A quick question before we head off into the weekend. I’m curious to know how many of the people who read this blog also have blogs of their own.? I have to emphasize that I’m wondering about readers of this blog because when I first started blogging I asked a similar question and received TONS of answers.? For ten seconds I thought I had a truckload of lurkers. Silly me.? Someone posted a link to that post in a popular blogging forum and people from every walk of life imaginable came to my site just to leave a link.? Lame.
Don’t do that.
Here is what I would love.? I created a one question survey (Do you blog?) that should take less than one second. Seriously, it’s one question. Click here to take that survey, please.
Then, if you like, feel free to come back and comment on this post with a brief synopsis of your blog. If you don’t have a blog, you can also comment on why you don’t. But please, just to be clear, don’t feel like you have to comment either way. This isn’t a marketing pitch or an attempt to collect data. Promise.
I answered why I am asking this question in the comments but I thought I would do it here where it might be easier to see. My CommentLuv feature has been broken for the better part of a year. I have tried and tried to fix it. Yesterday I spent at least 20 minutes on it and, in a fit of exasperation, thought, “Why am I even worrying about this? Do people who read my blog even have a blog to promote?” This survey (and I only did it as such because I didn’t want to go through my comments and count a tally) is helping me decide whether I should go through the time and expense of figuring out why that wordpress plugin refuses to play nice.
I’m really curious as to why you’re asking this question.
I follow your blog in my google readder, I also took you survey & yes, I do blog – koehmstedt.
yes, i read your blog and i have a blog of my own. it’s the story of my life as a stationery entrepreneur and mother of 2 young boys. http://www.paisleywallpaper.blogspot.com
Your blog is in my google reader feed. I blog also, although it is just a mishmash of mommy-blogging and food-blogging and photo-blogging and general nonsense.
Brigitte–I have the CommentLuv WP plugin installed for my blog but have not been able to get it to work for the better part of a year. I’ve noticed some people leaving links to their blogs in the comment section. Those comments will end up in my spam filter if you don’t regularly comment on my blog. If I have enough bloggers, I will try to get the problem fixed. If I don’t, I’ll scrap the plugin.
Thank you, Carrie! :)
I’m married to a Navy officer and we don’t live anywhere near our family and most of our friends, so I write primarily with my friends and family in mind. I call it “blogging for the grandmas.” I write about our day-to-day life, funny things my daughter says, crafts I’ve done, recipes I’ve enjoyed, etc. I take many, many photos and they’re featured in almost every blog post. I guess in a way my blog has also served as a sort of friendship service, as I’ve met plenty of awesome people whom I now consider dear friends through blogging.
Hi Catherine–we were commenting at the same time! My blog is also a mish-mash. :)
I blog, but it’s still a “blog baby”, so to speak, so I’m not exactly sure what she’ll grow up to be. Right now I fill it with recipes (mostly so I remember them, but also because I’m too lazy to write them down), cheap home improvement projects and mishaps, and a dialogue of what my husband says in his sleep.
It’s all so new to me still – I haven’t even let my hubby see it yet!
I am a blogger who found your site via other blogs and stayed because of the photography, writing and content of posts. I can’t remember the exact chain that led me here, but most of the sites I access these days are blogs. Also, I follow your blog and all my favorite blogs through bloglovin, which is awesome in case you haven’t tried it yet.
I blog as a creative outlet. My blog’s another mish-mash. :)
Hey Jules, yes, I read your blog and love it, and I do have a blog called http://www.lovely-concept.de, but I don’t write as often as I should – about stuff I crafted, things that please my eye etc. Oh, and it’s in German. :-)
Hey there! I read your blog regularly through Google Reader (though I do come and check out the site fairly regularly), and yes, I do blog about life, books, faith, being married to a law student, and everything in between: http://anniesbutterworth.blogspot.com. :)
I do read you in Bloglines (does anyone even use that anymore??) I blog about whatever thoughts cross my mind; kids, marriage, work, life…although not as much as I would like to….
Yes, I read your blog regularly through my Google Reader, and I occasionally come over and post a comment or two. I have a blog of my own where I write about life, books, faith, being married to a law student, and everything in between: anniesbutterworth.blogspot.com.
Hi, yes I too blog :) Your blog is one of many that I regularly read, it’s in my list of favourite blogs!
I started my blog as a way for family and friends to see what ‘living in Sydney’ is like for us. We immigrated here 9 years ago from South Africa. Plus alot of other rambling….
