Mothers of daughters, get thee over to Ruffles and Stuff, pronto.� It is one girly craft after another over there, and my little mind is racing as it tries to dude up a few of my favorites.� In particular, I have my eye on the pom-pom light you see above.� I don’t think anyone who turned their noses at glittered dinos would appreciate a pom-pom light that looks like a dandelion, but I bet if I made and arranged a few of those same lights next year and called them giant snowflakes for dino mountain, we would be in business.� Crafting with boys, I have discovered, is all about marketing.
Another favorite (don’t worry, I’ll never use this one) is the baby tights-turned-knee highs project.� Mercy, I want to gobble up those little legs.
Lol, I saw this yesterday and died a d.i.y death. I am writing from craft heaven and I agree those little legs on the tights look like they need chomping on. So, so, so CUTE! ANd come on how cute is this photo??????
When I sent you this link this morning I thought for sure you had already seen it, and I was right! The photo is adorable.
p.s. You’ll have to tell God that your DIY death was just a practice run. I need your help launching Besotted in February!
I was reading it so fast at first and thought it said, “mothers of daughters, get OVER your ruffles and stuff.” I almost panicked, because I am a ruffle freak. Ha ha ha!!!!
Heading to the site now. :-)
OMG those are so cute. I am making that stuff.
This is ADORABLE– my 13-month-old adopted cousin is coming to visit from India on Tuesday and I’m going to try and make some of this stuff for her before then! Thanks for posting! Perfect timing : ) Happy new year!
Thanks for showing me a new blog to follow! What a cute blog!