Oh, dear.� I see a rumpled bed.
With a cute little mop head who just woke up from a night filled with friendly dinosaurs and marshmallows.
This can only mean one thing. Nicholas continues to grow up despite my instructions to the contrary. He just watched us take down his crib, something we had been delaying, and calm as you please crawled into his new big boy bed shortly after his third birthday as if this sort of life changing event happens all the time.
I want to chomp on those perfectly shaped almond eyes.
Those eyes are the same size of the pieces of my heart and uterus that promptly crumbled out of my body in an act of defeat the second we took down the crib.� I swept them up with the dust bunnies and tossed them in the bin.� I have no use for those organs anymore.� {Sob.}
Potty training, on the other hand, has not been as well received.
Hi there,
I am new to the blog. It is a rather refreshing read; you are a gifted writer. Not to mention your photography is impressive.
Congratulations on the milestone with your youngest. You have a wonderful family!
Have a great Easter,
My sister taught me a trick that worked well with her daughter and my son (who is the same age as Nicholas). We did “drills” where we would be playing, cooking, etc and all of a sudden I would jump up and go, “oh! I gotta go potty!” and run crazily to the bathroom. My son thought this was rather hilarious and quickly began to imitate me.
I’m sure you know from Mikey that they’re ready when they’re ready and not one second sooner.
Yeah for big boy beds!
We just moved our daughter into a toddler bed and so far the nights are going very well. She is only a year and a half but she hated her crib so we figured it was time to change! Congrats though big big big milestone!
He looks so handsome when he just wakes up!
Oh man…..that is TOO cute! I am so glad it went smoothly. He is so adorable.
You just made my uterus cry. And I’m not even a mommy!
Oh, my. He’s becoming such a big boy!
He’s so big and beond adorable! Thanks for sharing! I love how you bring out life’s special moments that often go unnoticed or skimmed over. Thank you!
As I’m sure you can guess, we recently moved Jack over too. I was, seemingly, the only one traumatized by the afternoon.
Potty Training is an EPIC FAIL at our house so far.
Thanks everyone. :)
Mandy–I am so glad to hear it’s not going well at your place, either. Nicholas is just not interested. AT ALL. :(
I read your blog very often but I have never posted before. I love it and story like today’s always bring some tears in my eyes.
My now two years and a half daughter began to hate her crib very abruptly after her second birthday. She suddenly started to throw tantrums as soon as we would put her into the crib, so to make it more fun we taught her how to jump in it while holding the rails. Jumping was fun (although we were scared that the crib might collapse) but sleeping there, not so much. That meant my husband or I had to stay with her until she fell asleep on the couch, then very carefully move her into the crib, keeping our fingers crossed that she wouldn’t wake up, which took more than an hour every night. Of course if she woke up during the night she would cry hysterically and we would have to start all over. Not fun at all, so after a month of struggle we just gave in and decided it was time for a big girl bad. She loves it and it is big enough for Anna plus mommy and/or daddy to have some cuddly time before reading a bedtime story. However we need to use some safety rail on the side, and even with that she still fell few times from the bed.
Super cute pics!
Honestly, I found potty training THE worst part of parenting. Both of my kids really did not want to do it. I truly believe they do it when THEY want to. I found “T’s” technique mentioned above worked for me too, make it a game, kind of trick them into it and make them think it was their idea. That eventually worked with my kids. Good luck! ;)
I totally cried when I had to move my daughter from her crib to her Big Girl Bed. It felt so…final…in some way. Totally undid me.
And with potty training? My daughter was so easy, my son – not so much. Took forever. I can tell you that now, at 11, he’s fully trained. ;-) It’ll happen.
Jack is not the LEAST bit interested either. He’ll go before bedtime and naptime but I truly believe that’s more of a stall tactic than potty training. Any other time of the day he can’t be bothered and will, in fact, scream and flail all the way down the hall if you force the issue.
Totally off the topic, but where did you get that blanket? I LOVE it!
It’s the IKEA PS Sticka in natural and I LOVE it.