I started my blog in January of 2006 and since then it’s evolved from a way to simply communicate with out of town family into a creative outlet for me as well.
I write about my kids, my family, holidays…you know. In addition to that I like to share recipes, craft ideas, baby food, photography and well…just whatever might be on my mind. As others have said…a mish mash.
I tried to think of how I found your blog and I have no clue. My blog features reviews of mostly children’s books, although I do review some movies and toys. I really love children’s books and I like to exposing more people to the good ones I can find.
My blog is mostly a collection of writings, sprinkled with my amateur efforts at being a world-famous lo-fi photographer. :D But seriously, I blog because I love to write and I love the amazing community of bloggers that I’ve met along the way.
Just took your survey. Yes I do blog! It’s just about my family, maybe some crafts (but not lately). I really enjoy writing. I’ve also enjoyed meeting a lot of blog friends from around the world. I found your blog through another one (can’t remember which one!) maybe 6 months ago? I love your sunny blog background, as well as your blog posts of course!
I follow you in my Reader and I also love your writing. My blog is mostly just me, my life, my development as a person, my evolution. I’d call it a journal, but that just makes me sound un-hip. ;-)
I started a blog to help myself gain some accountability for all the things in my life I never get done. Well…that first post was great! Someday I’ll do the second one. Really.
Yep, I’m a blogger as well! :) I stumbled upon your blog and love it! I think it is absolutely fabulous how many creative and fun people I have met through my blog, and I love to catch up on my favorite blogs as well each day!
xoxox Holly
I do. I started it as a way to market my Etsy jewelry shop but it’s also become a list of random musings and notes about my life and such. I am terrible at being consistent in posting so that probably explains my extremely low follower count but I don’t really care. I love writing but I have always hated having timelines to do so, blame it on all the papers in hs and college, so instead I just write when I have the time and an idea that I would like to think through on “paper”.
Ok, just took your survey Jules! You know I love reading your blog – it makes me feel that I am not alone in this motherhood adventure and laugh all about it after a long day. I blog [you know I do. ;-)] mostly about what inspires me, what I am working on, my passionate love affair with all things French (and Parisian), sprinkle with some news about my products and shop. :-)
Keep on, keeping on blogging Jules!
I used to blog a lot but I’m just starting a new blog which is still under construction. I have your blog in my google reader.
I can’t believe so many of you have blogs. How exciting! Does this mean I can now talk about blogging and alllll the research I have done over the last few weeks w/o boring people? ;)
I am pleased to say I am familiar with almost everyone’s blog.
Heather–I still don’t know what my blog will grow up to be.
Stylefiles–I’ve actually seen your tumblr site before, but I don’t remember how I got there. Oh, to have your trim figure…
Sonja–I think you did some photoshoping of paint for me a couple of years ago.
Green-Eyed Girl–I use bloglines. It sucks. I’m too comfortable with it to switch to Google Reader, which I have tried to do several times in the last year. Do you ever lose subscriptions? There are some blogs that always have a feed failure.
Kathy–I wish I had the cajones to move out of state, let alone the country.
Marisa–My favorite post of yours is Olive Branches. That picture is wonderful!
Aimee–You are always so good about leaving encouraging comments.
Steph–That book sling giveaway you are holding is fabulous.
Amanda–There is no one more averse to commitment than me. Sometimes I force myself to blog because when you skip a day, it’s easier to skip the next 20.
Holly–That’s what I love about blogging, too.
Jacqueline–I can’t say that I never worried about follower count (I’m terribly competitive) but at the same time I have never done any of those things you are “supposed” to do to build your blog. Too afraid of failure, I suppose. I’ve pretty much relied on content and word of mouth. I tried to think about what I loved about other blogs, and content/photography always stuck out. So, knowing I didn’t take the best pictures, I forced myself to include a picture with every post. Over time, I noticed that my pictures were getting a little bit better. Not saying that’s what you should do, of course, You just got me thinking when you made that comment about followers.
Can of you gals access the poll results? They are really interesting! If you can’t let me know and I will do a follow up post.
I’m more of a lurker here, but yes, I blog. Well, I have a blog, and I’ve had one for a long time, but my frequency has lessened over the years.
Just a lurker. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blogs I lurk on. And I do try to most meaningful comments once in awhile, although does that make a lurker more or less creepy? I clicked “no, but I’m thinking about it” even though when I think about it it’s mostly along the lines of “what the heck would I write about and why would anyone care?” Although that seems to be a common fear among bloggers, so maybe I’d fit right in.
