I hate to ask (because I feel lame and arrogant) but would you mind telling me which of my posts, if any, are your favorites?� Or things that I do or write about that you enjoy?� This is all an extension of my blogging class/promise to a few friends to live more boldly.� Feel free to email me, if you prefer.
Gah.� I’m going to go crawl under a rock.� This is so embarrassing.
I love your sense of humor. I think your post about getting permanent marker of the couch is what brought me here–one of my favorites for sure. I also dig your beauty posts. I love decor, but I think it’s the way that you write about decorating that keeps me reading. Your candor is refreshing.
Truly I love how you write…that is what I enjoy the most.
Also tried your Green cleaner, and love that too..though I have to say after scrubbing everything the stove (black, with the glass cooktop) continues to always look streaky…so I had to go over all that “green cleanliness” with some Cinch (still love that stuff)
but I have two research papers to write and I just wish I could write like you to add some wittyness to the otherwise bland papers…so keep on posting we are listening!!
I’m probably of no help to you because you could write a book report about the dictionary and I would read it and enjoy every word! I love everything you write about.
I’m going to have to second your sense of humor. And I love how you keep it real! You talk about all those things that we ALL experience, but are maybe a little afraid to admit. Sharpie on the couch. Tan sneakers from Payless. $40 in paint samples. Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Glittered dinosaurs. And, of course, “posting a picture that accentuates my back fat, flies in the face of double chin elimination, and makes me look like I have kielbasa arms”. Priceless.
The internet is all about being authentic these days. You are so authentic and so real, and it makes you incredibly likable. You’re like that really fun bff everyone wants.
I have to join the crowd and say that your sense of humor is what keeps bringing me back here (your writing sucks me in every time), but I’ve also enjoyed your posts about reading and faith– both topics near and dear to my heart.
And I’ll second Kerrie and say that anything authentic is a nice, refreshing break from what blogs can become (“Design your house with this $1500 rug”; “My husband brings me fresh flowers every day and cooks dinner like Jamie Oliver”; “What? This old thing? I sewed it by hand in just 15 minutes”; “My children’s poop doesn’t stink, ” etc.). So, in short: keep it up. Your blog is quirky and unique and a breath of fresh air.
Your blog is the only non-strictly crafting/cooking blog in my RSS feed. I added it as an exception to the rule because your posts are so honest and funny. Sometimes this can get me in trouble because I’m reading at work and co-workers get a little suspicious when I start laughing; my work generally does not involve a great deal of humor. I think your personality shines through in your blogging, is so refreshing. Even this mornings blog about the cancelled birthday bonanza was a great reminder to just enjoy life’s events for what they are. I love it!
First of all – you are freaking adorable. The closest thing I have to children is a Golden Retriever, and I still find myself coming back constantly to hear hilarious recantings of your two littles. Plus your realism helps. How to disguise a double chin? GENIUS. You’re my hero for that one, seriously.
Ditto, on all of the above.
Tough call, particularly since I haven’t yet taken the time to fully explore your blog in all its posting glory. If I HAVE to pick…..Thus far, I have particularly enjoyed the post about tomatoes and, of course, the post about why you quit practicing as an attorney. I really enjoy your wry sense of humor, and your lovely, lovely design aesthetic. I wish I could flee the doldrums of my Michigan life and have lunch with you & the boys somewhere in the Inland Empire.
Hah! I had to search the archives and find the post on tomatoes. I forgot all about that. Stupid rolly-polly tomatoes. :)
Oh, no crawling under rocks necessary! You have a fabulous sense of humor and witty writing. I love that you aren’t afraid to share with us your indecisive nature, post the pictures that might not be perfect, and share the load of paint samples you try. I don’t have kids, I don’t have a house to decorate, I don’t even have a mister to commiserate over your stories. In short, there is absolutely nothing that means I SHOULD read your blog, but I do. I read it because the way you write and your quirky stories make me want to keep reading. They make me think we should be friends (and not in a weird internet stalker kind of way, but in the cute blog world kind of way…promise). I think that’s ultimately what attracts me to any blogs I read, I feel some kind of connection with the blogger. So, thanks! And really, no need to crawl and hide just because you are asking for feedback :) we all support you!
I’ve only been reading a short while but you won me over with The Crossroads post. Funny AND conflicted. I get that.
I don’t remember how I happened upon your blog, but the first post I remember was that one about visiting a law firm with bullet holes in the windows. I subscribed that day, and your posts are among my favorites in my reader. I like your sense of humor, pretty much regardless of what you write about. The design aspect is interesting, but I only subscribe to about 3 design blogs (out of the 150 or so in my reader).
PS I am a former attorney too, and a stay at home mom, and have a toddler with food allergies, so those are things that made me think, “ah, I have things in common with this blogger” and subscribe. But it is your writing/humor that makes me read your posts before the others in my reader.
My favorite was the one about the stroller crash.. in the street while you were admiring houses. hilarious!
LOVE hearing about your children! They’re adorable. You write so well and always have interesting things to say (at least, you make everything sound interesting!). I found you through The Bright Side Project, and I’m so glad I did : )
PS: this edit-comment thing is amazing.
I was drawn to your site because you write in a way that is raw, honest, and full of heart. I fee like I’m getting advice on home decorating or how to polish my silver from my best friend. I immediately bookmarked your blog, and have checked it every day since I found it a few weeks ago. I like the post you did about your son’s 3rd birthday. I also loved the chocolate rocks and gummi spiders. You can post about anything really, what keeps me coming back is the genuine tone that your blog has.
