Many years after that day, when Captain Nicholas Scott Wentworth carried countless scars from a decade’s worth of battles against a rogue band of pirate dinosaurs, he would shrug off the ministrations of his crew and feign indifference to the latest injury to temporarily hobble him. Some said he was just like his father, a stoic man of great dignity and honor who, according to legend, walked uphill in the snow both ways to minister the sick, all while passing a kidney stone. Dignity, honor…blatant stubbornness and stupidity…it was all a matter of opinion if you asked his mother, Mrs. Wentworth, which the Captain preferred you did not.
Of course, that was many years later.� Because on that day?� July 21, 2010?� There was only a little boy with a boo-boo, a band-aid, and a head so inflated with male bravado that his knobby knees could barely withstand the weight to keep him upright.� But somehow those little drumsticks managed, and Mrs. Wentworth proceeded to take pictures of the owie under the watchful command of (the future) Captain Nicholas Scott Wentworth.
Jules, you are so clever! I really enjoy your take on life with your children! Hopefully you will keep your sense of humor even into the teenage years…Yikes!!
This might be my favorite post ever! Guh!
I just love the way you put things! These types of posts are some of my favorites, and I don’t even have kids!
Thank you for making my day!
OK. So remember a few weeks back when all the sponsorship conversation began over at “Making It Lovely” and then you posted on your blog that sometimes you cringe because you have ads on your “personal” blog. Well, I read your blog every day exactly for this type of post. Yes. It’s about your personal life, but it is so cleverly written. It provides endless entertainment for me. I love your blog and just wanted to say that I’d pay to read it so… I don’t feel like cringing is one bit necessary. Maybe a little late in saying this, but I guess better late than never :-)
Well, you all made my day. Posts like this one, where I have an urge to try something different and don’t know how it will be received, give me stomachaches. I can assume from the lack of comments that this style post isn’t loved by everyone, so your feedback made me feel good about my decision to post it despite my hesitation.
Since I’m talking about comments, I should add that even though I love to get a decabillion every time, I understand that sometimes there just isn’t much to say. Or something doesn’t move you. Or there isn’t anything to add to the conversation. Or you just don’t have time and you move on. All of this to say that even though I love comments, a low number isn’t going to stop me from writing a certain type of post. Good or bad, I’m the worst blogger in that I can’t give people more of what they want. Instead, I write what I like, when I like, and hope they like it, too. I’ve tried, really I have, to look at what does well on my blog and produce more of the same. I just can’t, and a large part of me is proud of that fact. Then there is the small part of me that says, “Really? You can’t churn out a tutorial every now and then or stir up controversy for some pageviews?” That part shows up when my husband and I talk about whether I need to go back to work in a firm. ;)
So, thanks for humoring me as a tinker with my blog and figure out what’s what. Whether you realize it or not, all of you (whether you comment or not) are a tremendous source of inspiration for me and have really given me the confidence to step out, try new things, and write more. I haven’t felt this creative in a long time, and I owe it to the people who read this blog. Now the onus is on me to do something with the creative energy I’ve been feeling the last few weeks.
I loved this post, by the way. LOVED. But sometimes I just get sick of adding my two cents! :)
I 100% hear you, as there are a few blogs where I do the same thing.
It’s funny. I KNEW you would look at the low comment number and have thoughts that this post may not have been well received. I think you were right when you said sometimes, especially with posts like this (which I LOVED by the way), there IS nothing new to add to the conversation.
That is one good thing about Facebook ~ the like button. With a like button, even if you have nothing new to add, you can at least acknowledge that you have read and appreciated the post.
I for one say keep trying new things. :)
Kathy–How can you not? That was my first thought (always insecure, it’s my curse) and then I was able to think about it objectively. I mean, really, there isn’t much to say with a post like this one. There just isn’t! I totally hear you on the FB like button. That would be cool!
Funny–I’ve talked to some bloggers with such large blogs that it’s hard to believe they are insecure about anything, but they all say the same thing. You know in your head that comment count means nothing, but your first thought always goes there.
Okay. Enough commenting on my own blog. It looks sad.
Oh my god, that made my heart melt. Truly, it did. In fact, it’s forming a puddle at my feet this very minute. ;0). As a mama to three boys I can appreciate that sweet moment you so beautifully captured through your lens and your words, on so many levels. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing this.
I admit that I don’t comment as often as i’d like but that is merely because I feel I don’t have anything interesting to say or for pure fear of sounding creepy cos I love your blog so much! hahaha
Awwh! I love how you take time to notice the little things in your sons’ lives. And I love even more that you record it (me being a big diary/ photo album/ scrapbook/ memory box person and all..). 20 years from now, you’ll have things like this to read back on and make you smile. And don’t forget to show all the girlfriends he brings home! ;)