Since last week I have researched ALCAT, LEAP MRT, anti-inflammatory diets, NAET, glutathione, elimination diets, GAPS diet, alkaline diets, vegan diets, stinging nettle, butterbur, and countless other herbs, tests, and schools of medicine as it relates to the treatment of childhood allergies and asthma. I’ve alluded over the last few weeks that Mikey has been sick often, but I don’t know if I mentioned that he has been sick (minus a day or two) since December 31st. In January he even had pneumonia, which shattered my heart into a million-trillion pieces. He hasn’t used his inhaler in a week, which is a miracle, but he’s still sick.
Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook know all this. It’s all I talk about.
I found this treatment…
Has anyone heard of this…
What do you think of this…
I haven’t been the picture of health, either, and the stress of seeing Mikey sick so often is exacerbating my tenuous grip on what they used to call a strong constitution. Over the summer I had a complete work up, and with the exception of my vitamin D levels, my blood work suggested the picture of health. I’d like to keep it that way, but at the rate I’m pumping out cortisol, I’m not making bets.
Many of you have asked how my severe vitamin D deficiency has improved, and a few of you even emailed to thank me for inspiring you to get your own levels checked. Turns out, I wasn’t the only one who was deficient in Vitamin D. Sadly, I may be the only one (so far) who isn’t responding to treatment. My body can’t tolerate vitamin D supplementation; I become toxic quickly. I decided to forgo supplements (it’s not like I could tolerate them anyway) and ate foods high in vitamin D and spent 20 minutes every day in the sun. Vitamin D is best absorbed topically, so I had high hopes. In August, after months of sun bathing, my results came back 10 points higher, but still severely deficient. Disappointing.
My main concern remains Mikey and his health. He is so small for his age, so susceptible to every damn germ that crosses his path. I stay up at night worrying, thinking, plotting. I spend hours at the computer reading until I have to get up because my legs tingle and my back aches.
I won’t give up on him, and if only by sheer determination alone, I will find the key to unlock the mystery of his allergies and asthma. Helena’s dad used to say I reminded him of a terrier. “She’s tiny,” he’d say, “but she just barks and bites and pulls until she gets what she wants.” He was right; I won’t ever give up on someone I love, and I love my boys something fierce. When it comes to Mikey and his health, I’m a dog with a bone.
But this old dog learned a new trick or two over the summer, and as much as it feels like I am giving up on him by not giving him 200% of my attention, I have to put myself first and get my health in order. It’s similar to putting on your air mask in a plane before you put on that of your child’s. If you’re no good, they’re no good.
I have (yet another) appointment with a doctor about my vitamin D deficiency (actually, I’m probably at the doctor right now as you read this). He is an MD who incorporates homeopathic treatment in his practice, so I am hopeful he will provide me with a solution that will work. I’m not going to lie, I have some questions for him about Mikey, too. But first, me.
If you have had any success with alternative treatments for allergies and asthma, I am all ears.
Have you checked for mold? A friend’s son kept getting sick. They checked and found mold growing under their carpet. Hope he gets better soon.
We checked for mold when we first moved in, but not since then. I’ll look into it, thank you.
Oh Jules, I’m so sorry–seeing your kids sick is the worst! I wish I had the answer. Seems gluten intolerance is the new thing. My friend was diagnosed with gluten allergies–now they’re saying she’s allergic to lettuce, too. Lettuce? Seriously? It just seems odd to me.
Eek! That was depressing. So here’s a little something. My cousin’s daughter was sick ALL the time. She was thinking of pulling her out of preschool; she was at her wits end. But her doctor told her to breathe deep and carry on–her daughter was building up immunity, they would work together to control it. Then, around 8, she would turn the corner. And she did!
As for my part, I’ll send up a prayer or two–for you all . . .
I’m so sorry to hear that. We are kind of in the same boat, my four year old has peanut, tree nut, avocado and seasonal allergies, and has allergy-induced asthma. For the past four months he has also had ZERO appetite and is losing weight. We have been to allergists, the pediatrician every other week, the ENT…I spent most of the past fall sitting in doctor’s offices. We maxed out our FSA in July of last year.
He generally is better in the summer months but is sick from September to April for the past three years. This year he is doing a little better, asthma-wise, we have him on daily Zyrtec, Veramist, and Flonase. I also pulled him out of preschool last fall since it was like a pit of germs (I know, building immunity, whatever. I was paying $500 a month but sending him maybe twice a month, and every time he got better and I sent him in he came home with a fresh sickness.)
