I saw this last week on one of my walks. It made me laugh, especially because the sign is high up on the light pole to discourage vandalism. Whoever did this did it at night with a very tall ladder. I know I should be outraged by my wasted tax dollars thanks to today’s irresponsible youth!, but the angriest I can manage is a poorly hidden smirk.
I decided to make Mondays our vegetarian night. I made tofu, brown rice, and kale–sounds vulgar, but it’s not–and it was delicious. Nico was thrilled because he loves tofu. The Mister ate it because he is a garbage disposal as long as it’s homemade. Mikey acted like he was approaching the guillotine, which is why I never make it. But you know what? I don’t like pizza and I have that every single Friday night. He survived one night of tofu. Barely, mom.
Larissa and I got started on Nico’s quilt! For whatever reason everything went faster this time around. I bet I could be done by Monday if I work hard on it through the weekend.
It was Mikey’s birthday. His first complete sentence upon waking up: “Today I am 16 days older than Emma.” His second complete sentence: “That better mean I’m prayer leader.”
Leading prayer is a big deal. I guess. I remember doing it as a kid and I dreaded when it was my turn. The honor goes to kids who are celebrating birthdays, getting good grades, and just all around behaving. Because of all the summer birthdays, the competition for prayer leading towards the end of the year can get heated.
On Monday, June 3rd, the teacher said the prayer leader would be the child with the nearest birthday. Emma raised her hand (June 21st, a date forever burned in Mikey’s brain) and was elected prayer leader. For Mikey, this was an outrage. He stood up and in what I can only imagine was bossy, arrogant but endearing Mikey fashion, presented an oral argument why Emma should not be prayer leader. He outlined their birthdays, the prayer leading assignment rules, the whole thing. Honestly, the class is lucky he didn’t demand a recess to put on court dress. I don’t know if he presented his case to the entire class or to just Emma. I do know that Emma listened to Mikey, gave him one of her famous withering stares and said “Too bad, so sad.” Then she lead prayer.
Mikey lead prayer on Wednesday, though he had to share it with another girl. Kids arguing about who will lead prayer? Could be much worse.
Thursday was a half day at school. Mikey went to the front office early in the morning and asked them to call me to make sure I knew it was a short day and that I had to pick them up early. I can only assume that because short days always fall on Fridays, Mikey felt this information would be too much for me to process, and that I would be wandering the halls of our home at noon just staring at the string tied around my finger, wondering how it got there and what it means.
His serious, responsible personality makes me happy. So does his excellent memory. It means I don’t have two Nicos, who on Wednesday “forgot” to tell me he dropped his slice of pumpkin pie on the kitchen floor.
Tonight we are going to play Ticket to Ride as family! I’m building up the game closet. I took the list of board game recommendations with me to Target, and Ticket to Ride was the only one I found, which is fine because I think it’s the one that works best for Nico’s age. I’m excited!
The Weekend
My niece is in a production of The Little Mermaid. On Sunday we are celebrating his birthday at my inlaws. And all the while, I’ll be hand tying Nico’s quilt.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
p.s. Thanks for yesterday. <3
We love Ticket to Ride. Also, Game of Things, Apples to Apples and Wise or Otherwise.
I love Apples to Apples! Sour Apples to Apples is also a lot of fun. They also have a Disney version but the one time I played it with my fiance’s family they did not like it. Boooo. I own five versions altogether. Lol.
Oh, Mikey…you’ll get your day someday, don’t worry! Or he’ll end up marrying Emma someday, and eat a whole lot of his own youthful words. ;-)
I’m spending my weekend celebrating the first of my husband’s nieces graduating from high school. It’s cool to see this girl I met for the first time as a 10 year old grow into such a mature, wickedly funny, and smart young woman. Oh, and she’s drop dead gorgeous, but I don’t tell her that too often – no sense in giving her any ideas. ;-)
Never ever ask Mikey to play Fluxx – his head will *literally* explode due to the cavalier approach to rules and game mechanics. Qwirkle is a wildly popular game amongst households of our acquaintance, although if Mikey is anything like me, he will insist that people play their tiles in a perfect grid *or else.*
Our family just discovered Ticket to Ride and we LOVE it!!! We also bought it for the iPad and it is just as much fun on there!
Ohoh, Ticket to Ride was one of my recommendations!!
Pop! That’s my ego I just reduced back to normal size. ;) Seriously, though, I can’t wait to hear what you think of it.
Also, not sure how I missed your post yesterday, and I haven’t read all the comments yet, but please, please know whatever you do, I think you’re fabulous, and I love getting to “know” you. I’m NOT trying to stroke your ego, but I am trying to encourage you. I look forward to every new post. However, real life is more important than blogging, and your family is primary. One of my goals is to someday meet you, maybe at one of the Craft Fairs? I’ve met two bloggers IRL so far, and I never expected to. So you never know, though I don’t plan to move to CA any time soon. ;)
Ticket to Ride is awesome!!!!! We love Euro board games. TGIF!
Forgetting the pie made me laugh so much I came back to read it again.