On Friday I spent most of the day in a panic thinking Mikey’s blister was a cold sore.� I was confident he had a case of herpes like some scraggly Parisian street urchin from the 18th century.� Luckily, I was wrong–just a water blister from a hot fever and mild dehydration.� He is doing so much better today–better than I have seen him in weeks.� That blister is almost gone, too, thanks to his specially made vitamin E (+ a few other things I can’t recall) lotion we received from the homeopath.
On Saturday I met up with a reader and received my first sewing instruction.� It wasn’t so much an instruction as it was hand holding while I made Mikey’s saint costume for his next oral presentation.� Of course, I screwed up right from the get go by getting the wrong yardage.� The pattern gave me yardage for 45″ and 60″.� The bolt of fabric I had was 54″ and I mistakenly though it would be okay if I got the yardage for 60″.� Nope.� The pattern, when laid out, did not fit.� So, his costume kinda sorta doesn’t have sleeves.� Kinda sorta meaning it absolutely does not have sleeves.� That’s okay, Mikey is presenting on St. Boniface, a Western European saint born in the year 675.� Back then,� I assume sleeves were optional, unlike filth and pestilence.
Oh, and this should make the sewers reading this collapse in laughter at my expense:� I made Mikey’s costume from linen.� Sewing with linen, as those with sewing brains know, is akin to sewing live snakes.� I knew the fabric would be slippery, but it wasn’t until I later sewed Mikey’s cotton sash that I fully appreciated the difference between the fabrics.� The cotton was so easy to work with I debated putting a chair leg on my sewing machine pedal and running errands while the sash completed itself.
All I have left to do is add some ribbons and tassels (I think those are called notions?) and work on a couple of props.� I will humiliate myself publicly and display my handiwork sometime in November.
On Sunday we celebrated my mother in law’s 60th birthday with a trip to the San Diego Zoo.� I fulfilled my exercise quota for the year 2010, so I am feeling good.� We walked up and down these ridiculously big hills (mountains!� they were mountains!) for five hours until I thought my legs would come apart at the joints.� Since I only exercise when I am being chased or running to take Nicholas to the urgent care, it was a big day for me.� Due to the extensive hills and large crowds I was not allowed to touch any strollers.
Today I am running errands.� I need to go to the store for paper towels and the thrift store for a book and a sword.� I’ll leave you to guess which errand is for Mikey’s saint costume.
Jules, you seriously crack me up!!! I only wish I could write half as well as you do, then I wouldnt have such problems at work! Writing reports and powerpoints is mandatory for me at work and it takes me FOREVER!
The San Diego Zoo is my favorite!! Since LA is not that far, I have been there so many times as an adult – your kids must have had a ball. Great pic of the monkey – thats my fave exhibit, yes I am the weird girl that stands and observes monkeys for hours..
So glad to hear that Mikey is feeling better! I can’t wait to see the sewing project, I long to sew some day. The zoo pictures are great and looks like so much fun. Hooray for the added benefit of the exercise! :)
I love the okapi picture!
Glad the little man is doing well–and i love the zoo pics. We were at the zoo this weekend too….
I was just at the San Diego Zoo two weekends ago. Loved it but yeah, those hills are something else. :)
I’m proud that you are learning to sew. I keep thinking I will – my cousin has even offered lessons. But I’m still traumatized from those days of old when I tried to sew a windsock in Home Ec. My teacher finally suggested perhaps I should take it home and let my mom “help me.” If that’s any indication …
Had a great day at the zoo too! We need to do it more often! Love the pics! XOXO
Can you whip me up a halloween costume? I chose to learn to crochet this weekend instead of learn to sew. And I can guarantee I’m not going to crochet a costume by Saturday.
I am so excited to hear about the sewing lessons! Hint: cheap muslin kinda looks like linen from the audience. Heck, you can even pick up a drop cloth from home depot and sew that into a robe.
I’m sure you were learning and wanted to do it right, but I think you could have eked out the sleeves with a bit of creative pattern work. If it were here we would have to add room for snow pants and a turtleneck underneath.
And why does your mother brain go right to 18th century disease for the blister?? LOL. I can’t blame you.. Last time I was in London and roaming the beautiful cemeteries all I could think about were all the plague victims buried there. I didn’t breathe very deep.
You dearest, are a riot.
Becky–I was going to get muslin, but the linen was on sale 50% off (!) and worked out to be the same price. Also, I LOVE linen. It’s a sickness. But, the drop cloth idea is so brilliant! Of course I never thought of that. Humph.
You are such a great writer, your stories are soo darn funny. I am so glad Mickey is feeling so much better, prayers my dahling :) Looks like you had a great time at the Zoo if you like even more hills (lol) try the Wild Animal Park sometime, that was our fave when the kids were young and now its the grandkids, talk about hiking though you walk everywhere good for the heart right?? hugs~
About a month or so ago, I SO thought my 17 month old had herpes! The whole time, I’m thinking how did this kid get herpes? I found out that babies can pass it to each other when gumming or chewing on each others toys at playgroups, malls, playgrounds, etc. I was FREAKING OUT! Turns out it was hand, foot and mouth disease. Ummm…. that’s all I have to say about that.
Glad he’s feeling better… I’m sure the zoo helped out!! No worries about the cold sore, I still get upset every time I feel a little tingle on my lip (thinking it’s herpes) and stress until it is {only} a pimple.. what relief. I’m on the east coast..very east coast, but I’ve been to San Diego twice and the zoo is my absolute favorite!!
I’m very jealous.. it’s so much fun .. Atleast we have the largest aquarium here in Atlanta for me to see often…
Actually, I love most all of San Diego anyway..