Among my friends, I am known as the one who will send an email with just a link attached.� I can’t help it–when I see something online that I think someone will like, I almost always pass it on.� There are a few things I have seen online that I think some of my readers will like.� Since I don’t have your emails, here ya’ go!
Summer and Jessica:� Today on The Bright Side Project Tristan and I are giving away some goodies from Knock Knock.� Summer, there are some great list-making tools to be had.� Jessica, the library kit reminded me of you. :)� Oh, and because someone just sent me an email last week having just put two and two together:� YES, I AM MISS K.!� The Bright Side Project is my other blog, but that one I share with Tristan, who has her own personal blog and is my business partner on Besotted Brand, too.� I know, totally confusing.
Hannah:� How is your adventure in vegan-land going?� Here are some recipe sources for Thanksgiving I thought you might like.� Kathy (I love her blog) has scheduled a slew of Thanksgiving posts.� Nava Atlas (I have one of her books) just put up a Vegan Thanksgiving ebook.� I bought it, and it’s great.� I heard about it through Susan at Fat Free Vegan.
This one is for Ginger, who works with The Mister.� Summer just posted about this lovely CD of hymns, and I have to agree with Summer–they are top notch.
I had a few more links in my mind, but for the life of me I can’t remember what they were!� It’s too bad I can’t enter my own Knock Knock giveaway on The Bright Side Project.� Mama needs some organizational tools…
oh my gosh, no one loves a personal shout out more than yours truly! I was actually considering allowing Thanksgiving to be a vegan free zone (it is, after all, my number one favorite day of the year, which I mourned for two years when I lived in Canada until finally my parents drove up my senior year with a butterball on the roof. NOT JOKING.) but with such delicious vegan possibilities I may have to reconsider…
Keep those links coming, Jules. Love them!
Cathe–I know! It seems like I send you one every week. :)
wow do i feel super duper special right this minute. thank you truly, miss k! this personalized link heads-up is such a slick + fun idea. and i am definitely entering the giveaway.. those tools are oh so awesome. and glad you liked my little hymn recommendation! thanks again! wishing you a mighty fine night.
AWWW …… really how sweet was that!! I�m kind of speechless and yet so excited to get a shout out on your cutie patootie blog! So I guess I�ll confess, I just LOVE your blog!
AH! how can you read my mind? I was JUST wandering around my apartment (or more like pacing, since my apartment is shaped like a long hallway) and thinking about how I could alphabetize my books, even though I have three bookshelves that stand alone in their separate homes…
there’s a special kind of procrastination for the librarian wannabe who reads 6 books a week…
I ADORE the home library set. Our local used book store has them, and I immediately fell for them. Haven’t bought one yet, though…