I’ve been waiting for this day. I’m on summer vacation!
Last year was rough. I worked all summer long for the second summer in a row, despite many people telling me it was a bad idea. They were right. By the time school started, I felt tired and burned out. By September I was listening to podcasts on work-life balance and the freedom in saying no. In March I told everyone who would listen that I wasn’t going to work over the summer. Reactions ranged from golf claps to Jennifer Lawrence thumbs up gifs. Just you wait and see, I said. A new Relaxed and Less Intense Jules is coming!
I closed the library door last Thursday with at least four boxes of books left to catalog and the final section of the library to go through and purge. I almost took the books home, but I resisted. I can’t change my mind, either, since I turned in my keys for the summer. I’m barred from campus, for my own good.
My plans for the summer are pretty simple. I’m hoping to get the house and family back into shape after two years of neglect. I may have entered, wrapped, and shelved over 4,000 books in 11 months, but I haven’t been nearly as successful at home. I barely cook, rarely shop, and the organizational skills people admire at work are nowhere to be seen outside the library. Too many times I was that mom who didn’t know about projects or due dates or missing homework until it was brought to my attention. That won’t happen again. (Or at least not as often as it did last year. Good grief.)
I was going to slowly take on a few home projects over the course of the summer, but of course on Wednesday night I learned our favorite priest, the one who lead the children’s choir Mikey and Nico were a part of, is flying in this Thursday. Since I have a piano, it made sense that I hosted the party reuniting the children’s choir. That means in 5 days I will have 50 people in my house. Naturally, after I agreed to host, I bought two bookcases and washed my chandelier, piece by piece.
Relaxed and Less Intense Jules is on backorder and isn’t expected to arrive until next Monday.
Good to see you! I bet you look proudly at your sparkly chandelier, like, twenty times a day.
So you went truncated posts. Oh, boy!
It’s gonna be a great summer! :D
That squiggly stuff up there is a smiley face.
Hah! I didn’t mean to truncate the posts. I was going to have the woman who helped me with the site collapse them, but I forgot. The squiggly line (and one other, backend glitch) is an issue I had with the other design, and I thought getting rid of that theme would fix it. I was wrong. Urgh. Looks like there are still more kinks to smooth out!
Well, anyway, it sure looks beautiful.
I love a good gif and rally cry. “Things are gonna be different around here!”
Hope you enjoy taking dominion back over your house/cooking/organizing. Sometimes, for me, that’s exactly what I need.
“Things are gonna be different around here! Probably!”
It’s always great to hear from you!
I hear you on the hurry up and relax (cough “relax” cough) thing. It’s hard to simplify your life!