Despite having survived two wars, seven surgeries, one unicycle accident, and an ill-advised tattoo by “El Salami” on the back porch of a house bordering a swamp, it wasn’t until Juan Rodolfo Cruz tried Se�ora Neira’s pretzel buns that he thought there might be something to all this “God” business. There was no other way to explain something so tasty.
Recipe! I need a recipe! You saved me in July with your cheddar cookies, don’t hold out on me now!
No recipe! They are from…RALPHS! You can find a bunch of recipes online, but my Ralph’s bakery section is really good. These sell out the same day, so I bought some before they went. They are almost never in stock.
:( I was hoping for a recipe, too! Oh well, I’m off to google it. I can’t believe I never heard of pretzel rolls before considering my family’s deep love of all things pretzel!
I do so love your wee tales. Sigh. And those do look a bit of heaven …
You are so articulate and funny :) Lend me them writing skills, I need some inspiration.
I always feel like I’m in heaven when I’m eating. Chowing good food with friends is heaven on earth.
Oh how I wish I was Juan!
Ahhhh! I can’t believe I forgot this was starting. I blame this on my goldfish brain. Dang it! But, your picture is just beautiful and I love the accompanying story. You are so gifted.
I was also disappointed to hear that you don’t have a recipe for those amazing looking pretzel rolls. They look so delicious. But I am also very impressed with your photo. It’s lovely! What camera settings did you use?
Gracious! I will never again photograph store bought food. :)
As for the picture, here’s the deal on that.
Short version: ISO set to auto and camera set to lightning bolt, which is for low light, no flash. Cropped and color corrected in Picasa, edited in Picnik.
Long version: I know little about my camera or photography, but I learned from the last SFS project that the best lighting in my house is in the dining room between 3:00-4:00. I missed it, and I knew it was getting too dark for the picture to be clear and bright. Since I knew things were going to be a bit muddy, I decided to emphasize that and tried to use things that would end up looking tone on tone with the rolls (cream lace, blonde wood bowl, etc.).
When I uploaded the pictures, they were even more blah than I feared. I used 8 rolls under the belief I had mistakenly bought two bags instead of three. I found the third bag later, which is a shame because I think the picture would have looked much better with more rolls. It looks too symmetrical right now, but it’s not terrible since I cropped out the right side in Picasa. Then I uploaded the image to Picnik and used the Polaroid and Soften actions. I brightened it up a bit by fiddle-faddling with the levels. I have no idea what I am doing in that section of Picnik. I just grab the little X and start moving it around until I see something I like.
Probably a bit more than you asked for, huh? Sorry. {blush}
No, no, this is so good Jules, I love how much thought went into both the photo and your explanation:)
Those look delicious. I am a girl with an unhealthy carb fetish so anything that looks this plump and doughy gets my attention (with exception of adult humans, I do love plump doughy babies)
How can you post something so beautiful w/o giving us a recipe!? What’s a girl to do?
Sigh, a hint of Marquez..Only you could make Pretzel buns romantic.
Winner! Gabriel Garcia Marquez.