On marketing
“I can’t believe I was tricked into reading Beauty and the Beast.”
On sustenance
“I’m thinking…do I want to plug my arteries with a burger, or do I want Chipotle?”
On humor
“Of course I know you’re joking on me, Dad. You joke about everything serious or dangerous.”
On fantasies
“I’m having an awesome dream right now. It’s about Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Mary Poppins.”
On authenticity
“Never try to be somebody else, or else you will lose your magical powers.”
Is “joking on me” just a thing around this age? The only time I’ve ever heard that before was from my nephew, who is seven now. I thought he was just mixing up the phrases “playing a joke on me” and “kidding me.” Or is this something that other [grownup] people say?
I think it’s a mix up of phrases. The first time Mikey said it, he was around 3. My husband teased him some how and Mikey, not knowing if he was kidding or not, blinked a couple of times in thought and said, “Are you joking on me, dad?” We thought that was the cutest thing ever, and didn’t have the heart to correct him. We kind of see it as the passing of youth. One day he’ll know he mixed up phrases (probably a kid at school will tell him) and correct himself. He’ll big a big boy then. Sob.
um, he is a “keeper”! love these. i need to write more of ours down!
Best thing I ever did was to start writing these down. You think you won’t forget, but you do. I go over the early posts every now and then and forget some of the things he said!
I’m lovin’ this kid! What a hoot he is! I’m glad that you’re capturing these thoughts now…his future wife will get such a kick out of it.
Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Mary Poppins . . . that would be some kind of awesome!
�Never try to be somebody else, or else you will lose your magical powers.� Very wise words!
That one is my favorite.
Sounds like something I would pin. :) Love the photo.
Ooh I can see this as a printable!
I don’t even want to THINK about what Mary Poppins and Indiana Jones would do together! :) Although they would be awesome if they combined their powers.
On Authenticity – seriously, that should be a print. I would buy it – best wisdom I’ve heard in a long time for living ones life!
I know, it should be! I overheard him telling that to Nico yesterday at lunch.
Alex could do something with it maybe? Seriously I would buy one!
Genius child! Lots of insight here.
He does say the cutest things! And those eyes. You really are going to have to beat them off with a stick.
What a beautiful shot. The way Mikey’s eyelashes are caught in the shadow on his face and the subtle curl of his mouth in a smile. Very lovely. How could one not love these children! They say the most wonderful things, don’t they? I need to remember to capture more of my kids musings (such a great idea of posterity).
Oh my gosh! Beauty and brains! He’s got it all. You should just go ahead and lock him in the basement right now. Oh, wait, you don’t have a basement. And you’re in California. I don’t know what you’re gonna do, but you better do it quick!
i love that last one. very poetic. that picture is stunning by the way! big trouble :)
Ummm, Chipotle. A boy after my own heart :)
Mikey is going to have a book deal before any of us.
+750 points. Comment on the year.
The one about Chipotle is HILARIOUS! I love this.