I bought my book last week, but I’m buying every book the Phenomenally Indecisive Book Club reads because I am a sentimental fool. Some of you, though, are still on the waiting list for your library’s copy–even the electronic versions! Melanie noticed the same thing in the comments yesterday and offered to give away two copies of Rules of Civility to those who still need a copy.
I don’t know how many of you know Melanie, but you will be hard-pressed to find someone who reads more than she does across all genres. Because of her lighting fast reading, publishers like her. A lot. So she gets to read books. A lot of books. (I’m insanely jealous!) Check out her Good Reads shelf. It’s ridiculous. She reviews them all on her blog and frequently does giveaways, like today.
Melanie has been working quite hard behind the scenes telling her contacts about our club. This should help people who are overseas, on tight budgets, or have libraries with mediocre fiction shelves–like mine. Gardening fan? Visit any of the Inland Empire libraries for your pick of tomes. We’re big gardeners here. Fiction fan? Put your name on the list and in three years you might have a chance at 1 of 3 copies of the latest bestseller.
Melanie is giving away two copies–of course she’s already read the book–to anyone who still needs a copy. Since time is of the essence, I’ll close this giveaway tomorrow evening (5pm, PST) and pick two winners using the random number generator. Melanie will ship the book to the winners.
Thank you, Melanie, for doing this for us!
Some rules:
- One entry per person.
- To enter leave a comment.
- Only U.S. residents 18 and up.
[Update! I used the random number generator to select winners Karina, Ris, Rebekah, and Hopeful Leigh. I’ve already contacted them, and their books on on the way. Congratulations, ladies!]
Hi, I would love a copy of the book!
That’s SO sweet of Melanie! Just friended her over on GoodReads!
I copy of the book would be great!!! I love to read. : )
I still haven’t purchased mine yet, tight budget+ my brothers bootcamp graduation this month (I.e time off work and travelling) means careful budgeting until our tax return is filed! Im so excited though, and can’t wait to read it. :)
I’m the same about wanting a copy for my library . . . for sentimental reasons. I just keep waiting for my budget to loosen up . . . sigh.
And whether or not I win, thanks so much for chance to win a copy–so very kind and thoughtful!
I’ve never heard of this book, but I’ll read nearly anything. I’d love a new book!
Oh wow! What a generous offer. Sadly, I’m on a strict budget due to a 30% pay cut I took last month, so a giveaway would be perfect! I hope this is the winning entry!
What a nice idea! I’d love a copy to keep and re-read.
How super nice of you. I haven’t picked my book up yet so…(crossing fingers) :)
I’d love a copy – if at all possible! I have been also tightening my budget belt.
Ooh, thank you, Melanie! I’m still waiting for my large print copy from the library. (Not because I need or even like large print, mind you, but because the waiting list is always shorter.) This is so nice of you!
Wonderful advice on the large print copy! I’ve now got my name on hold for both the regular and the large print. I’m only #5 for the large print but there’s only one copy in our entire county so we’ll see!
That’s so nice to offer! I am 41 out of 50 on the library waiting list now. I was in the 300s a week ago :)
I would love to win! I used to be a lawyer, then became a mom, so I hardly have any fun adult fiction. It’s all casebooks and board books. :( The book club will be so fun!
Wow! How nice of you, Melanie! I think I’ve only won one giveaway ever, but, you know, hope springs eternal, and all that.
Yes, please! I’d love a free copy of our book club selection- a no excuses reason to join in!
This is awesome! Thanks, Melanie.
I’d love to win a copy so that I can participate!! :). Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
This is very sweet (not entering Canadian…just commenting). Even though I’m 50th on the waiting list for the book at the library, I lucked out yesterday, and found a copy on the ‘fast read’ shelf! SO Happy!!!
Such a generous offer! I’ve been hoping to read this book and would love to win a copy. Thanks.
I’ve read 6 non-fiction books (for fun) in the past week. Fiction?! Not-so-much. It’s hard to justify spending the money on “fun”, and I never know which titles I will enjoy at the library (not to mention the long waiting lists for recent releases and best sellers). I would love the chance to read something recommended.
That’s so generous! I’d love a copy!
So nice! I’d love to join your book club and read this but just can’t spend the money right now – my wedding is in May! (And I don’t think my little town library has it but maybe I’ll check.) Thanks!
How nice of her! It looks like an interesting book.
I’m having a hard time finding it too. All of the copies at all of the libraries in my area (and it’s a large area) are all checked out! Can’t wait to read it!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Thank you Jules & Melanie! I would love to be entered into the drawing. I just checked my hold today and I’ve gone from 55 to 52 in 3 days. At that rate, February will be over before I get the book from the library!
And if I do get it, and someone else is still waiting when I finish reading, I will pass it on. Paying it forward and all :-)
I love your blog, Jules! So excited for the book club to begin and would love to be entered in the drawing.
I love any woman who knows her books! Can’t wait to pop over to look at Melanie’s blog!
I’m on a waitlist at my library, too. Very anxious to read this book! :)
would love to win, I am #102 on the wait list at my library!
Oh I would love it! I’m currently enduring a book-buying ban enacted by my husband after I went out and bought all five DreamFever books in one week.
I hope I win! I wanted to join the book club, but couldn’t justify the expense this month. =/
I would love to win! I love a good book! Thanks for the chance!
Oooh, thank you for this giveaway! I’m number 100-something on the waiting list for it on paperbackswap.com. Hoping to join in on the book club!
I am looking forward to reading this – thanks for the giveway!
How generous! That book has been on my wishlist for a while but I wouldn’t give in and buy it until I’d plowed through a bunch of other unread ones… needless to say, it’s still on my wishlist :)
Ohhh! I’d love to win a book! Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks, Melanie and Jules! I’m putting my name in the hat. We’ll see how lucky I am!
This is exciting! This book seems so interesting� I would love to win a copy!
I wasn’t going to try to read along- wedding means there is no extra $ for anything/ there is a hugely long waiting list at my library, but I’d love to have the chance to reread it with everyone :)
I have this book on hold at my library, but there are 165 people waiting for it :O(
I hope it’s not tooo late to enter in the Giveaway :O)
I would love to win this book. Going back to school has put a hold on all my spending.
Am 213 out of 6 copies……yep, could be waiting awhile here in Tucson, Arizona……
Great start to the book club! Hoping to win a copy; the library in my small town doesn’t even offer it! Yikes!! Looking forward to a good read.
Oh, I would love a copy. New to your blog and love it!!
I would love a copy–Not sure if it’s too late. . . .love your blog–a treat to read, that I savor.
That was on my list for our book club vote, but it didn’t make it this year. bummer. I’d love a copy to read, enjoy and then pass along.
What a kind thing for Melanie to do! I’m throwing my name in the pot since I’m #241 on the waiting list for this title at the library. Thanks for organizing the book club – I adore your blog!
I’d love to get my hands on this book! Thanks!
I would love a copy of the book!