His last recorded speech. Prophetic.
He was 34 when he delivered his famous “I have a dream speech,” 35 when he won the Nobel Peace Prize, and 39 when he was assassinated.
I’m 38, and you’re probably not that far behind or ahead. Let’s take today as an opportunity to take stock of our country and our lives and what we can do to better both.
Goose bumps.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live to see the promised land?
I think the AutoCorrect on your computer made a mistake- it should be “Prize”, not “Price”!
Truly one of the most inspirational people to ever bless this planet.
It sure did! Thanks for letting me know.
And I know what you mean. I spent WAY too much time on youtube watching videos. Then reading histories. Then figuring out how old he was and wha? Amazing. All he did in such a young, short life! I look at my life and feel I need to step up my game. What will be my legacy? It doesn’t have to change the world, but it should be more than what it is now.
I just listened to this today on NPR….wow, just wow.