Do you remember that radio PSA on the dangers of smoking? Where that raspy man’s voice was talking, hacking, and coughing and at the end it turns out it was a woman named Helen? Yeah, that’s me. My voice is fine, but I am hacking like someone with a 3 pack a day habit. Disgusting. What’s especially fun is the wheezing. If I breath in a certain way I actually sound like a car stalling.
In other news, our darling little baby Nico will turn 1 on Saturday! The Mister is in a wedding on that day (a subject that cannot be broached without us getting into a squabble) so we are celebrating on Sunday. Since this wedding is also occupying our Thursday and Friday, I have to have everything ready to go by Wednesday. I have a crafty mama this weekend and today, so hopefully this week and next I will be able to share all that I have been doing behind the scenes. That is, if I can execute all my grandiose ideas. Otherwise, I’m off to the party store for things with Elmo on it.
I so remember that commercial and I want to say we even tried to speak like her, after we watched the commercial. Oh- good times.
Feel better soon, can you go in for a breathing treatment? I hear that is good for asthma.
For some reason I thought Nico was older than Baley. She turned 1 December 23 and yes, I did baby elmo. The first birthday is the best.