For most of this month I have been able to tackle projects until completion once I start. Not this one! If you follow me on twitter, you know I complained and lacked motivation from beginning to end.
I don’t know.
Can you blame me? The day was dark and gloomy, so I had to wait until late morning to start. Then I had to psych myself up to unloaded a closet so big and deep we use it only to store what we don’t know what to do with.
Like the full-sized 32′ tv we use when the boys are sick. Cartoons and and blankets are up there with rest and homemade soup.
I followed my usual procedure and pulled everything out to analyze. I find this is the only way to do this project. Having everything laid out in front of you allows you to weed through your items faster and more efficiently. Plus, you have no choice but to finish the job when your closet is all over your floor.
I’ll be honest, I took at look at this and left the room. I was feeling really overwhelmed and almost went to Starbucks to drown my sorrows in a Salted Caramel Frappucino. Instead, I went to Twitter and complained some more. Emailed the Mister about buying pumpkins. Made Nicholas an early lunch.
Then I went back, put my head down, and got to work.
We hope to move the boys into one room this year. When we do that, we’ll move Mikey’s dresser into what will be the new guest bedroom. Then we can make use of all this awkward closet space.
New here? For the next 31 days Im living according to the famous William Morris quote. You can learn more about the project here.
I have to say that I’m really impressed by all the projects you’ve accomplished. You must feel great (albeit tired). Once you’re done with yours would you like to come over to mine? Kidding of course. Your head would most certainly explode.
I really am enjoying your blog! I am new to it and found it through TheNester’s 31 day link. Thank you so much for putting your real, messy, unfinished life out for us to peek at. It makes me remember that my dog fur-dust bunny-just this side of really messy home is in good company!
I completely understand how you could have been overwhelmed. Some projects are just like that, but you did it!! The closet looks great.
I too am enjoying your 31 day series. Thanks for letting us peek at your projects!
Wow, I am so envious of your accomplishments. What did you do with everything? Lots of purging with a hard heart must be going on in your house this month. It’s really an inspiration. I just wish I had more time to do the same. Work tends to eat up the daily energy, and weekends fly by. Kudos on this closet. What a joy to have hangars and clothes flapping in the open breeze and not jammed together, and visible wood floors!
Oh, yeah, I was so tired yesterday I forgot to share what I found! At the bottom was a bean bag, a kid’s tent, a ton of books (50% went to the donate pile), lots of duffels and overnight bags (they’re the dark blob in the left corner now), a basket of uniforms that no longer fits Mikey (now in Nico’s closet), my favorite shearling jacket both boys wore (now going to my niece), and toddler swim gear (also going to my niece).
Once again, not a lot of useless items, but plenty of unorganized mishmash because we have the luxury of space. We went from a poorly built, inefficient new development home with zero storage space to an older home built in the 50s, when the emphasis was on sturdy, practical, space efficient ranchers. The house we are in now is (much) less than 2000 square feet, and only 300 square feet bigger than our first house, but it feels, and looks, much bigger.
Obviously I love ranch homes so this is biased, but if you’re ever looking to buy a new home, check them out.
Oh this was a doozy for sure, but I am getting such satisfaction from your ‘afters’. Okay, now I would like you to drive up here and make my place an ‘after’, k?
That clean closet looks dreamy. I attacked Briggy’s closet at seven this morning and I’m still not finished… Because I’m on the computer.