The boys started swim season this week, so I had to be inventive with my walks. During tryouts I just walked the pool like a loon while the other couple of days I walked around the college campus while the Mister stayed behind and watched them swim. I haven’t figured out what I’ll do when the Mister leaves town again. I’m not going to walk around the pool; It’s too weird. I’ll have to take my walks in the middle of the day and hope I don’t melt.
Other than that, I don’t have much to report. The gnats are back, probably because it’s been humid. I can’t remember if I mentioned my solution to gnats is Victoria Secret’s Amber Romance body spray. I found the recommendation on a men’s fishing forum, of all places. It’s the most effective bug repellent out there–so the fellas say–but it’s also a husband repellent because I smell like a woman named Ruby about ready to take her love to town.
It’s so bad the Mister has asked (demanded) that I put it on outside, downwind. I put it on once with Buster standing next to me and he sneezed twice, shook his head in confusion, scratched his nose, and then left. THIS HAPPENED. Mikey says it’s possibly the worst smell he has ever smelled in his life. Nico thinks it smells “lovely,” which surprises no one.
If I were to ever bump into anyone on a walk, I would immediately chirp out that I’m wearing Amber Romance as a gnat repellent because I wouldn’t want anyone, even a stranger, to think this is my signature scent. Even the name is too much.
[This is where someone is going to comment that Amber Romance is their very favorite fragrance ever. I’m sure it smells delightful on you.]
I will say this: the stuff works.
Love the pictures with writing/print. Nice change up!
I thought that “Walking Only” sign was pretty serendipitous.
You make me smile:) and snicker in my very quiet cubicle. Thanks!
You’re welcome! ;) It’s better than making people gag, which is what happens when I wear Amber Romance.
Hmm . . . now that you mention, that totally makes sense. I received Amber Romance as a gift one year, put it on, and repelled myself . . .
I hate to think what’s in it, if it repels as well as Deet …. :c(
I just love the interlude that is Pancakes and French Fries. Thanks for making us smile Jules :c))
It’s the scent–or, better stated, there is nothing in it that is worse than stuff from Bath & Body, etc. Gnats are repelled by certain scents, probably because the oils in the flower is toxic. I believe geranium is one such scent. No idea what scent repels them in this case. Crap?
I just choked.
(And I love that Nico loves it, oh, that child.)
Now I totally want to go find it and smell it. Something tells me I’ll make a scene in the store as I flail around shouting “Holy crap that’s AWFUL! Who would sell this?”
I’ll let you know what I think once I find this stuff. Just the name alone scares me, but I’m curious!
To be fair, I hate any scent with amber, even the super popular ones like Hanae Mori. I can’t describe them other than to say they smell “thick” to me. Like I’m suffocating.
I like the pic with the walking sign. I too will have to go smell this stuff – but I’ll be sure not to spray any on me!
That’s my favorite pic, too.
Aww, Jules – thanks for the laugh! ;-) I hope this “sensual embrace of sultry amber and cr�me anglaise” helps to keep the gnats (and not just any passer-by) at bay.
Sultry and cr�me. Two words that say it all.
Do you think it repels coyotes, too? That would be a bonus. :-)
Hah! Maybe they would be like Wile E. Coyote and hold up a sign that says “Oh, hell no!” before they run off into the horizon.
I googled Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance bug repellent and there are whole threads on fishing/outdoor boards that recommend it! And these are guys posting and wearing!! Too funny. One post I saw did mention that the wives should be given a heads up that this is being used for bug repellent, so nobody gets into trouble coming home after a fishing trip smelling like a loose woman has been involved! :^D
Told you! It’s very popular among the outdoors men!
I’m going to have to stop reading your posts in public. In an effort to not laugh out loud I end up snorting and carrying on so much you’d think I was having a mild fit!!!!!!!!
Love your posts sooooooooo, sooooooooo much!
No, I would have just assumed you smelled Amber Romance. ;)
I use an all natural product called Buggins Natural I found it at our local hardware store. My dad is an avid hunter and him and all his friends swear by it. When I see it in stalk I buy every single bottle. It doesn’t smell like your typical bug spray it actually has a decent smell (vanilla, mint and rose smell). It doesn’t have deet in it but its safe for adults and children.
I’ll have to look for it. We don’t have much of a gnat problem around here–or at least I didn’t think so–but with the humidity we’ve been having the past two summers, I suspect that’s all going to change.
So this one scent smelled amazing on my sister but horrid on me. She shrugged it off and said “Everyone’s chemistry is different.” And that was sound enough but I’m a curious cat and looked up the different ingredients in what make some of our favorite perfumes and colognes. Oh, my my, I wish I could unsee all that. Now I drink Cherry Cola knowing full well I’m putting some nasty stuff in my body and I don’t care a lick about it but if you’re the type that likes to be “in the know”, please look up “Castoreum” even on wiki, or “Ambergris” and “Carmine”. You might already know about this stuff but wowee. It’s ruining my favorite fragrances. lol
Ew! I once had a high school boyfriend mention that he really liked the smell of Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance. I ran out to VS to buy it and wore it on our next date thinking he would be so pleased — what great listening skills I had! — only to find out it was his ex-girlfriend’s signature scent. Ruined!
I just laughed SO HARD.
Thank you. I needed that.
Apparently, I missed this thread earlier in the week. You are cracking me up. I stopped wearing perfume with all the babies and their sensitive skin. I guess that was a good thing.