Topic-wise, I’d have to go with your everday adventures – and the color photo essays. Those typically fall into my “favorite” category: 1) they are everyday things that speak to us all; and 2) they are beautiful, and make us see the world in a different light. The reason I keep coming back: your writing style. It’s warm and inviting; it’s heartfelt with a touch of humor. It’s life. And it’s the perfect way to start my day – I grab a big ol’ mug of goodness, sit back, and read your blog.
And an aside, your writing also inspires me to be a better writer. I really haven’t come across this often – even in college. I might appreciate the writing, but rarely does it make me want to be better. So thank you!
I’m going to say what everyone else had said. You can talk about the weather, a walk down your street or a car ride home from a blogger event and it is highly entertaining because of the writer that you are. You take us with you when you try to find a new paint color, lose weight and sparkle up dinos.
I like your honest and real life stuff : )
Bring back Favorite Things!
Like every Friday.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday also work for me.
Oh, no rock crawling allowed! Totally understandable posting! Honestly, everyone’s right. Your sense of humor makes every post amazing. And your honesty. Your honesty makes us love it even more. We can relate to your blog as if you’re sitting across the table drinking coffee or tea and swapping stories.
However, that being said, you asked for particular posts… I LOVED the glittersauruses, the tan shoes, and the sharpie on the couch. (Those awesome dinos caught my three year old’s eye, and he keeps asking when WE’LL make them for his room shelves.)
Glittersaurus is quite possibly the best word I have ever heard. As for everything else, you guys are very kind. Thank you.
I too loved the glittersaurus post. I plan to make them myself next holiday season!!
my favorite post is “Favorite Moment – The Mister”. i cried when i read that post. it was so real and i love how you took his perspective into the whole debate about deciding to stay home. i can’t remember what other blog brought me here, but you are now a friend in my head. like everyone else, i look forward to your sense of humor about everyday things. and that recent post about your son’s recent birthday just underscores how you keep it real. i think there is a dearth of latina bloggers (maybe there isn’t, i’ve never targeted a search). it just adds that extra angle that i can relate to.
btw – whenever there is a stray marker in the house, my husband and i yell “oh no, the black/red/green sharpie of DEATH!” thank goodness that post turned out to be a victory…keep up the great work!
like those before me i would have to say you’re hilarious and the first post that came to mind was the dinosaurs. probably because i have two boys also and my daughter is fond of glitter!
The one I remember most is one where you talked about capri pants, wedge flip flops and acrylic nails. Hilarious stuff!
Roni–I’ve noticed the dearth, too. Or, like you said, maybe there isn’t a dearth. Maybe I haven’t looked hard enough or maybe it’s something people don’t normally share.
I pretty much like all of them. I like your writing and sense of humor. I like the design dilemmas. And even though I don’t have children, I enjoy reading about yours. Especially Mikey. He cracks me up!
I like that you are a normal (well as normal as any of us) and reading your blog is like having a conversation with a friend. You tell stories about your life, but you are a good, witty, writer so it makes it interesting. My favorite blogs are the ones that are a little bit of random here and there rather than following the same idea every day. Keep up the great work!
Allison–I have the same problem with my black stove top. Actually, Cinch is the most non-toxic of all the cleaners. The green cleaning books I have all recommend it.
I should probably email you this, since I doubt you are reading them comments. Hmmm.
Sorry to say this but any post with a picture of your kids, house etc….So simple and probably silly but I love seeing the way that others see their own world. I asked my husband and he said “the scribbled on couch.” But he’s twisted like that. I really enjoy your voice and the way you express yourself, and I think that everyone should do something bold and uncomfortable once a week. Painful but how can one deny how much one learns from it.
I’m a recent reader and I’m not even answering your question, per se, as far as a single favorite post, but I will say that since I discovered it a few weeks ago, it’s one of the few I keep popping back over to. I think because of a) the diversity (kid stuff, design, home, food, faith, health) and maybe even more b) your candid, funny, authentic style. So, thanks!
I am a pretty new to your blog, not even sure how I stumbled across it. The post that hooked me and catapulted you to one of my favorite was the blog entry titled “crossroads”. I was so intrigued by your point of view and your writing, and it hit me at a time when my family and I are at a crossroads where to attend church, coming from one of the mega church types, but longing for something more. What an insightful post. So much truth, yet so much humor. Right there in a nutshell is what I appreciate about your blog most… so much truth, yet so much humor. You are a very gifted writer, and I have so enjoyed reading what you have to say.
Thanks, Robyn. :)
I found your blog because I was looking through the client list of Smart & Lovely early last winter. The name piqued my interest, so I started reading random postings. Your frankness and sense of humour has kept me clicking back everyday since then (I prefer not to use an RSS feed, as I like the element of surprise when I click through the blogs I regularly read to see if they have updated postings). I’ve spent some time going back through your archive, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed what I read.
The things that I love about your blog: you write *beautifully* and articulate your thoughts/experiences so well that every post–from removing tarnish from silver and marker from furniture to glitterfying dinosaurs to bemoaning your supposed hippo-ness to the perils and triumphs of motherhood–is a joy to read. It takes courage to put yourself out there, and it’s refreshing to see someone who does it so well.
I especially enjoyed your post where you discussed the events that lead you to being a full-time mom. While my life circumstances are different (not married, no children), I can appreciate the decision, and have actually discussed the post with my mom–who gave up her career to raise me and my three siblings.
I enjoy your humility and your humanity, and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you/your family/your blog.