I do blog – have a private one for family and friends, and a public one on my creative ventures and life living in Germany. It’s fun. I try not to obsess about it and, like PP, am totally curious as to why you’re asking! =)
I follow you with my “RSS Owl” and yes, I do have a blog. I have several blogs actually, but I mostly use the English one. (My mother tongue is Dutch). I always wanted to have a specific blog, but I always end up with a mish-mash. In the end I’m happy with that.
Yes, took the survey.
No, I don’t blog.
Yes, I love reading about things even if I don’t do them or are even considering doing them. Write more about it!
I come here because I like you.
Reading good writing elevates my spirit!
…and being alone in my studio it feels like I have friends to talk too without having to put on make-up or make you food.
BTW, I only click over on someones link when they have something to say. This is 2010, I’m savvy to lame link leavers.
I do! I came across your blog about 2 months ago by complete accident and found it interesting, warm, and funny. You covered a variety of things that I found fun to read and included a lot of general everyday life stuff, which I always find good to read.
I started a beauty/fashion/misc everyday stuff blog of my own last month at the encouragement of a friend.
Hi Jules! I just recently started following you in Reader, which is much better than Bloglines. (I’ve used both.) And I do have a blog – also a mishmash!
Yes, I blog (first time home owner to an old fixer upper). And I took the survey. And, for the record, I would LOVE if you wrote about blogging and what you’ve learned from your research. I would not be the least bit bored, but then again, I’m a big research nerd.
I found your blog listed on YHL’s blog roll when I started reading their blog around a year and a half ago and was instantly hooked on yours even though we have nothing in common. You’re a terrific writer (seriously, who else can make a home made deodorant recipe an interesting read?!) and have some of the funniest stories and I keep coming back for more!
reading blogs like yours inspired me to create one of my own! http://lifewithoutexcuses.wordpress.com. i want to learn more about improving mine over time!
Yep, you know I blog. :) And you know what my blog is about.
Yes, I blog and I love your blog. I think we are neighbors, just kidding, but I know we live in the same general area. I blog about ID and DIY stuff mostly, once in a while general ranting. :)
I have you in my Yahoo reader. You were one of my first subscriptions. I still read every one of your blogs (though hardly ever comment because now my reader has 30 blogs in it). Yes, I have a blog. I would love for you to share blogging tips. I think the whole blogosphere phenomenon is incredible. It is amazing to me how we have all become so in touch with each other.
Hi Jules. I blog and I read your blog. I started blogging when I read my girlfriend’s blog and decided I wanted one, too. Then I started adding more and more blogs to my reader, and spend about 1/2 hour/day reading blogs.
I blog, mainly about my daughter and fun stuff I find while surfing the net. I use to scrapbook as a way to document our lives, but find blogging to be much fast, not to mention cheaper.
My husband and I have a blog, though he writes all the content. It chronicles the restoration/renovation of our house (while raising three young children). It’s really a motivational tool – it helps see how little progress we’ve made and motivates us to do more! http://foresthall.blogspot.com
Yes, I have a blog, which has morphed a couple of times in content since I started it in March of 2008- first it was a home blog (when we bought and sold and moved and renovated), then it was a “complain about how i never have anything to post on” blog, and now it’s just more of an online journal. That is totally public. Naturally.
I do have to say, though, that until a couple of weeks ago, it never occurred to me that people got traffic to their blogs by posting on other people’s blogs, mainly because I never click on links or anything from blog comments (Sorry, peeps!!)…I find all my new blogs by stalking the links that the authors themselves post on their blogs.
I do have a blog! I started blogging about nothing in particular and with little consistency. A year and a half ago my husband and I started the process of adopting our son and I think that process helped me find my voice a little more. Now I blog about our daily lives and the silly things we do. I love blogging, especially with the restrictions of a toddler blogging is a great way to have a creative outlet without leaving the house!
Since I moved to the UK lots of friends asked me to create a blog so that they could see what was going on with me etc. So the content of my blog is nothing specific just a mish mash really. I wanted to take it more seriously and write more regularly but hey…I don’t seem to attract many readers. Ah and so far I have only written in portuguese. Maybe that’s one of the reasons it’s a bit dead. LOL
I blog. It began as a way to channel a little frustrated creativity, and evolved into a record of our exploits as we journey through medical school and beyond. It’s a good way for family to feel closer to us, and I’ve found so many wonderful writers in the blogosphere – it’s helped me to feel marginally connected to others as we move every 2 years.
