How gorgeous is this photograph by Tina Lee Studios?� I continue to be amazed by the way post processing can completely change an image and make it seem like it’s from another time.� The photograph looks like it’s a decades old capture of a remote hideaway, but for all I know there is a McDonald’s churning out Happy Meals just to the right of this image.
Work like this makes me want to take better pictures and learn photo shop.
I found this photograph in the most serendipitous of ways.� When I first started the blog two years ago, I had a reader named Melissa.� She used to make and sell the most amazing night lights under the name Juniper Studios.� She closed down the shop to pursue photography before I had the chance to buy one of her night lights, which made me curse my indecisive ways all the more.� Anyway, we exchanged emails briefly but I haven’t heard much from her since.� She no longer comments, so I am fairly certain she doesn’t read the blog anymore.
I know, I know.� I’m getting there…almost.
Melissa became more immersed in photography and I subscribed to her Flickr feed to keep up with her captures.� Thank God I did, or I would have missed this shot, hands down my absolute favorite picture because it’s beautiful and hilarious. LONG STORY SHORT: Today she uploaded this picture that made me squeal with delight the second I saw it in my inbox.� So lovely and sweet, right?� Then I noticed it was a birthday card for her mom, who also has an account on flickr.� I clicked over expecting to see pictures like my mom takes (heads missing, people crooked, flaming devil eyes) when low and behold I see all sorts of dreamy goodness I could not capture unless I ripped the picture out of a book of photography and claimed it as my own.
And that, everyone, is how I ended up deep, deep, deep in the rabbit hole of her photo sets, read her profile, found out she had a shop on etsy, fell in love with this print, decided to become a better photographer, and was almost late to my first Weight Watchers meeting.� Also, don’t you sometimes wish I was one of those bloggers who says, “I like this.� Here is the link.”
First of all, I love this blog post.
Secondly, I went in her “favorite things” set and fell in love with about 5 photos that I want for my house.
Great. More money that needs to be spent….
Thanks Jules.
I don’t wish that at all. I love your stories! Well, the ones I’ve read. I’m new here.
I don’t wish that at all. I love your stories! Well, the ones I’ve read. I’m new here.
Wow; to be able to take pictures like that! Thanks for sharing.
First of all, no, no I do not. What fun would that be? I wouldn’t have as long to sit here, sipping coffee and being entertained; then, to add insult to injury, I’d have to get back to work sooner. And we can’t have that…
Second of all, I do so love Tina Lee Studios … her photos hint of fantasy … as if you could walk through the picture and out into another world. Photos like that are my favorite – and they do make me want to be a better photographer. Of course, I want to learn by osmosis apparently. I hate to read manuals, watch tutorials, etc.
So, in the meantime, at least I have :)
Amy–you are a genius! I’ve never heard of this place before.
Why would I come here if you were just going to post a link? Reading your writing is the fun of it all! I love those photos. God, I wish I could get my self in gear and get back to photography. I love it so much, but then I look at pictures like those and feel insignificant with my talent. As soon as this dumb snow melts I’m going to get back out there and get started again. That rollip website looks like fun!
Some of the most beautiful photographs out there are of snow. Don’t let the weather stop you, Toi! (Says the woman ready to collapse on the couch and take a long winters nap.)
Oh this is a beauty! I am glad you like to ramble, I like your ramblings, lol:)