We are moving next month from NJ to somewhere in Orange County–I was also hoping that the warmer, drier climate would help him. Although it sounds like it hasn’t helped you guys.
Sorry, no advice, just commiseration. It sucks.
Ugh. This sounds like my life. It depends on the part of CA, and the type of allergies your son has. My son is most allergic to Chinese Elms, which pretty much blanket my part of southern CA. We have a 3-story Chinese Elm in our backyard! The doctor said to not bother removing it. We would have to removed every Chinese Elm within a 10 mile radius for it to do a bit of good.
Allergies can be terribly depressing. I really think this is food related. I just got back from the doctor, and of course I talked about Mikey. He’s going to see him, but he said for starters I can remove all wheat and dairy from his diet, which many people here and on Facebook and Twitter have said helped tremendously.
Food discussions seem to be the new politics and religion, and the way my family eats is strange…but have you looked at Whole9/paleo/primal? I was hard-core hippie granola whole grains oatmeal every day limited animal foods…then my husband stumbled on this way of eating. It has been incredible for us. I’m not tired any more, or congested, my headaches are gone…serious seasonal affective disorder has been remediated.
I think that whole9 is the easiest place to read up on the basics, Robb Wolf and Loren Cordain have ventured into the science and biology of eliminating dairy, grains and sugar if you are interested. (And you like research, so I figure you’re interested!) Good luck and may you find good health, too.
I have, and I even bought a Paleo cookbook that Whole9 recommends. I’ve heard and read too much about grains (wheat) and dairy to believe there is some correlation. I have to see when the next Whole9 30-day challenge is.
We use Astragulus supplements with great success! And it can be used long term. Try cutting out wheat and corn too. I know it sounds severe but it’s worth a try. You might like the book Wheat Belly.
I just got back from the doctor (I’ll update fully tomorrow) but until he can see Mikey in March, he said to eliminate wheat and dairy. It’s what I’ve read and heard from a million different places, so I have a feeling this will make a huge difference. I’ll check out the book and Astragulus supplements, too.
I went on the Paleo/Primal diet. I’ve lost about 13 lbs so far. But the reality of my going grain/sugar free 8 weeks ago, and dairy free over 2 years ago, is to get rid of my asthma that I’ve had since my pregnancy with #2 over 8 years ago. I hated taking a steroid medication twice daily for 9 years. I couldn’t go a day without it. Since going Paleo, I’ve not touched my inhaler for 8 weeks. I’ve felt so much better. I haven’t tested yet for my levels for anything. I do plan to see my allergist and ask to test for gluten intolerance. Search for Wheat Belly interviews under Fat Head Blog and Wellness Mama blog. I am planning to get my boy (8) on a gluten/dairy free diet because of his autism and ADD diagnosis. It is supposed to help with that. My boy is very heavy, but he is super short, which worries me. My issue is that you can teach kid to eat at home, but how does that translate when they are out of the home and away from your watchful eye. Check out Paleo Mom, Paleo Family, Everything Paleo about how they’ve transitioned their kids and how their behaviors and health have changed.
Buena Suerte.
This is so, so, so encouraging to me.
You already know that I’ve had a good strong battle with allergies…it continues, but definitely on the winning side now.
Take care of yourself, so that you can care for the ones you love. Vitamin D – so important. Healthy bones and strong immune system. Have you ever tried taking the drops, instead of the pills? Thank goodness for Californian sun, you’d be doomed in the arctic (at least half the year anyhow) ;)
Good luck with everything. You’ll find the right combination of combatants, and Mikey will come out the other side unscathed.
I just got back from the doctor, and I’m going to start applying it topically. They say that’s the best way to absorb it, so fingers crossed that it doesn’t make me sick!
I’m not a momma, but I can only imagine how painful this is with Mikey. Have you ever read the blog Food Renegade? ( The blogger, Kristen Michaelis, talks a lot about how a traditional diet will basically change all of your ailments (basically). She’s a huge proponent for raw milk getting rid of allergies and asthma. I don’t know much about it personally and I can’t say that I’ve completely made the switch to a traditional diet but I’m making my way there. Hope this might help you! Wishing and hoping for the best for you.
Yes, I have read that blog but never read anything about asthma or allergies there. I’ll have to go comb the archives. Thank you!!
