Everyone else: HAPPY FRIDAY!
The Mister surprised us with a day off from work and a day at the beach. The boys had so much fun! I was under the umbrella and wore an enormous sun hat since my rosacea medications + sun don’t mix, but it was fun watching them boogie board. Nico was fearless and tore it up. He got in trouble once for trying to go in by himself without telling us. Not cool, especially since directly in front of us was a riptide. Mikey was cautious and at first didn’t want to go in (because sharks). Once he heard about the riptide, he was even more resistant. He had this image of a riptide pushing him out to sea, smack in the middle of a frenzy of sharks. When I explained to him that his dad wasn’t in the riptide section and that he would always be with him, he relented. He had a great time.
Walking on the sand made one thing clear to me: I’m losing all the conditioning I gained walking every day last year. The video in that post still makes me tear up. Why, oh why, am I having such a problem getting back into the routine of daily walks? It’s like once I achieved my 365-day goal, I lost all motivation. This is exactly what I was afraid was going to happen. Ugh! In part, I think it’s because I no longer had to post pictures to instagram, as crazy as that sounds! I asked on my 300 social media channels if there was a fitness app or website that people found motivating. I used endomondo all last year, but it’s become buggy and boring. I would love to try yoga, but like I mentioned on instagram (I’m @themrskendall or @ourbuttercup, but that one is only pictures of Buttercup), I don’t know how realistic it is with the library, the boys’ activities, and the Mister traveling so much. I’m checking out everything recommended and will post my results soon. Below is what people recommended as of 12:17 am. Anything to add?
Yoga Download
Nike Training Club App
THE WALK It’s 40% off right now!
This is unrelated to your post, but I saw this video where a guy makes a clarinet out of a carrot and thought your son would get a kick out of it.: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/07/02/he-starts-out-with-only-a-drill-carrot-and-mouthpiece-but-its-the-final-product-thats-leaving-people-in-disbelief/
The boys and I spent all morning watching instruments made out of fruit. Thanks! :)
FWIW, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the pictures of your walks – not only did I find them interesting (completely different than our landscapes etc), but they also motivated ME to get moving, and I started walking too! After walking my youngest to school I started going home the really, really, really :) long way, telling myself that if my husband and older two kids could carve time out of their busy schedules for fitness, then I shouldn’t feel guilty (like I was sloughing off chores or other more pressing tasks) for doing the same. (I even took pictures and sent them to my best friend, who lives in another province, partly to show her our scenery, partly because that documented my walks, and partly to encourage her, because she was finding it hard to get fitness into HER day. See what a ripple effect your pictures had?)
Sending you lots of encouragement!
Thanks, Marian. That’s great to hear, and it gave me something to think about. :)
Thanks for sharing the at-home fitness resources because I need them, too. Don’t let anyone suggest that your commitments to school, kids, home are excuses or that you could find the time if you really wanted to. Two summers ago I joined a gym and classes there were just what I needed. By the end of August, I felt (and looked) so much better. I was determined to keep it up once school started. No, I was not able to. Same thing last summer. Doing the same thing again this summer.
Despite being highly motivated and declaring that my health was an important priority, I couldn’t make it happen. Classes only happen at certain times, and if they happen when I have to work, be somewhere else for my kids, or deal with migraine (can’t work out when ill), I just can’t be there. Period. (I might be wrong about the timing, but didn’t the Mister’s new job coincide a bit with finding it difficult to make time to walk?) So, I, too, need to find something I can use at home. Tried a few YouTube yoga videos, but nothing gives me the workout I get at my gym. I’m sure your community will come up with great resources!
Great memory. He travels A TON, and he’ll be gone most of July. It’s not just that I don’t have time, it’s that driving from place to place is exhausting for me. I’m an introvert. It sounds weak, but I can’t have too many obligations in one day. My home is my comfort, and these days I’m finding myself leaving 2-3 times per day. We just pulled out of a choir concert because the practice (3x per week) on top of swimming (daily) and music (3x per week) was just too much for all of us.
It doesn’t sound weak to me, because I know just what you mean. I never connected introversion to my aversion to driving (which I end up doing lots of in the summer), but I get it.
Rita, if you don’t lack the motivation, but just need apps to get you a good workout at home, here are the few I use:
1. Skimble Workout Trainer
2. Sworkit
I also highly recommend the DVD workout “T25”. It’s not something I would have sprung for at $120ish but I received my copy as a gift. I don’t know what you’re gym fees are but that might be an even swap.
Thanks, Shaina! I will check those out.
The ONLY thing that keeps me motivated to walk is listening to a good book. I don’t allow myself to listen to it at any other time – and many days I walk longer than I intended just to finish a chapter.
Neil Gaiman (HEART) got fit by listening to books while running on a treadmill. The rule was, he only got to listen to more of his book WHILE HE WAS RUNNING. He got quite fit, bless him.
I’ve tried podcasts with little success, but it’s worth considering a book I wouldn’t normally make the time to read.
The book Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman is the best audio book I’ve ever listened to. Reading the book yourself doesn’t even come CLOSE to how great it is to hear the characters performed with the appropriate West Indies accent. A++
And if taking photos and posting them on Instagram works as motivation for you, that’s great! Embrace it. Use it!
I used the Nike + Training Club app and I really like it. However, having worked with a personal trainer for about 18 months now, I have some thoughts.
Do what you like. If walking is a chore that you don’t like anymore, then you’ve outgrown it. That’s okay, you know. You were in it to achieve the 365 pictures and the 365 days, and BAM. Goal SMASHED. High fiving a million angels!! *high fives the air* You did GREAT achieving your last goal, so be happy and proud. Stay proud of that achievement.
