And that, folks, is why I had to clear out the homework files. Of course, not all of that was homework. There were pictures old and new, a check register, t-shirt iron-on sheets, a family tree poster, books Nico “didn’t know where they go” (hint: somewhere on the wall of bookcases, little buddy), and several magazines I was never going to read.
Although I like my homework filing system, I knew I needed another system for purgatory paperwork–the schoolwork you have to pray-or-pay out of limbo. The instructions for Mikey’s saint report due at the end of the month needs to be easily accessed since he works on it weekly; The Scholastic Book Club order forms that come in like weekly supermarket ads; The field trip permission slip that needs a check; the login information for the class websites and grading sites and everything else because I’m sure next year each class will have their own Twitter account. #youknowitscoming
I decided to organize with whatever I had and, granted, I assumed I had stacking trays so it wasn’t like I vowed to fashion something out of an abandoned pallet and dip it in chalk paint. This wasn’t a Blogger’s Quest, in other words.
Alas, no stacking trays. I did find some black magazine files in the garage, and by the looks of them they had to be from the Mister’s bachelor days. (They are black and plastic and have an open grid pattern so the testosterone can leak out onto the desk and conquer things.)
That’ll work!
I laid them on their sides in submissive fetal positions so they can cradle, from top to bottom, (1) pending homework or school paperwork, (2) personal paperwork, (3) magazines I swear I’m going to look at this time. (Probably not going to look at them this time.)
The family tree poster is staying where it is because that’s the safest place for it until I figure out how/where it’s going–it’s a weird size, naturally, so I can’t find a frame that fits. #bloggerproblems
Love how real this is. Seriously, thank you. You are validating my process of basically throwing away (ahem, recycling) most of what comes home. For those saint report instructions, I have one folder on my desk for “This Month” and one for “Next Month” – it’s where stuff like that (and invitations, etc) goes.
I “recycle” most of what comes home. I love the folder on the desk idea, but as you can see my desk is just too small.
organising sometimes seems so hard, while it’s not!
(They are black and plastic and have an open grid pattern so the testosterone can leak out onto the desk and conquer things.)
Hahahaha – we have the same ones and yes, from the same bachelor days. I refer to those as the pre-me days. “No honey, you have had that shirt for a lot longer than 10 years. I know it is pre-me.”
I just got him to donate a jacket that was pre-me by holding it up and saying, “Honestly?”
The complete absence of things made from abandoned pallets is one of the many reasons I read your blog!
Today I am going to order a hanging shoe organizer so I can implement your baseball hat organizing strategy. Thanks for the great idea!
That idea works like a charm!! My husband could be a little better about it, but he tends to see flat, open surfaces as his filing area. The boys, though, use it and love it. I’m very happy with that one.
“They are black and plastic and have an open grid pattern so the testosterone can leak out onto the desk and conquer things.” Where???!?!!!!! do you come up with this stuff? Never in a million years would I think of a sentence that cool. Amazing.
Jules, you could write about ANYTHING, and you would make it awesome and funny, and I would read it!