I haven’t seen it a lot myself, but this post mentions raw milk and asthma/allergies.
Maybe it’ll point you in the right direction?
Hi Jules. It’s been a long time since my last comment. Glad to be back. I’m wondering if you have had your house tested for toxic mold? When you described Mikey’s constant sickness my first thought went there. I hope he starts feeling better soon…when our babies hurt we hurt. And good for you for taking care of yourself. Moms have the toughest job in he world and we need to feel well so we can shoot on all cylinders.
Thanks, Amy. Testing the house for mold is definitely on my list now.
Yes, you need to take care of you for sure! I am sure Mikey will grow out of this. I was similar as a kid and spent lot’s of time in the hospital and didn’t even have a mama bear like you. Small for my age, asthma, susceptible to everything, but when puberty hit I grew and became an Ox. I doubt he will have to wait that long with advancements in science (and a Terrier mom), but I am convinced this will be something he will grow out of. For you, well, you definitely need to breath, stress totally effects the immune system so take a nap today, move away from the computer, stop for at least a few minutes and breathe.
Hi Jules! Last year I followed a program led by a nutritionist in the Seattle area who also leads online classes. I was amazed by the impacts…migraines have essentially been resolved, no more rosacea, joint pain resolved, no more rhinitis, and my digestive system is working better than ever. While on the program, I heard a lot from fellow students of improvements of asthma, skin issues, and plenty other improvements in areas I never would have considered. A year later, I am not as strict, however, I can definitely tell when I have too much sugar or dairy. I continue to be completely gluten free as I can definitely tie that to my migraines. Just an idea. I appreciate it sounds extreme, but within 3-5 days, I felt like a different person. Seriously. Good luck! It is so interesting to me that healthy food doesn’t always work for our bodies. XO
Oops, I forgot the link:
Have a great day!
I’m going to check out this link, thank you!
Wow, I didn’t know things were this bad! I don’t have any suggestions, but the mold thing sounds like it might be worth investigating. I would hate for that to be the problem, but it would be comforting for you to find a reason for all of this.
On a separate note, I’m glad you brought up the vitamin D thing because it reminds me that I have to go back to check my levels as well.
Yes, check your levels! I just got my results today. They were crappy, of course.
Good ‘ole I.E. and all of our pollen. It also doesn’t help that our mediocre seasons are all messed up. :( I hope you and mikey start feeling better soon! :)
Oh, I know! Hot, cold, hot, cold, wet, dry. Ridiculous!
Have you considered the possibility of IG a deficiency? It’s the secretory immunoglobulin that helps fight off infections. It can easily be tested for if your doc thinks it’s worthwhile. I’m the doctor mommy of a little asthmatic too, It sucks! Take the time you need to make sure YOU keep breathing!
Stupid typing. it should read Ig A
No, never heard of it. I’ll make a note of it and bring it up at his appointment in March. Thank you!
Oh missy I am sorry. Keep pursuing. I don’t have any new info to offer you beyond your own amazing research. Last year Julia was really really sick. She got mono (at age 5! little kids can get it!) and then 3 months later she got walking pneumonia. I cried at the ped’s office slightly and the doc was like, get it together woman. But there was just something about the word “pneumonia” and so fast on the heels of the mono…And then the year BEFORE, she contracted bronchiolitis aka RSV. Not as bad in older kids as it is babies, but she was sick sick.
So now I basically worry about her chest whenever she gets a cold.
Share your news from the natureopath please! I’m a strong strong believer is utilizing natural health ideas along with western pharmaceuticals, largely b/c I don’t think western meds have all the answers.
Not sure if will help your problem but yesterday I just did a post on this woman and her superfood supplement — can’t hurt to try it out!
I will definitely check out your post. I pretty much worry about Mikey’s chest, too. I’m constantly asking him how he is feeling. That can’t be good for him (or me!).
I’m so sorry to hear this! I’m a loser who doesn’t tweet, so I had no idea. I can’t even imagine how stressed out you must be. The only thing I thought of and you’ve probably already investigated it is this site:
There are amazing stories on there every week week of people who have conquered illness (including allergies & asthma) thru diet change. I’ll be praying for you guys.
PS I got my vitamin D checked after you did – it was 19 and my husband’s was 9! Luckily, we can take the supplements and they are working.
