Our sons look like this in Christmas cards:
They look like this the rest of the year:
Something else I shouldn’t forget: I really need to buy hardier plants for our garden beds this spring. Preferably, something that thrives in Zone BOY.� Note the grower’s tag is nearly all that is left from my Gardenia bush.
Also, I am almost out of laundry detergent. Does everyone agree Tide is the best? I’ve been buying a cheaper brand, but I need to start loading the washer with a bigger gun.� Obviously.
I find the eco-friendly options (Method, Seventh Generation) actually work out better price-wise for our family. They tend to be more concentrated so you don’t need as much. And the environmental impact is much less.
We’ve had great luck with ALL detergent, regular and All small and mighty.
Colleen�s last blog post..FOOD
these photos are gorgeous!
they remind me of this:
boy, noun.
1. noise with dirt on it
my three year old, most of the time, can’t stand his 10 month old brother… it’s beautiful to see your two boys playing so nicely together :)
awesome pics and a great reminder to us moms! Love the comparison of their shiny little Christmas Card faces to the every day grimy BOY faces.
I use Arm & Hammer. Had to give up the Tide around the time I had kid number 2 (b/c of cost) I do sometimes longingly gaze at the Tide on the laundry/cleaning row….sigh… (a girl can dream, right?)
Thanks for the comments on my blog! Makes my day…how sad is that?
If you tell me how I’ll use commentluv!
Maybe this proves that not only in Christmas cards do they have green thumbs …. and faces. :P
They’re just working the dirt for you. It’s good to have nice, soft soil for planting LOL.
Kendra�s last blog post..Payton
So cute! I cant wait for spring around here. We only use tide around here and occasionally a scoop of oxyclean too….I have a little boy and a big boy around here ;) (Right now only the big boy likes to play in the dirt but I think that will change come springtime ;) )
My first thought when I saw these pictures was “Are they trying to tunnel out underneath that fence?” :-)
We use Tide – I guess I really never thought there was a big price difference in brands of detergent. Is there? Our laundry is filled with the soccer-wrestling-basketball stink of teenagers. Ew!
Julie�s last blog post..L’Atelier des Bijoux
I have actually had good experiences with homemade detergent. I have the recipe on my blog. It works great!
Taryn�s last blog post..Planet Earth – Plains
i never knew tide was the go-to detergent for so many, but alas we too have used it most of our laundry washing years. i have a thing about scent–i like to have it, but it has to be the right one. i’m super picky like that. we switched last week to seventh generation and so far i find it’s scent pleasing and i am happy that it is earth-friendly and all that. i am going to try taryn’s homemade detergent. that sounds great. (i really wanted to say ‘rad’ but knew it would date me too much). we’ve been using oxyclean for a while too (for the boy-stink), but i get the sense that it is fading stuff. anyone else think that’s true?
saucymom�s last blog post..i knitted
I haven’t tried Seventh Generation because I had a poor experience with the dishwashing liquid. I’ll have to try it out. I’ve also wanted to try making my own, so I will check out your recipe, Taryn!
Saucymom–I knew I was forgetting to say something. Oxyclean does call fading. I have the proof! On the back it says not to apply directly to fabric, and one day I did (I was in a hurry and the washer wasn’t yet full of water). When I pulled out Nicholas’s baby bumper, there was a tennis ball-sized faded area from the oxyclean sitting on it. Total bummer. Borax works along the sames lines.
Your boys are just so adorable! :)
I use Tide but I’ve been wanting to try something called Soap Nuts (www.laundrytree.com). I met the owner at Mom Summit and she couldn’t be any sweeter. It’s a very natural solution and it really interests me.