In honor of the year of going bold, I am going to do something I always wanted to do, but didn’t.� To put it my way, but nicely, I would like to know if you are my cup of tea.� (Goods news–that was the last Rodgers and Hammerstein reference.)
So, who are you?� More importantly, do you have any hobbies or passions?� Oh!� Here’s a good one–ever since my blog fast I have become more aware of which blogs I just love.� Like, can’t wait until day 41 to check in on everything I have missed.� How about you?� If you went on a blog fast, which five or so blogs could you just not wait to check in on? Are there any blogs you would read everyday if they updated that often?
No pressure to answer, of course.� This should be free and easy.� (I lied about the Rodgers and Hammerstein reference.)
p.s.� Don’t be alarmed if your comments don’t show up right away.� My spam catcher might put your comment in a holding pen if there are more than one or two links included.� I’ll be on top of the comments and will make sure to approve all the ones that aren’t selling me Ambein.
p.s.s.� If you really want a song stuck in your head all day, click here.
I love reading eveyday. Can’t imagine forty days without her. That is why I gave up sweets for lent and not blogs. HA
I also enjoy; she is too funny!
Heidi–do you read every section of PW, or just certain ones? I tried subscribing to all her feeds once and quickly became very behind in reading!
Hobbies/Passions? I like to sew, bake, knit, dream, read.
top five blogs:
are so happy
shivaya naturals
buttons magee
simple lovely
Sugar City Journal
there are so many more though……
I wrote a post at the end of January of my faves. There are still more too. I love reading people’s stories, crafty ideas, interior decorating, and just daily life.
I can’t wait to see what everyone else lists in their favorites, though my Reader is overflowing already!
I love the pioneer woman too. she makes me laugh daily. :)
I love to take pictures, crochet, cook, bake, read, watch movies, paint pottery, sing, do crafts with kids, and hang out with my friends chatting and drinking coffee.
Five blogs I would hate to go without. Hmm, that’s kind of a strange question for me to answer. Some of my favorite blogs are authored by good friends, so if I didn’t read their blogs I could still find out what’s going on in their lives by emailing or calling them. So I’ll categorize.
Blogs of friends that I don’t technically need to read but would still miss if I didn’t read them:
Secret Agent Josephine
chasing the firefly
Wannabe Hippie
Oh My Stinkin Heck
girl with greencard (it’s a good thing I’m friends with her because she never updates her blog anymore!)
Five…okay, SIX blogs I would miss reading:
julia [here be hippogriffs]
justJENN rants & raves
Overthinking It
The Trephine
Also, I notice you don’t have smitten kitchen in your food blogroll over there. I feel the need to tell you, you’re missing out!
Let’s see … I love to write and read – and I’ve been doing so for forever; I love God – but I don’t always come out and say it (I don’t want to be considered creepy; is that bad?) – and my family and friends; I’m an oddball extravert, meaning I can pull off being the life of the party, but I hate – HATE – being the center of attention; I love great design/photography and it drives me batty that I don’t know how to accomplish what I want; I’m a profectionist; I’m a bit of a clutz; I love – LOVE – to laugh; and I adore things with character … this site, and these mugs for instance …
As for blogs I hate to miss, basically there are two:
And a little blog called Pancakes and French Fries. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?
Hi! I’m Sarah (Hi Sarah) and I’m addicted to decorating, crafting, and cooking, which I blog about. The five blogs I would not want to live without:
I read about 50 of them though, but those are the ones I’d choose if I absolutely had to narrow it down!
I love etiquette, pretty houses, dogs (yours kill me when they’re in the top right hand corner) pretty paper/invitations, hilarious movies/television and hilarious people.
My must reads and the reason I love them are (in no particular order):
-Simply Seleta (adorable children, pretty things, she’s sweet, cute dog)
-Eddie Ross (gorgeous things, he makes me weak in the knees with what he can do with a tablescape)
-Pancakes & French Fries (adorable children, cute dogs and HILARIOUS posts – makes me want to be a better writer)
-Fly Through Our Window (adorable children, she’s talented at just about everything and has the sort of life I want)
-Elements of Style (beautiful finds, funny)
-Green Wedding Shoes (beautiful inspiration for weddings)
-Leesia Teh Dog Photographer (adorable dogs)
Sidebar: I recently read a little bit of PW but it was too much. I was overwhelmed by feeling like I needed to read every inch of her site.
Besides this one?
Whatever by Meg Duerksen
Pioneer Woman
The Adventures of an American Mum
I like to think my blog is pretty ok, too :)
Hi, my name is Amy and I’m an internet addict. I am passionate about my 2 children. I love clean graphic design, mid century modern, getting crafty, Pottery Barn, the Gap, the color blue, dark chocolate, medium rare filets, books, curtains (NOT blinds), Stargazer lilies, the sound of waves on the beach, long hikes in the mountains, and chocolate labs. I am strangely fascinated by Martha Stewart, and appreciate her empire but think she’s a little too snobby and anal for us to be friends.