I’ve read Mark’s Daily Apple before. I’m definitely going to comb the archives for posts on allergies and asthma. Thank you!
I hope you find some answers for both yourself and Mikey. Please take care!
I have nothing much to offer but my prayers and support that you feel better and that you find some answers. I have Vitamin D issues as well – finished the megadose weekly regimen recently and (over)due to re-test. I do hope you get some good answers.
Wow–good for you. The mega-dose regimen almost landed me in the hospital. So happy for you!!
“I have to put myself first and get my health in order. It�s similar to putting on your air mask in a plane before you put on that of your child�s. If you�re no good, they�re no good.” You’re so, so right Jules. Glad you went for a follow up today and the topical Vitamin D treatment will hopefully do the trick. As you know I have a couple of friends that only do alternative medicine, and one friend with a son who is severely allergic to all of the Top 10 allergens and she does a combo of alternative and traditional treatments (her husband is a pediatrician so walks the line between both). I will ask them all this week what they can recommend.
That would be awesome, Andrea. Thank you.
Comment #2 for me – I saw your comments about removing dairy – my younger daughter was allergic to dairy her first two years. (So allergic that when she was solely nursing, if I ate something with whey solids in it she’d react to my milk.) I’m sure you know this or will know it, but dairy lurks in many things under many names. I was shocked to see rice -based cheese – supposedly “dairy-free” – with whey solids in it. Rachel was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s a few years ago (auto-immune thyroid disease) and I’m convinced her immune system is just out of whack – first allergies and then this.
From everything I have read, all our health begins in the gut. Unhealthy gut = unhealthy immune system = disease and allergies. The doctor I saw today explained that to me as it relates to Mikey, but I think I was so overwhelmed and stressed that most of it went right past me. A lot of what he said (that I can’t remember) is found in the GAPS diet book and website.
Thanks for the info. Although Rachel outgrew the true allergy to dairy I still wonder how it might be affecting her. And her thyroid is easily controlled by meds, but from what I’ve read having one autoimmune means more likelihood of others – which again makes me imagine an immune system that is overly reactive. So I’d like to do what I can to help keep that from happening too much.
Nothing smart or helpful to offer, just a note to say that I’m sorry you’re having to go through all of this. (I don’t Twitter either and Facebook infrequently.) My son was hospitalized for 2 weeks with pneumonia, back when he was only 18 mos. old. I know how scary that is, and the worry and watching that comes after. I hope Mikey & you are both feeling much better, and soon.
Thanks, Kelly. :)
Yes, yes. I see others have mentioned dairy and sugar. I would agree with this although it sucks, doesn’t it?!
I have two asthma stories. When my Mom was little, her mother was at her wit’s end about her asthma (this was in the 1930s) and changed her diet completely. My mom told me this story recently (I had never known about it before) and I asked how it changed. She said her mom switched her to all fresh, seasonal foods, little to no sugar, and no processed stuff. The asthma miraculously went away.
And then I seriously changed my own eating habits several years ago, following a local nutritionist/doctors regime with a strict calorie intake (about 1200 a day to lose the weight and then to 1500-2000 to maintain), low carbs (only complex) and mainly fresh foods with very little to no sugar. Not only did I lose 40 pounds, but my asthma went away completely! My breathing was so bad I’d sleep with my inhaler clutched in my fist…and I was always getting chest infections, walking pneumonia, etc.
As I type right now I have slipped a bit and predictably, my asthma rears its head when I do. I definitely think there’s a relationship with what we put in our mouths. The bad (or good, depending on how you look at it) news is: making this change for the whole family will be the best way to go….
Love your genuine blog Jules. Take care,
Thank you Alisa. What is it with carbs? I hate to demonize any food, but there are so many anecdotal stories about health improving after the removal of grains that I can’t help but think the industrial revolution blew it with this one.
I follow your blog with great interest, and admiration of your writing style! You have a natural gift. :)
Our sons are similar in age to yours – our oldest is 8 and our youngest will be 4 in two weeks. Our oldest son has severe food allergies (anaphylaxis to dairy, eggs, peanuts and most tree nuts), as well as asthma and eczema. His eczema began when he was app. 2 months old, and was quite severe for the first few years of his life. He seems to have outgrown it (thank goodness!). It was our first indicator of him having an “allergenic” nature. He has the classic allergy triangle (eczema, asthma, allergy) – ultimately, they are all allergy.