Yes I am a blogger as well!
I am addicted to blogging! I love reading blogs and spend more time on other’s blogs than on updating my own. My blog is chronicles the randomness of my life whether it be family life, knitting, web design, or the like.
I do have a blog and it’s kind of boring but I created it because I found myself emailing my sister about fifty times a day and she was getting a bit fed up. I named it Flooding Susie’s Inbox because I just put all the things I would have emailed her on my blog.
Ps. on an unrelated note, I just bought some napkins at Target tonight that look quite like your blog backdrop. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I suppose. :)
Yes! I have a blog of my own & I read yours. I blog about crafting, being creative, sometimes baking, rarely family or personal stuff.
i subscribe via email, but now that i use googlereader i might just go that route. i recently started blogging, mostly to document our home renovations, but also b/c i was getting a lot of creative ideas and want to try my hand at some. it also seems to be a good way to get opinions about home reno/design questions from followers and readers. and to enter giveaways. mostly, tho, i want to be paid to be sarcastic. since that isn’t likely to happen, i blog. http://www.thecapeonthecorner.blogspot.com
Yup I read your blog and have one of my own. I haven’t written in months but i’ve been writing off and on for years. The blog covers random things about my life with a tilt towards craft & photography. I keep thinking i’ll become a more consistent writer but so far hasn’t happened, lol.
I do read your blog and have been since about the beginning of my blog reading, which is about January 2009. I do have a blog, but it’s pretty new. And it’s not a for sure thing that I will keep on doing it. I started at the beginning of this Lent for 40 days and now I’m on the second 40 days. It’s pretty much about my cooking (don’t like), cleaning (hate it), decorating my house (love it!) and stories about me and the husband (generally funny, not cheesy). It would be cool if the plug in worked, but I’ll keep reading either way. :) I should probably figure out how to put such a thing on my blog, but I don’t think it would help anyone too much. Thanks for asking the question! Now I can check out tons of blogs from this comment section.
I haven’t been reading your blog for long, but I’ve been enjoying it.
I blog about my adventures in moving from living in the burbs to living in the country as well as other things that I find of interest – canning, pictures I take, recipes I find and make, sustainable living, nourishing traditions type cooking, homesteading, etc.
Check me out: My About Me Page
yes, yes, i read your blog. i don’t know how i found it. but boy do i dig it. keep up the happy writing. xo.
Marta! I have been a fan of your blog forever. How wonderful (and nerve wracking) to know you have been reading. :)
Yes, I enjoy both reading your blog and writing my own. I started a couple years ago as I started my dietetic internship, and continue now as a dietitian, living on my own on a farm in East Tennessee with my dogs. Learning to garden, embroider, and continue my love of cooking and nutrition!
I don’t remember how exactly I found your blog. I was just blog surfing I suppose and the title of your blog, layout and pictures caught my eye. At that time, I wanted to start my own blog and was looking for inspiration. So yes, I have my own blog now. But I’m not sure I will be keeping it very long. I’m studying abroad in Prague for 3 months and its my way to show friends and family (and whoever else wants to read it) what I’ve been up to on my travels!
But I wanted to tell you, I greatly enjoy your blog. Partly because it’s so different from my life (I’m an undergraduate student) but mostly because your writing style is captivating and personable. I’ve noticed from most of the comments that many of your readers are either married with kids or have their own home, so just letting you know, you have a younger audience as well :)
I am a lurker….. Sorry, I have just recently started my own blog it is about cooking, crafting, and other things i enjoy. I am kind of crazy about processed things and chemicals so i do a lot of my own cooking from scratch and i make my own laundry soap and will be making dishwasher soap in the near future. Check it out sometime.
I’ve been reading YOUR blog longer than I’ve been blogging on my own. I love your style of writing, your photography and the content of your posts. I’ve not got the time any longer to create witty posts full of awesome photos that do me proud. So, I lurk into the window of other peoples lives.
I work 12 to 14 hours a day outside the home, take a 45 minute (each way) commute, tend to the needs of my 80 year old mother – who lives another 20 minutes away. My husband and I rarely spend time together and the weekends are time for me to visit with my kids, grandkids and friends. I craft, cook, read, sew and blog – but don’t do any with the regularity I would like to. So, my blog suffers. Maybe when I retire I can spend time doing the things that I like! Like learning Photoshop!
