In the years to come, Professor Wentworth would be known among his female colleagues for his gray eyes, easy smile, and rumpled oxford shirts.� In the first grade, they were more impressed with the way he rocked a gold bow tie during spirit week.
I LOVE a man in a bowtie! I can hardly contain myself with the sparkles!
You know that Is why I married my husband, right? He was bold enough to wear one.
Becky, I still stand firm that your husband is one of the most adorable looking men I have ever seen. I thought you married him because of his “roman statuary” line. ;) (Adorable and funny. I would have been lost within 10 minutes of meeting him.)
Sweetness! Dear god, you do remember everything!
Roman statuary and bow-tie… and … You know it took three asks to get me to say yes?
That is a story for another day and in person with a drink in hand. I need to plan a trip to CA!
Nope! They are my shape, but my husband’s grandfather is the one who was famous for his gray eyes. He passed before I could meet him so I’m not sure if they are the same color, although I would imagine they are close. My husband’s eyes are green, and Mikey’s occasionally look green when he cries, but for the most part they’re the color of stainless steel.
I LOVE a man in a bowtie! I can hardly contain myself with the sparkles!
You know that Is why I married my husband, right? He was bold enough to wear one.
Cuteness. He is growing up …
Becky, I still stand firm that your husband is one of the most adorable looking men I have ever seen. I thought you married him because of his “roman statuary” line. ;) (Adorable and funny. I would have been lost within 10 minutes of meeting him.)
Sweetness! Dear god, you do remember everything!
Roman statuary and bow-tie… and … You know it took three asks to get me to say yes?
That is a story for another day and in person with a drink in hand. I need to plan a trip to CA!
Gorgeous! Wow..those eyes. Are they yours?
Nope! They are my shape, but my husband’s grandfather is the one who was famous for his gray eyes. He passed before I could meet him so I’m not sure if they are the same color, although I would imagine they are close. My husband’s eyes are green, and Mikey’s occasionally look green when he cries, but for the most part they’re the color of stainless steel.
Wow, he is SUCH a looker! It’s been a long time since something made me wish I was a first-grader again!
Hah! :)
your kids are seriously some of the most adorable i’ve ever seen. this picture just makes me melt! those eyes! that bowtie!
Naturally … a girl is powerless to such rare virtues …
Oh man, you are going to have the girls lining up at your door for this little prince! He is so dang adorable! How do you not squeeze him to death?
I squeeze them almost to death. Sometimes I come close to suffocating them, but so far I’ve been able to control my urges. ;)
…and let’s not forget that head of tousled hair! ;-)
I know, right? We just cut it, and I’m sad. I love it when his hair is long and crazy.
Such a good shot and I love that little smirk!
Seriously, you’re going to have to bar the door the moment he hits puberty.