Both my husband and I have a family history of allergies, yet our youngest son does not have any allergies, or asthma.
Our oldest has always been on the “petite” side, and has experienced pneumonia/lung infections multiple times in his life. It is soooo stressful when he is sick. We are constantly watching and listening to him breathe when he gets so much as a cold, yet trying to normalize things for him (and for us!). It seems that viruses are always the trigger that makes his asthma go crazy.
We, like a previous reader who commented, use Astragalus with success. It is used often in traditional Chinese medicine, and is known to strengthen the lungs/respiratory system. A friend of mine, who is a naturopathic doctor and mother of 3 young children, recommended it to me. It has become part of our everyday. He loves the taste (minty) so is happy to take his “drops” (we use a tincture).
We have ebbed and flowed with our use of things like fish oils (which are anti-inflammatory). No matter the brand, our children don’t care for fish oil. Licorice can also be helpful for breathing issues, but it is known to increase blood pressure and have other potentially adverse effects.
Having said all of this, we do use Flovent daily. We have tried to move away from using it at various points (we are not comfy using steroids), but have learned – time and again – that he still needs it to keep things in check. We have salbutamol (Ventolin) available for use when necessary, and have found that administering it via a mask is far more effective than just the puff/areochamber combo.
We have found that, as he gets older, he is sick less and less and seems far better at moving through colds/viruses without becoming really sick. We see a pediatric allergist several times a year, for check-ups and allergy testing. His entire area of expertise is asthma, allergy and immunology. Is this something that you would consider/have access to?
It is no fun having a child that is unwell, and it is no fun feeling worried and stressed. I hope that you are able to find answers and/or solutions that are helpful for you and your family. You most certainly are not alone. Please keep your readers posted! Take care.
I hate to demonize too Jules. But the program I followed suggested just three servings of carbs a day: this could take the form of one piece of bread (whole grain – I am favouring spelt, kamut or any of the ancient/old grains – Red Fife wheat flour is my recent favourite), one serving of pasta (also whole grain) – like one cup equals one serving – and even potato/sweet potato. I have found this has improved everything gastro-intestinal in my system, not simply the asthma.
If you investigate the development of grains over the last hundred years, you’ll find that the gene base has gotten smaller and smaller so what we eat now in the form of ‘wheat’ is so incredibly narrow and processed, that it has next to no nutritional value. It is shocking really.
Have you read Michael Pollan’s books? There is much to think about ….
I’m so hoping you find answers to all of this. It’s frustrating to live with and have nothing help.
My heart broke a little reading this, and I, as an adult have been there when your allergies and eternal sickness seems to be never-ending. I had childhood asthma that has waned into the occasional exercise-induced option, and if I’m around cats (that last part is new).
I did, finally, go see an acupuncturist after I gave up a little on my 3.5 year long exercise with allergy shots. They worked, mostly, but I was still reacting to things and then one glorious day the nurses attendant informed me that “well, you might be allergic to things we can’t help you with”. I was tired of being on zyrtec daily, and figured that wouldn’t do my body any good to be on it for decades.
Acupuncture: while I haven’t continued the treatment (I should), I did have a chat with the professional in charge. And he informed me of this little revelation: “Your body has been fighting all of these toxins, or reacting to these allergens, etc for so long that it is totally, completely, out of wack. It can’t decide if things are a little nuisence or a big threat, so it goes into full-blown attack mode at EVERYTHING. We need to equalize everything again, calm everything down a bit, and you should see a vast difference”. Even if I haven’t continued the treatment, I’d never actually thought of things like that. It makes SO much sense! (Also: stopping allergy shots has been helpful too. WTF?)
As for diets – certain foods are high in histamine or encouragers, I think. Dairy, some wheat, strawberries, etc. My best friend who had wicked allergies went off of certain things after doing some research, and she’s improved vastly. I really don’t want to give up strawberries, though. (Although the days I tried it, I did notice a difference. And when I added back some foods that were culprits, BING! Reactions. Ugh)
Good luck, and I await some reports… poor Mikey.
Yup, that is my mom with dairy and gluten. (See my reply to Roni’s comment.)
thanks for bringing up the subject but so sorry to hear that your little man is having such a hard time. i know part of it is building immunity but allergies are the worst! my kids (9 & 4) are on daily Claritin. this mild winter on the East Coast has really confused our systems. treating the allergies seems to have reduced their sickness. both needed the nebulizer when they would get even a simple cold. we have yet to get allergy testing done but i wonder about all the diet issues everyone has mentioned here. i looked up foods high in histamine as the previous commenter suggested and so many are our faves here. eggplant?! i dunno. there has to be a balance somewhere.
