I bought it; did you?
I’ll be creative once I finish the 7th book in the Outlander Series. Has anyone else spent the summer reading each of the 870+ books in the series?� Yes, that’s roughly 5300 pages of 18th century historical fiction in three months for those of you at home who are keeping track.� My constitutional law professor would be so proud.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? There’s another book?! Man, am I out of the literary loop. I breezed through the first four but got bogged down in the Fiery Cross. I guess I need to get back into it!
I must have discovered the series not long after you. I just started book five. Loving the whole series!
I don’t have it yet. :(
Are you shocked? I am.
I’ve stopped at 2 stores and no one has it.
So until I get to the ‘city’ I am alas without Echo.
Aren’t you totally glad I convinced you to keep going though LOL.
HA! When I first read that I thought there were over 870 books in the series. Now that would be somethin’. But I digress …
I haven’t read the Outlander series. I will need something in a few days. I’m thinking something fun and modern to follow Les Miserable…
Well, I don’t know if fun and modern is the Outlander series (depends on your view of the Jacobite rising in 18th century Scotland O_O ) but Les Mis is one of my favorites! There was a French film adapted from the book that I LOVED.
I haven’t read any of the books, but I keep being told how fabulous and un-missable they are, from all different angles! I better get on the train.
Maybe the Outlander series will go after, say, Janet Evanovich. :) I have to say, Les Mis has become a favorite of mine as well. I keep finding myself re-reading sections … probably not the best with nearly 1500 pages. So yes, it deserves a place of honor … right up there with The Count of Monte Cristo. Sigh. And good to know about the movie. I’ll have to check it out!
I spent part of this spring rereading the first 6 books in the series, and was so excited to get this one! Devoured it in about 2 days. It’s funny to think I was only 6 years old when Outlander was first published, and I’ve been following the series for the last decade… They’re some of my absolute favourite books.
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