Everybody needs to eat. Good guys, bad guys, ordinary guys.
Whole grains provide energy and fiber. Crackers are okay, but good guys and bad guys need something a little more wholesome.
We’ll keep looking.
It’s not with the mayonnaise.
This might work. Good guys, bad guys, ordinary guys, they all like meat.
Everybody needs to eat. Everybody needs to eat a treat. Good guys, bad guys, ordinary guys…
American grocery stores…..wow. They’re like as big the Death Star.
Oh, yeah. You have NO idea. Every year they get bigger and more insane. There is one (I’ve never been) that has a housewares department. Department, not aisle.
Giggling this morning. Brought back memories of my own son playing with his light saber, taking it apart and putting it back together endlessly. Most importantly saving the good guys! Fun times.
HA! Darth Vader and the clementines was just too much … thanks for the chuckle this morning …
I love these pictures. Made me long for the old days when my son would wear costumes while we ran errands. Sigh. They grow up too quick.
Haha! Too funny. Also reminded me of this print: http://www.20×200.com/art/2010/04/untitled-sad-vader.html
That is so funny, Nicole sent me that this morning. I hadn’t seen Sad Darth Vader before! I emailed her and Tristan last night trying to figure out the name of the photographer who I think inspired these pictures. You know when you take a picture of something and think you have seen it before? That’s how I feel with these!
The original photographer didn’t have costumes, not that I remember, but I could swear there was a photographer who did an entire series of people in supermarkets, laundry mats, banks, etc. I wish I could remember the name and see if I am right.
Yes, I do know! That’s the problem with the wonderful accessibility the internet lends us…I read so many photography/art blogs and websites that I can’t remember where I saw what image, or where I saw something at all…. regardless, yours are the cutest. =)
I’m so glad you let your boys go out in costume! You are such a cool mom! And thank you for documenting and sharing the moment with the rest of us, the little giggles I get from your blog everyday make being at work at little less awful. :)
My daughter likes to wear her princess costumes with the tiara to the store. I wonder when her little brother will want to don that headgear?
I like how the sweets warranted the removal of their good/bad guy image.
If you don’t stop melting my heart with these posts I’m not going to be able to live! I want a little boy so that he can wear cowboy boots with shorts in the middle of the summer and Haloween costumes year round!
SO CUTE!!! I love that you let them have fun and wear them costumes- you’re such a cool mom :)
Just fabulous.
And clementines are the best!
I love it. I wish I was little and loved my halloween costume so much I wanted to wear it everywhere.
This would make grocery shopping about a million times more entertaining. Seriously.
I have a vague Sesame Street song in my head from your title.. do you know what I am talking about?
I wish my guys were still in the “wear my cape to the store” phase. Love.
No, but I do keep thinking about the book “Everybody Poops.” Your recall is slightly more elegant. Heh.
You need to blow up the third photo poster-size and hang it for everyone to see!
I love it. I have two boys as well and I’m all for whatever makes grocery store trips easier. I’m betting these pictures will be favorites for a long time; they make me smile. :)
this is hysterical. i’m with brandi: love that you let them go out in costume! i bet you made some grocery store shoppers’ day!
One woman my age (the one on the phone in #4) looked horrified and sorry for me. (Screw her.) Everyone else loved it, and a few people told me the boys made their day. Two people in the produce department said we made work fun for them, one guy said he wished he was a kid again, and another woman said it reminded her (sniff, sniff) of when her boys were little. Except for tight ass, everyone else appreciated it for what it was: two kids having fun on an adventure.
Little boys are the best. I have two (roughly the same age as yours) who don their Boba Fett/Darth Vader masks whenever the mood strikes. You’re only a kid once, right?
What an impressive selection of baked cheese flavored crackers.
I freakin’ love it- so cute!!
i think this is my favorite post. by anyone. EVER. seriously. so. awesome.
Thank you! :)
LOVED this post! You make this fellow Star Wars mama proud! (and I saw a fantastic collection of plastic dinosaurs at The Salvation Army the other day and TOTALLY thought of you. lol)