After 10 days of searching, I found a rescue organization licensed by California Fish and Game willing to take and rehabilitate Snickers. Up until Wednesday, everyone I contacted said the bird would be euthanized. Snickers was a pigeon, not a California Condor. Pigeons don’t rate when it comes to allocating resources. I understand. But understanding the reasons why doesn’t mean I have to accept them.
I was in the baby bird formula section of PetSmart, of all places, reading a popular online discussion board on pigeon care. I had searched the board for rescue organizations the day I found Snickers, without luck. Lots and lots of UK organizations, but nothing local to me. In one thread I read something about medicine and how you could buy it at bird feed stores. On a whim I decided to google “bird feed stores” and one came up in my area–I’ve actually been there for wild bird seed for our feeders outside! There, near the bottom of the site, was a link that said, “Have you rescued a wild bird?”
Yes! Yes I have!
I called the number listed for a rescue organization 20 minutes from my house–one I didn’t find in the previous 10 days of googling. I spoke at length with the woman and ensured she would not put Snickers down unless it was absolutely necessary. We agreed I should come over and show her Snickers and when I asked her if 11:15 was a good time she said, “That should work because I feed the squirrels at 11:00.”
That’s when I knew she was my people.
I pulled up 15 minutes early and waited at the gate. At 11:15 she walked out with a sparrow flying alongside her. I kid you not.
She confirmed what I already knew about Snickers: I found him when he was days old, putting him at about 2 weeks when I turned him in. Everyone (rescue organizations, vets, friends) kept asking me if I was sure he was a nestling, if maybe I didn’t pick up a bird that was just testing out its wings. The woman at the wildlife rescue organization is the only person who trusted my judgment over the phone when I said I had a very, very young bird on my hands that needed rehabilitation and release.
I’m positive Snickers is going to be happy in his new temporary home. There are many other birds there, as well as squirrels, raccoons, and opossums. He’ll get to grow in a very large pen for birds, and because he is so young, the woman is going to supplement his formula with wet dog food. What a relief he is in the hands of an expert!
Before I left I gave her a $20 donation and took one last look at Snickers’s horribly ugly-adorable yellow fuzzy head.
Since then, I’ve gone to check on Snickers several times before I remember he’s at his new for-now home. I catch myself checking the clock every few hours to see if it’s time for a bottle. Ah, well. Maybe my happy-happy is the tiniest bit bittersweet.
Aw :c) You are just like me. And you’re right — it matters not if they’re a pigeon or something endangered or spectacularly beautiful. They’re all living things that need a helping hand. Kudos to you Jules for continuing to try to find a rehabilitator for Snickers. Keep that woman’s phone number nearby. Methinks you might be visiting her again ;c)
You are a wonderful woman!
Happy Friday!
Awww. What a good person you are. Snickers is one very lucky bird.
So much happy, happy is bittersweet, isn’t it? Wondering if your future is more in books or in birds.
I’m so glad there’s a happy ending to your Snickers story! Maybe someone else has mentioned this, but have you read “That Quail Robert”? It’s an older book, and I believe it’s a true story- very charming- about a young quail that is taken in and raised by a human family. Given your love for books and birds I think you would enjoy it.
I love that you did so much for a pigeon– a bird called “rat with wing” by many.
There is a great book of photography called Extraordinary Pigeons that is part of a series of bird books. I wouldn’t say I’m a “bird person” exactly, but I have thumbed through this book at the book store on more than one occasion.
Did somebody say squirrels?!
This was just great. The whole saga, from day 1. Thanks.
So glad to hear that Snickers is in good hands. I love how the critters keep finding you and still wonder about that kitten you found awhile back. We have pigeons coming to drink from our saucers every day, and if they’re feeling brave they’ll splash in the bird bath. They are so cute and ungainly as they fly but I never would have guessed they started out looking like Snickers.