Remember when I posted How I Met The Mister, Part 3?� Well, in the comment section, Amy of Magpie and Muttonfly said something that I thought was funny but didn’t really get.� My real life friends who were emailing me off site thought it was funny, too, although I suspect they got the joke.
Sigh. I love it. This is the third time I�ve made this deep comment, but it�s true. And you realize that you�ve started something now, don�t you? You�re gonna have to be like The Pioneer Woman � and just keep the story going. You�ll be writing �how I met the Mister� #5,052 and we�ll still be sighing and tearing up and asking for more �
I thought she was talking about the way Ree always mentions Marlboro Man in that sweet love-story kind of way.� Well, it turns out Amy was referring to Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, a series of posts Ree has written since 2007 detailing how she and her husband met and married. I know, you all are probably laughing at me right now.� The only reason I even know this much is because today Ree announced that the story had been optioned and may be made into a movie.
I wonder if I would have figured it out had I not seen a tweet congratulating her on the deal.� I can picture it now, me sitting in the theatre thinking it was a neat story, kinda like The Pioneer Woman with the red hair, four kids, cattle ranch, cowboy husb…wait a minute…
Two weeks ago I was in my car waiting in a long line to pick up Mikey from school.� I was in my own little world when all of a sudden a #2 pencil hit my windshield, scaring me half to death.� It was Harvey, who was in the car diagonal to me.� Apparently he had been trying to get my attention for several minutes and finally had to resort to tossing solid objects at my head.
This kind of felt like that.
p.s.� Congratulations, Ree!
UPDATE:� My friend just sent me this link about the movie.� I assume Ree is writing about this on her blog, but, you know…blog fast.� I’m totally out of touch.
Awwwww, SO CUTE!! That’s true love for sure!
I think it’s called an A-ha moment…. I would go see your movie, in a heartbeat. I see Penelope Cruz playing you, who is playing the mister?
Uh, no. In no way am I saying that my story is remotely interesting or that it should be made in a movie…unless that movie is about a girl that is slow on the uptake. ;) I’m just laughing that I have read Ree’s blog off and on for years and never once noticed the black heels series!
So a guy had to throw a pencil at your head to get your attention – happens to everyone. Right? It does happen to everyone doesn’t it?! I mean really …
The book is coming out, supposedly first in 2011. I must confess that I can’t wait to read it. It’s the Feast of St. Joseph today and from everything I’ve read, you don’t have to abstain from meat. But I think you still gave to abstain from blogs. :)
LOL I just came here to send you the link to Perez’s article (if that’s what you call it). Day late, dollar short I guess. :)
There is a book, too? Good grief…someone should throw an entire box of pencils at me.
Oh too funny. I was about to send you that same link! How cool that Reese is going to play her. So crazy!
Now I need some book publisher and movie house to think my blog is just as fascinating!
PS: Finally figured out sofa samples for you. According to TS they should be going out this week or the beginning of next.
Does this mean that Reece is going to be too busy to play the role of me based on my blog? This is very disappointing as I was sure she would sign on to play someone as riveting as me. And Jules don’t feel bad. I’ve been reading that blog forever now and didn’t realize it either! I spend a lot of time with my head in the sand.
My gosh, you know you’ve made it–not when you have a blog that millions see, not when you have a bestselling cookbook, but when you’re a shout-out on Perez Hilton’s website.