Mikey has a habit of reenacting scenes from movies or books that catch his interest.� He’s done this since he was about three years old, the first time being the shark scenes in Finding Nemo.� He used to “swim” up to the kids in pre-school and perform “interventions.”
Next came Mary Poppins. He was scandalized when Mr. Banks tore up the nanny advertisement Jane and Michael wrote and tossed it in the fireplace.� I think in his 3 year old mind it was all very macho. I started finding random pieces of torn paper in the fireplace but didn’t put two and two together until I caught him another day, fist in air, mumbling about impertinent children.
The Clone Wars brought battle scenes. For a while, it was impossible for me to open the door for us to leave without Mikey giving me a five-count, advising me as I walked out the door to “keep low and watch out for Separatist scum.”
The Star Wars scene in which Han Solo is frozen in carbonite left quite an impression on Mikey. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when my sister in law, Stephanie, opened up the freezer at Christmas and found a Gerber baby-food bowl with a Storm Trooper frozen in a block of ice. She gasped and told me there was a toy in my freezer. I shrugged my shoulders and told her Mikey was in a Star Wars phase. I had no doubt something else would capture his attention soon.
I was right.
That kid has a very bright future ahead of him. This is classic!
That’s pretty awesome. :)
I missed it.. Maybe there’s a movie I haven’t seen yet.. :*(
However, the others are fabulous…
I love the creativity!
Mine is currently re-enacting every scene from Cars. I woke up the other morning and he was whispering Speed. Focus. I am Lightening.
I laughed for 20 minutes straight.
Michelle–isn’t it hilarious?
Brandi–you missed what? If you missed the joke, I’m just laughing that somehow Mikey is taking bible lessons he is learning in school and applying them to Star Wars action figures. That, or he’s seen The Passion of the Christ behind my back. :)
Jules… no, I got the overall joke, but I missed what he was re-enacting.. I didn’t know what action hero that was… Thought maybe it was Avatar related, because I haven’t seen that movie.. (I didn’t see Star Wars either..obviously where I missed that one..)
Brandi–to be honest, I have no idea who that guy is! Some Star Wars something or other. I think. Who knows? :)
Ahhh..I’m glad. I was starting to feel guilty. I mean, who hasn’t seen Star Wars (the new ones without Princess Leia) except me, right?
I’m sure my god-children would be horrified at this moment….and promptly send me the DVD.
It seems as though Mikey has quite a gift.. :)
On a side note, I just read one of your other posts, earlier one….about your decision to stay at home. I’m impressed, awed, and at the same time, terrified. I’m finishing up my PhD now, and I’m scared that I will later feel this same need. I’ve stayed in school until 31, and now it’s time to start a new career…but, if I have children some time soon (before my ovaries shrivel up and float away), then have I wasted everything? (Not to mention hefty student loan debt..)
Only time will tell. Law was a second career for me, too, and I do have student loan debt. I don’t regret going to law school. I believe everything happens for a reason and that everything happened as it should, but I sometimes wonder how my career would have turned out if I went to school earlier than I did.
Plus, my mom has a PhD. I don’t know the area of your PhD or you future career, but as a professor my mom has had a more flexible schedule than I could ever dream of having as an attorney. It’s not perfect, but it is certainly more child friendly–at least it is in my mom’s area (languages and literary analysis).
this kid is very clever, except of sweet. follow your insticts with him
I love it! And I bet his teacher would love it too – to know what she’s teaching is getting through; although, she could really step it up by using action figures. Obviously. :)
This is the best thing I’ve read all month. Your kid is the sh*t.
That is toooo funny! Classic!
Oh My Gosh! Hilarious!
He’s got a career ahead of him in some creative field. Boy’s a genius!
That is hilarious and the picture is priceless! Isn’t it funny how they ‘react’ to certain things? My son would do similar things when he was that age–(the treasures I found in my freezer…)
By the way, I discovered your blog yesterday and love it! You are an excellent writer.
That is truly hilarious! What a kid!
This is great! I don’t usually comment, but this post had me rolling. I love it!