A photo posted by Jules Kendall (@themrskendall) on Dec 12, 2014 at 4:46pm PST
Today I subbed in 4th grade again. One thing that amazes me every single time it happens: at least one child will interrupt me in the middle of answering a question to ask me the question I am trying to answer.
You can add that to your, I'm sure, growing list of why vacations are essential for teachers. One of my most used phrases with older kids is "asked and answered." When they hear that they know they need to find someone who heard the answer the first time. Sanity saver.
You can add that to your, I'm sure, growing list of why vacations are essential for teachers. One of my most used phrases with older kids is "asked and answered." When they hear that they know they need to find someone who heard the answer the first time. Sanity saver.