A few of you have started following me on Twitter after yesterday’s post. Hurray! The more the merrier, and the less guilt I feel when I post sporadically. (I’m Catholic, which means it’s perfectly acceptable to feel guilt over such matters.)� Those who follow me also see how random I am, which helps lessen the crushing weight of confusion when you come here and read something only to think, what the…?
Let’s throw some light on the many benefits of following me on Twitter, shall we? At any given time you could be privy to the following (and more!).
- What I eat for lunch or dinner;
- What Miss B. and I are giving away on The Bright Side Project for the day;
- My undying love for Don Draper on Mad Men;
- Potty training escapades;
- What state I should live in based on a highly scientific 7-question test;
and, everyone’s favorite,
- Watching me have a complete tizzy online (complete with threats of abandonment) every time 19 year old nymphs named “Bambi” try to friend me.
I’m telling you, you don’t know the fun you’ve been missing.
{post script}
My tweets are marked private, but that is only to throw Bambi and her bevy of sorority sisters off my scent.� If you have a normal profile pic and are respectable, uptight, or prone to fits of anxiety and insecurity–you’re in.� If I can see any part of you where the sun shouldn’t normally shine, or you sell condos in Florida, or you have a fantastic business opportunity, you’ll just have to read about the glory of making a school lunch someplace else.� I hate to be so selective, but every nightclub has a bouncer.� I trust you understand.
If you just tweet about what you are eating, I’m your #1 fan.
I love that. Because I’m nosy.
aaaahh … the infamous Bambi. Know her well. I’ve also started to amasss Facebook invites from her pimp. Pretty sure. Nothing like a shady-looking character wanting to be your friend to make you feel better about yourself. Sigh. I keep thinking I’ll change my profile pic to the one where I’m doing my best old-maid-librarian impersonation – of course, knowing my luck, there’d be a whole slew of those hoodlums with that very fetish. A girl just can’t win …
don’t make me join Twitter! i’ve resisted it for so long…Facebook makes me feel guilty enough already :)
ZDub: Hah! I was being facetious about the lunch and dinner comment, but I am too tired to figure out if you are teasing me back. NICO IS STILL HAVING COUGHING ATTACKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. I’m okay, really. O_O
Amy–The Day of the Massive Online Freak Out I received 17 or so requests from “Bambi.” It wasn’t my finest hour. :)
Roni–Do you hear that? It’s the dark side calling…
I’m sorry I missed it. That could have been some good times! Still, I better say no to Twitter … with blogs and Facebook AND Twitter I’d never get anything done … I can see it all now … house in disarray, hair frazzled, me, hunched over my keyboard yelling, “Dinner?! Throw in another poptart!”
Yep. Evil. E-vil. As in the frui-its of the de-vil. Pretty sure. I’ll be sure to look you up when I join … :)
I just love this fabulous {new-to-me} blog {almost as much as I love Don Draper!}.
So happy to have found you.
“Dinner?! Throw in another poptart!”
Well, that made me laugh out loud. :) And, after the day I’ve had, it was music to my ears!
Cheers to you too, Her name was Lola. Thank you for commenting. :)
Don Draper – yes. Poor Betty. I love Betty. My favorite Betty is shooting birds in her nightgown!!
Randomness is so fun!
Gina–I always say I love Don…minus the alcoholism and personality fraught with insecurity that brings on a pathological need to destroy anything of value in his life. Other than that, totally hot.
ok so i joined twitter…this is what happens when you’re home sick. i have gone to the dark side. i sent you a request. PLEASE ACCEPT ME! :) i dunno what i’m doing. have to catch up on your blog. see the red sharpie of death turned out ok. i’ve been following the girl around and snatching pens and such…