Thank you so much for all the helpful comments on my Veggie Boy post! I haven’t had a chance to reply to them, but I will. I was out of the house yesterday and will be the rest of the week because…I’m the new 4th grade aide at the boys’s school! :)
It’s only a part-time position because I told them that while I would love to help in any way I can, I didn’t want that help to jeopardize the existence of the library. They looked at me like a was a little crazy because, like most schools in our area, there is no budget for a library.
“You do realize that if you kept the library open we wouldn’t be able to pay you, right?”
“Yes, but it’s important enough to me that I’ll do it for free.”
This may sound ridiculous to some, especially since we could use the money, but I don’t care. I have faith that this is what I am supposed to do. God provides us with what we need, and I need the library and those kids more than the small increase in money a full time aide paycheck would provide. The library has brought me joy and purpose. It’s an incredible feeling to touch the life of a child in a positive, long-lasting way. It’s jump-for-joy exciting to see a child fall in love with reading. As a school parent, it has been inspiring to see the power of a school in action. We, the school community, have come together to build something great. I have received so much money in donations to buy books. People trust me with their money! I’ve had parents empty their toy rooms of games and puzzles for the kids to play with during library. They have purged their home libraries of books their kids no longer read or have outgrown. They have donated decorations, bought Christmas trees, volunteered their time to help…it’s been amazing and heartwarming. The never ending supply of books for me to read hasn’t been a bad thing, either. (Except for Flora & Ulysses. There’s a handful of hours I’ll never get back.)
I’m expected to aide in a classroom with a teacher I love, then they want me to sit in a room full of books and kids and talk about what to read. Life is good.
Sorry, I can’t remember… is Mikey 4th grade this year?
Congratulations, Jules!
How often do you think back to your attorney days, comparing day to day now with what life would have been like? You sound so happy and fulfilled with this- seems like quite a contrast. I’m happy for you!
That’s so awesome! Happy for you!
I often read your posts on the library and think :This is what this woman is suppposed to be doing with her life. It is so obvious this is where you are meant to be. I am so happy you have found that place where God needs/wants you. And you are so right…he will provide…I know people who make good money at jobs they loathe (I am one of them) and you know what…I find myself envious of what you have found at the library. Truly. I am so happy for you and feel that you have found your calling. That is worth so much more than money. I wish you were my sons’ librarian. :)
Ditto what Miranda said! We are lucky to have a wonderful community library AND school libraries and that’s because we have a lot of people in the ‘background’ making it happen. People like you! THIS is such a heartwarming & happy post.. it could’ve been called ‘happy, happy’ :)
Congrats! Appreciated the part on faith too. So very true. Have a great week; we two more till school starts.
Congratulations! I was wondering why you were painting the 4th grade classroom.
You are awesome, the end.
Yeah! Congrats, Jules!!! That is awesome — you make me want to work in a library!! I am not saying that to be funny…I mean it!! We thought we were going to have our oldest starting kindergarten this year, he actually started last week at a charter school, but we ended up pulling him out….he is not ready for it (is still 4, turns 5 in September), so my dreams of helping in the library must wait another year!! Because of you, I actually cannot wait to help, and I am bummed I have to wait another year!! >LOL!
This post makes me so, so happy. Congrats!!!
Jules this is such happy news! And good on you for knowing what makes you fulfilled and continuing your work in the library :)
Congrats, and I really admire your commitment to the library!
Congratulations! You sound truly happy! It’s such a blessing when your talents perfectly match up a need!
I’m still in awe of the fact that there is a SCHOOL that doesn’t have the LIBRARY in the budget. To me, that’s like a grocery store that doesn’t sell milk. Good for you! What you’re doing in the library is my dream!
Congratulations!! You’re already doing such amazing work, and now even more kids will get more great things from you!
Jules, you are just the best! I don’t know you in real life or anything but when I read your blog I see your heart and man is it big!!
“I have faith that this is what I am supposed to do.” Inspiring … really. Your post gave me goosebumps.
Congrats, Jules! I’m so happy for you, and the kids, and the little library that could . . .
Congratulations on the job, and thank you for all your work in the library!
This is a happy happy happy post!
You are a hero to many children. Some of my favorite elementary school memories were of a favorite teacher who read to us (probably why she was my favorite). Magical times. I still remember The Mouse and the Motorcycle and The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler fondly.
I love your heart. And we’ve never met.
The library holds a special place in my heart because of all the time I spent there growing up. The other commenters are right – you are someone’s hero librarian
Bless you for keeping that library open for the kids!