On desserts
“Do you want to try mine, Mikey? It’s chocolate and flavored and good and sloppy.”
On dinner
“Look how much rice I ate, mama. I pound that down!”
On head colds
“Am I ever going to feel better, mama, or is this how I will always feel forever?”
On fortune cookies
“It says, ‘Dear Nicholas, I hope you get lots of ice cream when your mama says you are no longer sick.’“
On careers
“I don’t know what a paleontologist does, but when they do it outside it’s called field work.”
On dreams
“Mama, can you put ‘Go to Super Bowl’ on my life list?”
He knows how to say paleontologist? I’m impressed!
Also, the quote “on head colds” is something I think everyone wonders when they’re sick. ;)
He does! It’s because Mikey has wanted to be a paleontologist since he was three. That word gets tossed around here a lot. :)
I wish my fortune cookies said the same!
You and me both, sister.
{melting} over here. :-)
All I get is wise cracks from a teenage boy. Ha! You’re a lucky mama.
My day is coming, which is why I’m grasping on to the cuteness!
LOVE! I am on my umpteenth day of a sinus infection/headache, and I truly am starting to wonder if I will feel this way forever. Thanks Nicholas for letting me know I’m not alone. :)
Sinus infections are the worst. I get them a lot. Feel better!
Mmm . . . sloppy, chocolate flavored goodness really is the best!
So true. :) I thought the word sloppy was so random!
These are so precious!
OH THE CUTENESS!!!!! oh my oh my, he looks edible!!!
Thanks, Valerie and Melissa!
These are all gems, but the Life List one was the cutest thing ever. I imagine a composition book that fifty years from now is filled with the ever-evolving Life Lists he’ll make. You know, when he’s not busy doing field work. (Fingers crossed we still have composition books in fifty years!)
Yes, fingers crossed! He was so serious when he asked me, too. Well, as serious as Nico ever gets.
haha! I love the new volume and he’s like my husband, food plays a REAL important part in his life, lol.
Yes, it does seem most of his observations are about food!
These posts are my absolute favorite!
Thanks, Megan. They are my favorites, too.
so cute; face and words! It’s good you’re recording these and especially to have a rough date. You’ll be pleased later. So often I looked back and thought now was he (one of my boys) 3 or 4 when he said x. I can hear his sad little voice with ‘is this how I will always feel forever?’ I just want to hug him tight.
When my husband came home that night, I told him the “will I always feel like this forever” line. I told him after Nico said that I gave him some motrin and then went to the kitchen to grab a broom so I could sweep up all the pieces of my broken heart.
I just want to reach through the computer and pinch those cheeks!
Soooo adorable! He looks just like you! I love the thought process involved! His sayings are so cute.
When my kids were little, I wrote down the cute stuff they said in thier babybooks. (pre blog years)
then every couple months or so we’d sit down in front of our Panasonic red recorder and I would “interview” them and allow them to speak. I started when my oldest (now 33) was about 16 months old. We listen to the years they were around 3,4,5,6…and laugh and laugh. My son, now 31, put the old cassettes to CD and we love to listen to thier little voices lost in thought or song. The sense of hearing is so strong, it takes me right back, immediately, to the night my daughter told me she never wanted to marry or have children…”because they cost A-LOT of money and TOO much pain” and in the background my youngest is gurgeling and cooing from her infant seat. (she’s now 30 and pregnant with her first) My son,around 2 at the time, whispers “I want to talk to the little boy in ther” as he taps the tape recorder. It’s a joy! Strongly urge you to candidly record thier little voices if possible. Absolutely one of my prized possessions these days!!!
Oh! What a great idea! We bought my dad one of those recordable frames for Father’s Day four years ago, and just this past Christmas I listened to a 3 year old Mikey and squawky Nico say “We love you, Papa! Happy Father’s Day!” about twenty two million times.
My heart is melting over here! Your boys are so precious.
On head colds �Am I ever going to feel better, mama, or is this how I will always feel forever?�
This breaks my heart! The poor boy. I hope he’s feeling a lot better and himself now :)
On fortune cookies �It says, �Dear Nicholas, I hope you get lots of ice cream when your mama says you are no longer sick.��
This cracks me up! I hope his mama did give him lots of ice cream if he’s feeling better. Haha.