I check every link from every person who comments on my blog.� That’s how I found Mystery Person, a person who does photo announcements and sends you the digital file to print on your own (my favorite cost cutting measure).� I thought they were really cute, and made a note to use them for our Christmas cards this year.� Of course, I can’t remember the site, which is unusual for me because I really do have an incredible memory for that sort of thing.� Dental appointments–not so much.
The plot thickens.� I took some really cute pictures of my new niece last month.� Since then, I have done everything possible to create an announcement that is cute and affordable without much luck.� The pictures print super saturated on card stock, to the point my blue-eyed niece looks like a Sleestack wearing a fur cap.
So.� With the holidays approaching and the months since her September birthday whizzing by, I have reached Def-Com 5 emergency status.� I need an announcement to go out immediately, preferably one where she doesn’t look like a reptilian-insectoid prehistoric creature.� Are you the shop owner I am thinking of?� If not, CAN YOU STILL HELP ME?
Hi! I love your blog design – the side border pattern is lovely! Also, love the name and the story behind it! I’m afraid I don’t know the Mystery Person – although I have plenty of Mystery People in my own brain – it can be so frustrating!!!!! xoTrina
I can’t help you as I have the brain of a gold fish and can’t remember my own name half the time. However, for some strange reason at very odd times I think about you and those mysterious disappearing Christmas cards. Did you ever find them?
I JUST ordered Christmas cards this week from an awesome Etsy seller. Here is her link –
Amber runs the shop and was so nice and super easy to work with… I will e mail you my final Christmas card.
When it was all said and done, 50 Christmas cards cost me around $20!
Hey Jules – is this the one? http://www.emmylu.com/
I have used them before. Great quality.
No, but I love Emmy Lu! :)
Have you checked your printer settings? If you are letting your printer know you are printing a photo and then use cardstock it will lay down too much ink. Also, it makes a difference what you have your printing profile set at (I believe mine is sRGB). Printing is the worse though, it’s the most frustrating part of the job:)
I just found your lovely blog!!! I look forward to reading your wonderful posts!!
Happy Monday ~~
xo Laura
I loled hard at the sleestack line.
I ended up going with Amber. She responded immediately and was super accommodating with my crazy demands and schedule!
Just another option for the future, I LOVE the melissa davis templates and they are so cheap and cute!