Who here sells Avon?� I need a rep for two reasons:
- I just received an update from Tristan on the beauty regime of the woman she met at the party and in this female Dorian Gray’s bag of tricks are a few Avon products.� You can see in the comment section in my last post that Tristan (and now me) is desperate for a rep.
- The best mascara I have ever, ever, ever used was by Avon in the 90s.� I was working in an office and a local Avon rep routinely dropped off a catalog.� The rest of the girls were buying makeup and I, not wanting to appear snobbish (I was), decided to buy something safe and inexpensive even though at the time I thought nothing great could come from Avon. (I was in my obnoxious if it’s expensive and exclusive it must be better period.)� I bought the mystery mascara and Skin So Soft body oil.� LORD HAVE MERCY it was the best $15 I ever spent.� I used that mascara and body oil exclusively until I left for graduate school and stopped getting the catalogs.� I can’t remember the name of the mascara, but it had a blue tube and gold lid, and I think it was competing with an Est�e Lauder mascara.� Everyday Mascara?� More Than Mascara? Never have I loved a mascara as much, nor have I found one that works as well.� The mascara has since been discontinued {sob} but I wouldn’t be surprised if Avon came up with something better, which is reason number two I would like a rep.
So, yes.� A couple of so-Cal girls need an Avon rep.� I know I can get someone locally by going to the Avon site, but if I can give the commission to a fellow blogger or reader, that would make my day.� You know what else would make my day?� Knowing the name of that stupid mascara!� Blargh.
Have you ever tried Avon products?� If so, please divulge your favorites.� And, if you know the name of the discontinued mascara I am talking about, for the love of Pete tell me!
I have a rep here in my office – working mom, completing her Bachelor’s degree, raising two kiddos and selling Avon. She is great/phenomenal and very low pressure.
I buy Skin so soft and use it for washing the dogs, for my Queenslands it leaves thier coat better conditioned than anything on the market. My fave product is the bubble bath… remember the one in that classic 50’s pink container – LOVE IT.
I am off to go order some Avon mascara now… I’ve been using maybelline- the pink and green tube and need a change.
no ideas but you *must* update us on the face products and mascara!
Kara we need your friends info like yesterday! LOL. Interesting that you mentioned washing your dogs with the Skin so soft because supposedly the spray keeps fleas away too! Very interesting. It must be low Ph to be able to be gentle enough for dogs so that could be the reason it’s not drying to the humans? Oh I am so excited and to be able to help someone out as well is making me feel better about my new obsession….Thanks Jules for posting this, my desperation showing through? BTW, the product she loves is called Anew…
Okay, I second the bubble baths, and can I just mention Avon’s “whipped body oil”? My mom pulled some out the other day and Dang, Judy! that stuff is good.
I would like to recommend someone that is extremely a super nice lady and I am sure she can help you girls figure out the name of the mascara your looking for. Send her an e-mail and she can help you….she sell Avon.
[email protected]
I am a rep, if you are looking. {Hi, Miss B!} I use Mark’s Scanda-Lash Mascara (Mark is Avon for the younger set). I ***love*** Scanda-Lash. Ab-So-Lute-Ly the best. I also recommend Anew Ultimate Contouring Eye System. It has taken five years off my eyes in just one jar.
I love Avon! I need to find myself a rep too because my mom hardly ever brings me her catalogs anymore.
my buddy in South bay does Avon
I am a new avon rep. Don’t know if you are still looking but here is my info. [email protected] and the website http://www.youravon.com/hpezanetti.
Stop on by