Valentine’s Day at school can be tough for a little boy. Nothing softens the blow of all that pink like paleontology Valentines. You know. Little red boxes (fossil holders) filled with chocolate rocks and topped with a gummy tarantula found during a high-risk excavation. It’s all very daring and sinister, but in a loving way.
By the way–how cool are these chocolate rocks? Fabulous. And–get this–they are actually darn tasty, like Nestle Crunch bits. I made sure to buy enough for 35 Valentines, and not an ounce more.
Fabulous idea! My boys are too old now, but my nine-year-old tomboy daughter will absolutely love this for next year!
OMG! Those are tricky. I would totally scream if I saw my 10 yo son pop one of those into his mouth and bite it. Cool!
Completely brilliant! Filing this idea away for the next time my boys need gifty treats for friends.
I love little boys :) Such a great idea!
Can I just say, yet again, that you are the coolest mom ever? Where’d you find chocolate rocks?!
Also, this reminds me of the time a guy at work brought in doughnuts for Halloween, and hid rubber tarantulas in the creme filling. Boys.
So THIS is what it’s like to be a mom to little boys. So cute. Great idea!
Brooke–being a mom to little boys is awesome. I wouldn’t change it for the world. :)
I love your site. This is such an adorable idea, and although I am 22, I would give these away to all of my friends in a heartbeat!
LOVE IT! Wear in the world did you get the rocks from?
I bought the chocolate rocks from a candy store here in town, but you can find them easily online by googling “chocolate rocks.” Fiesta Candy is an online source that seems pretty good.
So, so, so cool! You are flippin’ Martha S. incarnate. Just awesome!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Totally Rad. And an idea I’m going to file away for a future birthday party.
BRILLZ. Love it.
Yum. I want some of dat.
how did you know they’re tasty without the extra ounce more? :P
Because I short-changed some of the kids in Mikey’s class! ;)
You’re a great mom! I have an 18-month old little boy, and I will keep this idea in my pocket for the future! <3