If you are doing the William Morris Project and going room by room in your house like I am, know that not every week will result in jaw dropping progress. Some weeks are slow. Some months are slow. February seems to be a slow month for me, the kind of month where I’m doing lots of little things that don’t seem to be adding up to anything I can cross off my list, and that’s okay. I’ve had to reshuffle my priorities this month. Family, taxes, school book reports–those all came first right now.
Some of the little things that deserve a mention include the pillows I bought for the living room. I hate buying pillows, mainly because I rarely find any I truly like. I liked these pillows enough to buy them way back in October, and they still don’t aggravate me. We went to IKEA and picked up curtains for the family room. We also picked up frames for the pictures I bought for the boys’ room. Speaking of the boys’ room, I bought a rug and it looks nice. We’re starting to get plants in the nurseries again, so I bought a few for around the house. I pulled out a plant stand from storage to hold a plant that normally goes on the coffee table, which has been commandeered by a puzzle. That corner of the living room looks a bit like a jungle, but it’s not forever. The plants don’t seem to mind.
Next month will be better. I have plans to finish the little bathroom off the laundry room and I should be very close to finishing the boys’ room, too. Then again, maybe baseball will take up a lot of time and I’ll clean out a messy drawer and call it good. That’s fine, too. Little things are just as good as big things. In the end, the size of the step doesn’t matter as much as the direction.
This post was part of The William Morris Project, a weekly series that details the steps I am taking to create an intentional home. You can see more of my goals and completed projects here. To learn more about this project, start here.
Now it�s your turn! Feel free to share how you have lived according to the William Morris quote, �Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.� Made a plan? Cleaned a drawer? Bought a sofa? Tell us about it with a link or comment. A few guidelines:
- Please link to a specific post, not a general blog address.
- Your post must relate to your efforts to create an intentional home. I have a delete button, and I�m not afraid to use it.
- No links to giveaways, please.
- Let�s use this weekly link up as an opportunity to gather inspiration and motivation. Click links. Discover new people. Say hi and good job. I know I will.
It’s the size of the intention tht matters–not the project! Those plants are lovely. I want some. Thanks for hosting.
I love plants. I have a board on pinterest devoted to plants that is getting out of control.
In the end, the size of the step doesn�t matter as much as the direction – Love that!!
Thank you. :)
It looks great. Nice to see this room and know how much you’ve done to it this past year. I love houseplants but my cat chews on them and then throws up, so I’ve given up. May have to go the fake route.
Yes, I’ve heard from cat owners that plants are just a no-go. It’s a good thing I don’t have cats, because I love my plants.
I am an admitted blog stalker.
I have read your blog for months now without leaving a comment.
I am a fellow William Morris lover. I studied his work in college while I pursued my art history degree and fell in love with his beautiful wallpapers and approach to life.
I love books and reading. One of my all-time favorites is “The Historian,” and I am excited to hear what you have to say about Kostova’s book. She has written a second novel–“The Swan Thieves,” centering around a fictional Victorian artist that is almost as good and just as gripping as her first.
I appreciate purposeful space and organized living, and I am emerging from the shadows today to link up to your William Morris project.
Thanks for your blog and your honesty.
Thank you, Jen. That was very kind of you to say. I can’t wait to see your project!
Love the unusual plants. They add personality.
Cacti, Mother in law tongue (snake plant), philodendron, Burro’s Tail, Fiddle Leaf Fig, and I have absolutely no idea what the one on the plant stand is! It came unmarked, but it is quite hardy and has almost doubled in size over the winter, which really says something.
“We went to IKEA and picked up curtains for the family room. ”
So envious.
Yes, I’m so glad we have an IKEA near us!
The plants look awesome!! I also think the curtains are nice, and look so tailored. Did you have to hem them? I have been searching for white curtains with ORB grommets, but I have decided they don’t exist. Now that I’ve seen yours look so nice even without metal on them, I’m rethinking my plans. :) (I ask about the hemming because I’ll likely pretend that I will hem them right away, but actually just let them sit in their bag for a year before I get around to it. :P )
Those are the same IKEA curtains I bought for the family room. $30 for the pair!! I love them, and they’re everywhere in my dining room, living room, and soon, the family room. They are not hemmed. They are a linen/cotton blend (I think) and they have shrunk to the perfect length in the wash.
You might just be my hero. Thanks for giving the blogiverse the William Morris Project. I jumped on board last week, and compiled my master list today. The philosophy is one that’ll be important as I transition from a lifetime as a student to being a young professional.
I love the plants! :) Plants are something I’ve given up on in this season of my life. I’m just trying to keep the kids and dog alive ;) But we need some plants for sure….and pillows. Ugh. I overanalyze them until I give up. If they match perfectly and the style is right, etc….I wish you could come over and help me hang some stuff too by the way. I have this stuff that I just can’t “commit” to hanging in any way. And what if the frames I get are too heavy? Too overwhelming? OR too matchy-matchy!? Maybe I need to take pics of what I have and the wall space and get your thoughts on it! <3
Oh, I’m hardly an expert! If you are buying frames, and they are meant to hang on the wall, then they won’t be too heavy. Feel free to send me pictures, though I don’t know how much help I would be. ;)
I have the blue/gold paisley Target pillow on my couch too! Love it actually. Also, I agree, your plants are just lovely.
I really like it, but I love the other one. The texture especially!
I am so envious of your beautiful plants. They must surely thrive in all that light! Love the new curtains – so breezy. I need to get a couple of small houseplants but worry that I’m sentencing some hapless vegetation to a slow, lightless death.
You may have no control over this, but the first ad under your header was one of those super loud and annoying auto-start videos (for me anyway) – thought you’d like to know!
Audio ads are unacceptable, and I have been crystal clear with my provider that they are not allowed on my site. Thank you for letting me know. I will look into it.
Love all your plants! Where did you get the pot that the mother in law’s tongue is in?