It can seem outlandish, I know. But if you aren’t truly desperate, it might not be something worth trying. I know first hand the effect diet can have on a body. My mom was almost in a wheelchair in 2008. Her joint pain became increasingly worse until it was unbearable, and out of desperation she eliminated dairy and gluten from her diet. Before that she tried chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs/supplements, epidural shots, Lyrica…everything. Within a few weeks, she was walking normally. Not 100% pain-free, but walking! To this day she abstains from dairy and gluten, cheating every now and then. When she cheats too much, trouble.
what a story! can’t believe what your mother went through. it definitely matters what you eat, hopefully you will find the diet that will work for your family. my husband seems to have inherited gout from his dad + kidney stones so he has to watch certain things. but with the allergies/congestion we all seem to have, i have to consider what can be eliminated from our diets. i have such a phobia about those scratch tests though. i’ve had a bad allergic reaction in the past (to antibiotics) so i can’t even stomach the though of hives or worse! have to just get it done though to be sure of what we’re all dealing with. GOOD LUCK! (happy thoughts for you here!)
Sorry to hear about all the health issues you and family are dealing with. Here is my story, well actually a friends story. My friend Erin found out about 6+ years ago that she had had undetected Lyme’s Disease, it began to affect her muscles and for many years struggled with numerous health issues. I saw her last winter and she was walking with a cane, she told me that it soon went to crutches. Yesterday I saw her at the grocery store, she looked GORGEOUS, no cane, she just got back from a skiing outing. I was shocked. About 8 months ago she and her husband began the GAPS diet, her husband is no longer using allergy medication and she is the picture of health!
For myself I have gone Paleo/Primal and I feel great, I have lost a bit of weight, not sure how much because I refuse to get on the scale…It is just a number… my jeans however, have to be washed after one wear cause otherwise they won’t stay up. The cronic muscle soreness I had felt for months is gone, except when I eat refined carbs and sugar, then it comes raging back…learned my lesson.
I hope you find the right solution for you and your family!
This is so encouraging for me!! I keep thinking I should put my son on GAPS–I even bought the books–but the diet is strict so I wanted something easier. Paleo might be it…or maybe I should just do GAPS and be done with it.
Hi Jules – normally don’t comment, but love your blog – sorry to hear about your issues. I too had Vitamin D issues – and in the summer my numbers have improved as a result of something I read on regarding washing and Vitamin D. As odd as it sounds, we shower/wash too much! After a good day in the sun, try not to shower for 48 hours after exposure – or just wash your ‘bits’ to help with ensuring that your skin is manufacturing the vit d.
My thoughts go out to you Mama Jules. Have you considered bringing him to a non-traditional doctor, just to see what they recommend? The only thing that comes to mine is the vegan diet- high in greens to boost alkalinity. But for growing kids, you’d need to monitor it closely. The blog bonzai aphrodite (she just finished posted last week) has loads of info on this kind of diet for kids. Hope you get the Vit D you need too!
Hope you had a fruitful visit to the doc.
First commenter beat me to this, but my first thought when hearing about the poor health in your house was mould. (I also watch a lot of holmes on holmes, though)
So sorry you’re all having to go through this stuff. I’m a new parent and I can’t imagine anything worse than watching my baby suffer like that. Kudos to you for researching, researching, researching. I am also a pediatric nurse and know that there are families out there who wouldn’t commit to making big, inconvenient changes like a whole new diet if that was what was needed (sad, but true.)
I didn’t take the time to read all the comments (it’s after midnight, and I really need to get to bed) but I wanted to respond, in case no one has mentioned it yet. Have you tried eliminating all the chemicals that you use to clean your home and using only natural homemade cleaners instead? Including air fresheners, candles and such? They say that the toxicity of the cleaners we use makes the inside of our house worse, allergen-wise, than outside. I’ve started using natural cleaners myself, and I’m feeling much better (I have asthma and two of my sons do too. We also get respiratory illness easily– but not lately.) You might look into making your own cleaners if you haven’t already. They also work better than the commercial cleaners. Anyway, just thought I’d share what has worked for us.