Blogs I love:
Inchmark Journal:
How About Orange:
Design Mom:
Angry Chicken:
Annie’s Eats:
I also LOVE Ohdeedoh and The Kitchn. Not really blogs, but I have to visit every day. I like PW, but some of her recipes are not all that.
Oh man, I forgot one…. MANY a bad mood has been alleviated by The Fug Girls.
I’m Nichole. I’m a mid-thirties housewife. No kids. I try to practice my faith. I love reading, gardening and interior design. Blogs I read everyday (too many):
Pioneer Woman – all sections
Young House Love
Coal Creek Farm
Odi et Amo
Pancakes and French Fries
Bossy Color Blog
Coulour Me Happy
Conversion Diary
Everyday? Well, that reveals a lot about me, lol.
I go to the sites that my feed reader updates, but some not everyday-
True Up
Style Rookie
Curved White
How about orange
The Beat that goes on
The Sartorialist
Ink & Spindle
Dream Sequins
Apartment therapy
Modern fabrics
Some girls wander
Once wed
Dress a day
Yellenas blog
petuniafaced girl
theswitchboards (not a blog per se )
ruby star rising
Yikes… do I get any work done?
I know there are more…
My newest favorite blog:
Nourishes my inner DIY
Jules-what are you trying to do to yourself here! New blogs will be reavealed here and you can’t go rushing off to discover them!
That said, my favorites: A good Appetite, Smitten Kitchen, Stacy’s Snacks, Pioneer Women, Culinary adventures of peabody, use real butter, and or course pancakes and french fries.
I won’t read the blogs right away. :) I just asked because for some people (like me) it’s hard to talk about yourself or what you like. (I like everything!) If you know what people read, you can get a better idea of who they are. It’s similar to an exercise I did at the beginning of my blogging class. I had no idea how important family was to me until I had to narrow down my favorite blogs and realized they almost all had family and home in common.
“Nourishes my Inner D.I.Y”
Hmmm. Maybe that’s why I like to make weird things like deodorant, cleaning supplies, hair color, etc. from scratch…
I’ve gotten into sewing lately. Specifically drapes. (Sewing straight lines…okay, straightish lines…are my forte.) But I’m about to refurbish and reupholster my great-grandmother’s chair, so there’s that. I like making big stuff, too. I recently made a desk/table from some plans.
Reading is a necessity, and I’m embarrassed to say how many movies/tv shows on dvd I watch. Except to give the excuse that I only watch ones that are really, really good. Of course writing is my bag, as well. And actually, I just recorded an essay for our local NPR station, so that was pretty rad.
The blog question is a tough one, especially since I’ve been extra busy lately. But I read this post, so I suppose that puts you on my list of must-haves :) is another friend whose blog I read faithfully; Centsational Girl and All Things G+D are two fab ladies I’m proud to call bloggy friends.
Cool post: I’d write more, but I’m reading all the different blogs.
I love to create, to photograph, read, make things too. I love to cook, to decorate, to garden and to sew.
my must reads? I read and
I too peruse through Pioneer Woman, but really, I like to hop around through other peoples blogroll. There are SO many cool women out there!!!
Passion: Yoga!
Fave blogs:
Color Me Katie
Gluten Free Girl
Eating is Art
Win Harper
Lots of blogs I have never heard of! This is exciting. I guess I should list my interests, too, just in case they aren’t obvious. They aren’t in any particular order.
1. Family
2. Health
3. Cooking
4. Reading
5. Faith
6. Natural living
7. Cultural differences and traditions
8. Decor
9. D.I.Y.–but more random chemistry-type stuff versus crafting, sewing, painting, etc.
10. Gardening (this is a new one, and I haven’t read any blogs about this yet)
Passions? Animals, photography, art, self reflection and power tools. And often wine. Though I wouldn’t call that last one a passion so much as a “stress release.” To be honest, I don’t read a lot of blogs, but I am loyal to the ones I do read. Does that make any sense or does that just sound pretentious?
Blogs I love:
Pioneer Woman (usually just the photography section though)
You (I must say your blog is one of the few that both me and my Husband enjoy equally. Score!)
Young House Love
Knock Off Wood (Oh, how I love that one. As does my bank account.)
Creative Every Day
Beyond my family, friends & faith these are the things I adore: reading, the beach, home decor/design, paper (wrapping, stationary, scrapbooks), reading, baking, purses & shoes, movies, oh yeah – and reading. :) My must read blog is She’s a lovely woman and has mastered blog hospitality – somehow she manages to make a website warm and inviting. (you do this too! – it’s really quite amazing.)