I do blog! Yesterday was my 2 month blogaversary. So I guess that would mean I’m a baby blogger. I kind of just blog about whatever I feel like. I’m looking into becoming a freelance photographer so I mostly just take a lot of pictures and figure out what story comes out of the pictures.
I came across your blog at the same time your son drew on your couch, looking for a solution to my daughter drawing on our couch. Needless to say I stayed. I loved the look and feel and your adorable little boys, especially your youngest as he reminds me of my daughter. I sometimes laugh at the things that you post about them its so fun to read and see how kids parallel each other at that young age. I had been thinking about doing a blog for a long time and I never could decide what I wanted it to be about, so one day I just said lets start and see what happens. candidkoosh.blogspot.com is similar to pancakes as I write about design and recipes and just post photos that inspire. I think they call them lifestyle blogs?
Regardless I love your blog and its bookmarked so I can actually click and check out the newest post and scroll through.
I’ve been a blogger for 9 years. I love everything about blogging. Writing a blog post, reading other blogs, meeting bloggers IRL at blogging conferences and events. It’s a hobby that has offered me more opportunity than I would have ever dreamed.
9 years?! Wow! Do you mind sharing what opportunities you have experienced?
Your glittery dinosaurs were linked up to someone else’s blog and I clicked and figured anyone who would take dinosaurs and glitter them for Christmas decorations was my kind of people. Then I noticed you follow a friend of mine’s blogs so I figured you were probably extra cool. So I’ve been coming back ever since. I use wordpress for my blog but have no clue what the commentluv business is all about. I use google analytics and that’s about as far as I go. I started a blog about 2 months ago mostly to build my photography skills since I’m looking at becoming a freelance photographer sometime. theiheartblog.com
Hey Jules, yes, I have a blog, and I’m still figuring out what exactly I want it to be. But for now it’s about the things I love (and hate). I mostly write about my family, crafting, cooking, and fashion. I have a Friday feature every week called Playgrounds & Lollipops where I feature either an outfit that I liked that week, or an outfit of a fellow mommy I liked a lot. It’s basically a style blog, but geared towards functional mommy wear; you know inexpensive, comfortable, but still fun and fashionable. I think that’s the favorite part of my blog. And as you know, I love your blog, lately more than ever :)
I love your blog and have a little one of my own: Penelope Loves Lists ( http://www.penelopeloveslists.com ) . It’s for people who love all things neat and tidy and organized. And, who might be a tad OCD about all that, too.
Thanks for letting us put in our two cents, Jules. Loving these good ideas you have…
I love reading your blog, and I am a blogger as well — I write about sustainable food, nature stuff with kids, crafting, and my obsession with making things from scratch even when it’s an absurd amount of trouble. :) http://www.chickencounting.com
I’ve been following your blog for a few months – first time i’ve commented though. I promise to stop lurking :) . I also do have my own blog.
I’ve just stumbled across your blog via http://www.younghouselove.com/ and its simply fabulous! I can relate to your world, writing and desire to be creative!
I’ve recently started my own blog http://accidentlykellistreet.com/. I�m a 30 something Sydneysider who jumped ship and moved to Melbourne for (what else?) love! Alas, the love affair didn�t last, but it certainly did with Melbourne and hence I kicked off an on-line spin-off of all things I’m most passionate about … all things french, food and friends �
Your blog name oozes gorgousness, not to mention those gorgeous little monkeys of yours!
Happy writing and I look forward to soaking up the reading!
I use to write a comedy blog years ago, but gave it up, as it started to feel like a chore. I just recently took it up again, though this time with wider net. I just found your blog today :)
Jules – I recommend the Reply by Email plugin, also. I wouldn’t have known you asked a question of my comment if I hadn’t seen your post popup in my stats.
My trips to Blissdom (Nashville) and Blogher (Chicago) have been sponsored, I’ve been asked by SeaWorld to visit the park and ride a new rollercoaster, I’ve previewed movies and books, I’ve tasted new foods, been sent designer clothes before they hit the stores, test driven cars for extended periods of time, and have a steady stream of ad revenue.
I only accept opportunities that are fun and I have an easy time writing about and sharing with my readers because blogging is my hobby, it’s fun. Once it becomes work and I feel obligated, I’m done.
Hope that was insightful!
I was hooked on your blog starting with the “How I Met The Mister” post!
I journal at Front Porch Yoga about my adventures as a yoga teacher and yoga student: http://www.frontporchyoga.com. I hope to inspire others to celebrate their lives through curiosity, creativity, compassion, and connection. Always growing, always learning!
