There I was, still without a rainstorm and a blond guy, holding a glass bottle with the word “faith” right there for everyone to see.
Then–and this is the something better–my friend and I decided that I will be her catechist in the Catholic church. In plain words, I’m gonna make her a blood-drinking Mary worshiper just like me!* Her transformation will be complete on Easter, 2016. I told her not to worry about blood cravings. If the Cullens can do it, so can she.
2015 is looking just fine.
* Pet peeve alert/catechize moment: Catholics don’t worship Mary or saints. As for the blood drinking, it’s called transubstantiation and that’s a topic for another day. You can read about it by someone much more practiced and knowledgeable here.
Okay, I was prepared to hate you for cannon balling onto the blogger bandwagon, but I LOVE THIS. I loved my RCIA program and how much I learned. The literary person in me was awed at the interconnectedness and symbolism. I'm trying to convince my husband to get confirmed (he attends and likes the church but doesn't feel a need to join the sacraments so I can go through it again.
There's a great program in the Church called FTCM (Formation Toward Christian Ministry). It's for lay people and I think it is the best thing an adult Catholic can do to learn about their faith. I found it completely life changing!
Check it, I'm COMMENTING on something! Whoa.
I love this. I do. It's a good fit for you and even though it's kind of Blogger-y, it doesn't feel like that's your motivation behind it and I respect that.
Enjoy being a sponsor! My husband dabbled in the RCIA program for two and a half years and through it all I was his sponsor. In the end, he decided not to join the Catholic church (he was raised as a Methodist and his dad used to be a minister and everything, it was absolutely the right call for him and the fact that he even considered joining is a testament to the community at our church because that was absolutely the driving factor the whole time), but neither of us regretted our time spent in the group discussions and weekly meetings. Okay, our program would split into small-group time which I secretly hated, because it felt all weirdly touchy-feely which I don't really get down with, but I really enjoyed reviewing a lot of the church concepts that I'd grown up with as a given from a new perspective. I think you're going to enjoy it a lot!