Now that you’ve laid waste to that goal of walking and you’re on the other side, realizing that your urge is to try something else, find something else! You don’t have to repeat a goal when you’re “over it”! Why not find something that you like? You mentioned yoga. Yoga is HARD. I took an “easy” class the other day and like I said, I’ve been lifting weights and doing crazy exercises for 18 months and one pose – one! – that involved my hip flexors and I was like “YOGA IS EVIL WHAT THE FLIP”.
Why not do 365 days of yoga? And why not do it with the boys? A lot of women in my office do martial arts with their children, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t do yoga with your kiddos. You can go to a studio, you can go to free classes, you can pick up a video, you can work off an app. It doesn’t have to take a long time, and oh MAN can it ever be hard, just as hard as going for a walk. The next time you have a head cold and you’re trying to complete a downward dog, you will realize “wow, I am actually working hard right now because yeah this is awful”.
Also, I think the boys have a video console yes? Xbox 360? If yes, why not start playing Dance Dance Revolution, Dance Central, Just Dance, or if the boys have a Kinect, pick up the Carnival Games (sooo fun) and for pure relaxation, try playing Child of Eden. It’s cardio, it’s really fun and involving, the boys will love it (zero sharks) and it’s non-judgemental. A lot of adult *women* are very judgemental about game consoles and games, but I’m a firm believer in them. Children are encouraged to play games, and then they’re told to grow up and have jobs. Adults forget that games were all about the brain and problem solving. Video games are much the same, but with new technology, they’re also incredible tools for at home exercise AND having fun. A second hand game store will sell you some of the Dance-themed games for $18. If you pick up Dance Dance Revolution, you’ll need to buy the mat that you dance on. Just want to make sure you’re aware. :)
OK, this idea is brilliant! I was thinking about it last night (daily yoga, doing it with the boys) but I’m so cuckoo that I was annoyed that it wouldn’t be starting on 01/01. I couldn’t get over the 7 (!!) months I wasted. That’s dumb. I’m looking into this today.
I like the listening to a book idea. That helps me.
Also, David Sedaris on fitbit:http://m.newyorker.com/reporting/2014/06/30/140630fa_fact_sedaris?currentPage=1
I <3 David Sedaris.
I was also going to suggest doing something like yoga with the boys, so it doesn’t take you away from your family and that might help you with daily motivation, but I see someone’s already mentioned it. I also agree that yoga is NOT easy! I got into it a few years ago and became a yoga teacher a few months ago, and let me tell you that I’m stronger or fitter now at 30 than when I was an active teenager or twenty something playing sports and swimming a lot.
I’ve heard great things about youtube vids for beginners called Yoga with Adrienne, and I’m a big fan of Sadie Nardini’s youtube videos. Some are very advanced but she has great ones that are fine for any levels.
What’s worked for me is a combination of the Jawbone Up, expensive I know but totally worth it, and the Yoga Studio app on my phone which has lots of great 15 minute yoga routines for all levels, and which I have committed to using every day. I track this using Lift, a habit tracking app. If I don’t track something, then I don’t do it.
I use RunKeeper but I don’t consider it to be all that motivating. GiveIt100 is pretty cool, but as of now it’s only a website, no app.
What would be awesome, would be a walking app that incorporates a daily video or photo challenge. Then there’s a purpose (other than walking) that could be the motivator. Anyone know if an app like that? Anyone on here an app developer?
I just downloaded the Yoga Studio app at my brothers reccomendation. It cost a couple dollars but I am ok with that as it is exactly the kind of app I was looking for (gentle background music, soft voices, simple videos, and lots of classes you can download). I’m really excited to start using it! It also has a calendar to track when and what classes you did. I think 365 days of yoga with your boys- or sometimes by yourself – is a fantastic idea. I would love to do it too! If a project is what works for you, do it! The best time to start is now :)
I have an omron pedometer and track my steps. The usual goal put firth from the experts is 10,000 a day but I don’t really care. It’s more about knowing how active my day has been and realizing that a daily dog walk or two puts me at 10000 pretty easily. You could set a lower goal of 6000 or whatever and work your way up. I work and just walking from car to office is over 2000 which is not the case for someone who stays home. However on days off I am more active in the house and doing errands. I have wanted to try yoga and have done a couple classes but always feel inept and wondering if my form is good or in fact doing damage. I agree with others that its hard but have friends who swear by it. Also tried Pilates (not machines). Really hard! Walking is so much more rewarding up me. And I love Zumba. But that’s through a club. Just start something. Sounds like you need a plan to stay on task. Good luck!
Have you tried the Breeze app? Listening to podcasts has helped, too.
It has taken me years to stop making excuses for exercise. There is always time. Even for those who work full time outside the home, have kids, and who have spouses who are not home every night and weekend.
I think a concrete measurement if activity is very helpful. Maybe one of the gadgets that can track steps. Monitor your usual activity for a few days, then increase it by 2000 steps. Do that consistently then increase it again.
Even if the boys are at swimming, instead of sitting on a chair reading do something that gets you moving; even walking around the perimeter if something there is a start.
Each day can be different. One day you can have a dedicated exercise time, another try to chsllenge yourself by taking stairs only or increasing your steps.
I battle this everyday, so I get it. It’s my natural inclination to want to curl up with a book instead of moving my legs, however feeling stronger and more fit is it’s own reward- especially since you are keeping up with 2 young boys! Hang in there!!
“Why, oh why, am I having such a problem getting back into the routine of daily walks? It�s like once I achieved my 365-day goal, I lost all motivation.” Thank you, it feels good knowing I’m not alone. I ran a marathon (after years of running) and haven’t run since. I’m also hoping to regain that motivation. Good luck on your path.
Oh and I ADORE Buttercup, keep the updates coming!