work if they have to and now you have a schedule that will allow you some needed time.
Here’s to another good week ahead!
Congrats to you on the all-clear mammogram! And sticking to your guns about the library volunteer hours – go you!
I don’t comment as much as I should, but I so enjoy your writing. I’m a fallen away (maybe running away is more like it – but that’s another story) Catholic, married with no kids who lives in the Midwest. But you speak to me. Thank you.
Please continue the KonMari posts, btw! I read the book and loved it, in spite of the craziness (or maybe because of the craziness – I just changed becuz to because, oh those 12 years of Catholic school definitely stay with you!). I haven’t yet attempted any actual work and I keep putting it off. But if you can tackle boys cargo shorts, I can surely handle some t-shirts.
have a great weekend!
Even though the post said “Happy Happy” the picture still freaked me out. Glad all is well!