I read your blog regularly, although I don’t even remember how I found it. & I voted in your survey: yes I blog. Think I’d burst if I didn’t. As far as I know I don’t have any “readers” but no matter. It’s pretty well summarized by my header: “A blog with no clear purpose, very few pictures, only occasional Pretty Thoughts, the odd profound moment, & random pithy observations. But lots & lots & lots & lots & lots of words. So if you like words, stick around, because all you’ll find here are thoughts, details, memories, rants, ideas, plans, & happenings, put into words.”
I call it the Daily Hoot, because I’m way too wordy for tweeting.
Corrin–I can and do reply by email, but when I think people who read the comments will benefit, I ask or reply in the comments. :)
How did you find my blog, Melanirae?
Yes, I read your blog and I also blog. My blog is about the changes that I’d like to make in my life as I enter my 30s. Just becoming a better me – not changing who I am, but recapturing the things I love and also being healthier and more organized and motivated.
Lurker, who can’t recall how I found you. I bird-track all over the internets and frequently lose my way. :)
I too have a blog. Started it so my family at-large and far-away could keep up with my little family. Still the main reason for it.( farmfresh.typepad.com ) It is a compilation little snippits of our lives – lots of boy stuff, some farming stuff, and a pinch of this and a dash of that.
I am starting another blog for my photography business, but that one is not quite ready for public consumption.
Yes! Please share your blogging research! I am a huge fan of information of any kind. It’s awesome.
I have a blog, mrssoup.wordpress.com and it’s kinda my love letter to my daughter. A way to keep moments in mind, since my memory is horrible. It also is extremely random and has all sorts of other bits and pieces of life and love.
I found you through becoming-mom. If I remember correctly, you commented on a post about having to go back to work after having a baby and you included a link to a post you had written about your choice to stay home. I loved that post and have been following your blog ever since.
I blog. I started about a year and a half ago. I blog about my life, my five kiddos (and the crazy things they say and do), my home, and other randomness that makes me happy. I am not a great writer, or a great photographer. But I’m documenting my life and hoping that someday my children will appreciate it.
I found this through stumbleupon for your article on polishing silverware! I love it and can’t wait to read more!
I completed your survey and have a blog of my own: http://beingtazim.blogspot.com
It is about me and my many personas: a decorator, an artist, a costumer, a student etc…
I do!
Blogging is so fun – your own online diary. I’m a mommy blogger in training. Not pregnant, yet….but someday and boy will we have adventures! :)
Love your blog!!! :)
You crack me up.
And yes I blog and yes I answered your survey.
I think you are doing a great job over here, one of my favorite stops.
I DO have a blog! Thanks for asking! Mine is mainly about crafting, life, me trying to figure out how the hell to be happy, our pets and my illustrious husband.
Long time listener, first time caller.
I blog! I blog about infertility, God, house decor, weight loss–you know, the important things in life. :)
I love your blog and check it out all of the time. You are one of my favorites, and not just because you have french fries in your name.
Off to see about this survey!
Late pass for me, I’ve been behind on my google reader! ;) I’ve blogged for about 9 or 10 years now, but recently moved to a new platform (out of blog sites) and am doing entirely a cooking blog. I offended a lot of people being unapologetic about my faith in my “personal” blog, heh. I’ve had a hard time keeping up with posting, and I’m still working on the layout…but I haven’t abandoned it. I just need to make time for it! :) I’m a single mom of a 4 year old, just graduated college and work full time. I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I’m pretty sure it was a few months ago from someone else’s recommendation. I think someone must have said you were one of their favorites.
Wow, it’s amazing to see everyone’s responses – very cool!! I started blogging about 3-4 months ago – and I’m officially addicted! I just love blogging as much as I love reading other people’s blogs (I’ve been reading blogs for over a year now). I wanted to start blogging so I could share my design finds and use it as motivation to follow my dream…which is to open my own retail store (which i’m now going to do online…yay!!)
I blog. A personal family one and a “look what I found that you may or may not care about” blog.
I have 11 followers. My mom and 10 people who have nothing better to do.
I’m a blogger, though I’ve been horrible about blogging for most of 2010. I blog because I am an artist who can’t tolerate the long, drawn out feeling that I get from scrapbooking, so I’ve used my blog to capture our lives for the past few years with kids.
Wow, incredible weblog layout! How lengthy have you been
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