A certain someone turned 6 this weekend.� SIX.� I have no idea how that happened, but do have a few things to say on the subject.� Today, however, I am in charge of birthday snacks at school, and since social reputations are on the line, I’ve been instructed to make it very cool and not babyish.� Duly noted. This means I don’t have time to recount the weekend just yet, other than my usual weekend reading.� Does this bore you, me coming here every weekend to tell you what I read?� I hope not, because I’m not stopping anytime soon.� I think it will be something ten plus years from now to see what I was reading.
This weekend I read Crazy Love by Francis Chan.� I loved it, especially when Chan took to task modern day Christians and their love of good appearances over good deeds.� I walked away with much to think about.
I also bought the latest Twilight book.� I haven’t cracked it open yet, but I fully expect to inhale something so fluffy and short in a few hours.� I am itching to buy a few more books, too, namely some Flannery O’Connor, whom I have never read.� Alas, I promised myself I would not buy another book until I finished some of the ones that have been languishing.� That means I need to finish The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (I only made it 1/3 of the way through last year) and Bloodroot (didn’t even make it to 1/4).
Six years old.� I still don’t know when that happened.� Maybe while I was reading?
A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the birthday boy … so exciting!
LOL, I think I read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle on your recommendation. Ha ha. Glad you’re finally gonna finish it! :) I *think* it was good. I’ve read about 20 million books since then.
Happy birthday! :) I’m in the middle of Crazy Love right now; such a thought-provoking book. Plus, I read recently that Chan quit his preaching job to begin foreign mission work with his family, after which he plans to start an inner-city mission program in a city like LA. It’s so refreshing to see someone who practices what he preaches (or writes).
Bloodroot’s on my list… Should it not be? And I just finished The Help and can’t stop recommending it. Maybe it’s already on your list, but if it’s not… Add it. It is, in a word, amazing.
(New to Flannery O’Connor? You are in for a treat!)
Cara–that was Angie. She loved that book, if I remember correctly. :)
Annie–I read the same thing about Francis. Very cool. As for Bloodroot, I just didn’t get into it. Who knows? It’s probably a great book. The Help is on my list, too.
happy 6th birthday!! wow, that seems like a great big number.
Yes!! Flannery O’Conner! She writes so cleverly about the South in a way that only a Southerner can. A treat for any reader.
I definitely want to hear your take on whatever Flannery O’Connor you decide to tackle. I’ve only made it through short stories so far.
I also look forward to hearing your take on Flannery O’Connor. I’ve only read of few short stories too. I for one like the reading list updates, it gives me ideas about what I may want to read next! :) Have a good week!!
By latest Twilight book do you mean Breaking Dawn? If so, prepare to inhale it in a few hours and also prepared to be horrified by the weirdness of one particular scene. I had to reread it like 5 times to make sure I hadn’t missed something.
I can’t recommend “The Help” enough!!! I loved it. :)
Sara Jane–No, I mean the new one that just came out this weekend. It’s a novella about the life of Bree Tanner, the vampire from Eclipse that was part of Victoria’s army. Now I am curious. What scene were you talking about?
I see I misspelled O’Connor. Need to go fix that.
Happy 6th birthday! WOW time does fly huh?
Oh, I haven’t heard of that one. I guess I’m out of the Twilight loop.
I was horrified by the birthing scene. Sickened, really. The cracking, chewing, etc. was just awful.
That was my favorite part! I have 15 year medical office experience and, according to my mother in law, a tendency to like gore. :)
Read Flannery O’Connor because she came highly recommended by my literary friends. Still on the fence. I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts. Just started Catcher in the Rye (first time since high school), but eager to start Imperial Bedrooms by Brett Easton Ellis. Yes, a tad dark, but we’ll see how it goes.
Six! My son will also be six in a few months, and for some reason, six just seems so much older than five. :(
I have two friends who are reading Flannery O’Conner right now (is something in the water?!?), and now I am going to have to revisit her myself.
I love it when you tell us what you read! Can’t wait to see what you think of the new Twilight book.
seriously, you still need to read the Red Tent. I’m telling you, you’ll love it
Edgar Sawtelle….Don’t get me started. I read the first 1/3 the last week of my pregnancy and just now finished it. Charlie is 19 months :) I kept putting it off and putting it off. I WANTED to LOVE It. But let me tell you, I wish I would have never finished it. I won’t ruin it here for you, but the ending, OH THE ENDING. I prefer “happy endings” but can deal with “a good lesson learned / sad but reflective” etc. Edgar Sawtelle. How you disappointed me. Still bothers me, weeks later. Go ahead, keep putting it off. There are too many other books out there.