There are certain signs of summer that are irrefutable. Crazy, shaggy, unbrushed hair. Faded t-shirts brushing the tops of jeans caked with dirt and grease and grass. Ice cream sandwiches in tree-top forts right before twilight turns into night. And, yeah, the summer cold, which I am just today getting over. Nicholas has it, too, but being 34 years my junior, is feeling a bit more spry.
p.s. There is only Diet Coke for me, and I almost always go to the store for Kleenex–although who knows what brand of tissue I end up buying. And now, now I can’t see or hear or write the word twilight without imagining star-crossed lovers and glittery skin. You win, Ms. Meyer. Point. Set. Match.
Speaking of Twilight, are you coming in the fall?
I’m doing everything in my power to make it happen. :)
Indeed, she has changed the way so many of us think about the word! (Mmm…glittery vampires…) Hope you’re feeling better soon!
I think fireflies.
We had them in Texas, not in Colorado. I miss them much.
Lucky. (Using Napoleon Dynamite voice.) I’ve never seen a real firefly and I really do only think of a vampire franchise when I hear the word twilight. In fact, I have to concentrate so that I don’t capitalize it.
Never seen a firefly?!!
Have to pretend you’re eating a Popsicle & turning cartwheels on this lawn, with the fireflies.
Love it.. what a good reminder that the casual of summer is almost worth this infernal heat!